
I am Jose (Football)

---MTL alert--- Under the huge pressure of relegation, the team actually invited a rookie coach to direct the game! However, the result was unexpected! Yes, it is him. He looks like a rookie but has a mind to see the future. He plays with the whole world In football, turn your hands into clouds and turn your hands into rain, accumulate strength bit by bit, rely on strength to fight, and finally achieve the glory of Mallorca. God is the greatest, and under God, it is me! I am Jose!

Alexxz · Celebrities
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101 Chs

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

For Mallorca fans, they don't care whether the head coach who takes over is a young man or the chairman's son. They only expect one thing, that is, under the leadership of the new head coach, Mallorca Cards can turn things around -- and for a team that has lost three straight and is unbeaten in eight rounds, there's nothing like a bona fide win to boost morale.

Vallecano's team came to Mallorca with high morale. For this La Liga newly promoted team, this season is simply a dream. Under the leadership of coach Vazquez, this team The team has been ranked first in the standings in the first ten rounds of the season, which also makes the morale of the only team in Spain that is led by a woman - Teresa Ribeiro, the chairman of the Vallecano club She is the only woman among all the chairmen of La Liga and the five major leagues.

Teresa is also an extremely legendary figure. The Vallecano club was originally the property of her husband Mateos. However, in 1992, the financial crisis broke out in Spain, and Mateos was operating Bad Shan was forced to resign, so Teresa, who didn't understand football at all, stepped onto the front desk. When Teresa took office in 1994, she was already fifty-nine years old, and the club's books were poor and white. However, the chairwoman turned the tide with a strong hand, allowing the team that was once facing bankruptcy trusteeship to be reborn and returned to the club. First Division.

The "women ruled team" was ridiculed by everyone at the beginning, but Teresa survived, returned to the first division last season, and performed so well this season, let Vallecano up and down While being elated, it also made women all over Spain feel elated-this also made Vallecano almost become the most popular club for women in Spain, which was something Teresa did not expect.

At least Alemani still admires this fellow of the opposite sex who is more than ten years older than himself, so when Mrs. Teresa came to the box at the St. Moise Stadium, Alemani greeted her gracefully. up.

"Mrs. Teresa, I hope today's game will be very pleasant!" Alemani smiled and bowed slightly to Teresa-indeed, this small club in Madrid has played against Real Madrid and Madrid. Surviving in the cracks of competition is indeed not an easy task.

"I hope so, Mr. Alemani." Teresa said with a smile: "We have better luck this season...By the way, the new head coach of Mallorca is your son, right? What a young talent. "

"Well, that's right, I've always been proud of my son. In fact, at the end of last season, Antonio planned to let him take over the position of Mr. Cooper, but he felt that he still needed to exercise so he rejected the invitation! Now that Mallorca is in trouble, as a Mallorcan, it is his duty to come out to turn the tide, and he said that he is only a firefighter. If he can successfully avoid relegation this season, he will return to youth. Go to the team, that's where he is!" Alemani said with a smile.

There was a look of surprise in Teresa's eyes. Alemani's answer was a hidden needle. He first stated that Jose's appointment was definitely not because his father was the chairman, and then vaguely pointed out that he just wanted to Do something for Mallorca...

"Then let me take a good look and see if your little Jose can surprise us!"

Alemani smiled richly, as kindly as a Buddha.

Vallecano was able to achieve such outstanding results this year as a newly promoted horse. In addition to their head coach Vazquez's command and ability to build a team that plays as a whole, their midfielder core, just a few days ago The performance of Luis Sembranos, who was selected for the Spanish national team for the first time, is also surprising. This former member of the Spanish Olympic team who was born in the Barcelona youth training camp but has never been able to get a main position in Barcelona is moving to Valle Cano got a new life after that. This player who was born in Switzerland but grew up in Spain was a member of the same batch of Barcelona youth training as Guardiola. His organization in the midfield is the soul of Vallecano's offense. Liecano's scoring points were scattered, but most of the attacks were initiated by him.

Jose's change in the main lineup was specifically aimed at this point.

There are five players over the age of 30 in Mallorca's starting lineup. Among them, Nadal, Miguel Soler and Ngonga are three important players who are almost 35 years old. It is a veritable old man's team , Hedging against Vallecano, who is mainly young players, is of course not a wise thing. The experience of these veterans is also what Jose needs to rely on now.

Shrink the defense, bypass the opponent's well-defended center, let Stankovic and Ibagaza, two players with good technical speed, attack from the wing, and then use Tristan's strength in the penalty area-very simple Tactics, but relatively targeted.

Vallecano is outstanding in their running. Although they are the team with the most headers in La Liga so far this season, the height advantage in the defense is relatively average. At the same time, the relatively young status of the team also makes them It's easy to get carried away. Jose's tactics are completely aimed at the opponent's characteristics.

Of course, whether it can be effective depends on how well the players perform on the court.

"This game is the first game I commanded. I don't want to say how important this game is. After all, no matter how important it is, no matter how important it is, it is also for me personally... However, I still have to say that this This game is very important for the entire Mallorca club!"

Jose turned around and yanked on the wall of the locker room, and the roll of paper that had been tied long ago floated down immediately, presenting his true face to all the players——when he walked into the locker room, the sharp-eyed The Mallorca players found something like this, but they don't know what it is...

In fact, it's not a secret weapon or anything like that, it's nothing more than a league table that Jose asked the club's staff to rush out...

"Mallorca, the twentieth place in La Liga, has 12 points."

Jose took out a pen and circled the name of the Mallorca club at the bottom.

Seeing his actions, several Mallorca players already felt their faces burning up—Mallorca's changes this summer are not small, but they are not too big, most of the players participated in the competition last season. The players in the Mallorca game felt the excitement and excitement when they finally won the third place in the league...Compared with the consecutive losses this season, it is simply a world of difference!

"Sevilla, 19th in La Liga, with 18 points."

"Numancia, 18th in La Liga, with 24 points."

"Real Betis, 17th in La Liga, with 26 points."

"Atletico Madrid, 16th in La Liga, with 27 points."

"These teams are the targets we need to catch up with... There are still 18 rounds left in the league. These teams are the targets we want to fight. Only by defeating them and stepping them under our feet can we gain our The most basic goal - success in relegation and gaining our living space!"

Jose waved his fist and shouted: "We are an island team, a mid-range team. Our most practical goal now is to obtain the right to survive, to obtain the right to survive in La Liga! Today our opponent , What kind of team is it? Rayo Vallecano! Newly promoted! Their goal is also relegation! However, they have basically achieved this goal now. What kind of European arena is just an additional condition for them, and What we are fighting for is the living space! Is there anything more exciting than this? No! Our strength is definitely not inferior to this newly promoted team, and now, our fighting spirit and desire are even more than theirs, and It's on our home court...I don't think there is anything that gives us more confidence to win...Here, I dare to say this sentence, although this is the first time I lead the team to play, But if I don't win this game, I will immediately leave the position of the head coach of Mallorca and go back to my youth team to coach! Because if I can't win under such favorable circumstances, then I will not be qualified to lead the team in the future. Any team to win the game!"

Jose's words... can be called crazy!

Although it was only said in the locker room, there were so many people present, spitting and nailing, there was no room for maneuver. If this game did not win, Jose might really have to go back to the youth team Because if he doesn't fulfill his promise, no one in the football circle will believe him anymore!

But Jose said so! Speak clearly and firmly, without leaving any room for it!

These words fell into the ears of the Mallorca players, and they immediately had different ideas.

"This is a crazy guy... But, very brave!" Nadal and Ngonga, the two oldest players, think so.

"Boss is really... In this game, I must score and let the boss stay!" Tristan thought a little more simply, and goalkeeper Franco had the same idea as him. They are all Jose's direct descendants, descended from the youth team.

Others have different ideas, but their only approach is that this young head coach does not seem to be as kind as he looks on the outside. People who are ruthless to themselves and leave no way out often treat others Not too kind either!

"That's it... Now, let's go, I have only one request, follow the tactics I have arranged, and do my best on the field. If you can't do this, then I will replace you. I am the new boss. The head coach, in my mind, there is no distinction between the main force and the substitute... That's it, now, let's go!" Jose waved his hand and said.

The Mallorca players clapped their hands and went out one by one. Tristan stayed at the end and nodded vigorously to Jose after everyone walked out: "Boss, this game I will definitely score! I will definitely not let you go back to the youth team!"

Jose laughed happily, and then patted Tristan on the back: "Go, Diego... Do you remember when you fought with me in the youth team?"

Now it was Tristan's turn to feel a little embarrassed, he scratched his head: "Boss, why do you still remember... But you actually beat me back then, I'm still not convinced!"

"Really? You made me sick too at that time... Go to the game with that energy, you will definitely score... Go, Diego!" Jose patted Tristan on the back and pushed Tristan out into the locker room.