
I Am Invincible

Travel to the fairy tail world and get the sign-in system. Dragon Slayer Magic, Protoss Magic, Super Magic, and all other types of magic have all been learned. Since then, Dino has become the strongest in the Fairy Tail world. Makarov: “Ah! I’m really old, and it’s time to hand over the guild to Dino. He is much stronger than me.” Jeff: “It turns out that in addition to my brother Natsu, Dino is strong enough to kill me!” Akunorokia: “Too strong, how could Dino be countless times stronger than me!” Miraj: “Alara, Dino is indeed my man, and he is indeed the most powerful.” I only deal with translation, the book is not mine

Amanda_Botelho_Fre · Anime & Comics
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182 Chs

Chapter 87: Dino's Dragonscale Transformation!

"I haven't killed anyone for a long time, some of my knives are rusted!"

Dino misses it very much.

The thumb of the big quick knife held in the right hand raised the handguard at the hilt, and a strand of the blade leaked out.


However, it was this wisp of blade that instantly burst into an invisible sword glow.

rumbling --

The tree collapsed, and all the trunks within a certain range were cut off by the invisible sword light and slowly fell down.

Ding Ding Ding!!!

The opposite Hugeboy also responded quite quickly.

Immediately stretched out his hand and drew his sword, resisting the invisible sword light.


body back.

After being hit by the huge impact force, the ground slid out to a depth of twenty centimeters.

The distance of up to three meters made Hugeboy's arms tremble.

The sharp sword in his hand was cut open with gaps.

So strong!

Erza Netwoka's eyes flashed.

The weapon he was holding also emitted bursts of light, as if he was excited to fight against the person in front of him.

That Sugboy's face darkened.

He shook his numb arm, and saw that the tiger's mouth holding the sharp sword had cracked.

It was instantly clear that the mysterious enemy in front of him was not an opponent he could fight against.

"Erza, help me take him down immediately!"

Hugboy knew that this was not the time to be arrogant.

Immediately called to Erza Netwoka, asking her to help him fight against the person in front of him.

The goblin hunter Elle couldn't wait.

At this moment, the huge flying beast under him immediately dived towards Dino.

That enormous impact force was as ferocious as it would crush the world!

"Too underestimated!"

Seeing that Erza, the goblin hunter, didn't even plan to fight himself, Dino felt underestimated.

Brightness in his eyes.

Without saying a word in his right hand, he pulled out his big sharp knife and aimed at that Sugeboy and killed him!

Murder pervades.

The kind of wildness that will shatter everything.

Shogboy only felt like he was facing an awakened ancient beast.

Ascension can not rise up any resistance force.

Grit your teeth!

The teeth were pressed down violently, and the tip of the tongue was bitten to bleed to stimulate the brain.

Respond immediately.

The sword stood up to resist this attack.


Dino's knife still failed to slash at Hugboy.

Halfway through, he was blocked by Erza, the goblin hunter who switched weapons.

"Sonic gun?"

Dino raised his brows lightly, recognizing what kind of weapon the goblin hunter Erza was using at the moment.

"Vacuum Gun!!!"

next second.

Goblin hunter Erza switches states again.

A powerful impact sprinted out of her gun in an instant, hitting Dino in an instant.

And Dino's body floated lightly towards the back.

See the strands of hair falling from the front of the forehead!

"Burst Gun!"

Erza Howe, the goblin hunter, did not delay, and leaped into the air with the weapon in his hand high.

It once again transforms a firearm with superior explosive power.

Since high school, it smashed towards Dino on the ground, with amazing power and great destructive power.

"Awesome, sure enough, no matter which world Erza is in, you can't underestimate it!"

Dino murmured.

Raise the big quick knife in your hand above your head.

boom --

Erza, who was in the state of the burst gun, instantly touched Dino's big sharp knife.

The ground is broken!

The whole piece of land has been lifted off a layer!

The spider web-like cracks extend around like a tree map!

It will smash into pieces within a radius of one kilometer!

Dino's entire body was sunk by half a meter, and his calf was//inserted into the mud, unable to move.

"I'm just about to unleash the power of the Magic Gunner Cheng Gun, can't you?"

The goblin hunter Erza had a faint sneer on her face.

Seems to be joking that Dino's strength is so - vulnerable!

And Dino looked helpless when he saw Erza Netwoka who was half a meter above him.

It looks like "I've been underestimated."

Dino murmured and put away the weapon in his hand, his arms fell naturally, his head lowered, and he suddenly became very quiet.


It was this state that worried Erza, the goblin hunter.

He took two steps back and came to the side of Hugh Boy.

"Hugboy, are you all right?" He asked quickly.

Hugeboy shook his head miserably: "This man is too fierce, he was crushed by him, I didn't have time to use my "rose sword power!"

Erza Netwoka did not speak.

His eyes were silently staring at the lifeless Dino, worried.

She doesn't think that this Dragon Slayer called Dino will stop there, 80% of them still have very scary moves!


buzzing --

The air, the earth, the birds and the flowers and trees are all very quiet!


The heavy, thumping sound of the heart reaches the eardrums.


The clouds above Dino's head were instantly shattered.

The air is hot.


Dino's body trembled slightly, and his hair moved without wind.

If you look closely, you will find that Dino's hair is a few centimeters longer than before.

Arms are getting bigger!

Destructive muscles explode!

The four fangs in the mouth protruded, and the air became anxious.

An unfathomable magic rises.

Ling's Erza and Hugboy only felt the breath of depression!


dong dong!

The pounding heart beats faster again!

At this time!

Dino's head was raised, his eyes were hard-walled, and his arms were covered with dragon scales.

There were two bulges on the left and right of his forehead, as if something was about to come out.

The horned dragon scales up.


The sound of dragon roar resounds through the valley!!!

In that roar, the ground shattered, and the shattered sky shot towards the two people in front of him.

The wind is raging!

The gravel was stirred.

Dino's hands are covered with dragon scales and nails protruding.

In an instant, it turned into a dragon claw!

"Come on! Let me tear you apart!"

Dino growled.

Sprint on the ground, the ground under your feet is crushed by the force.

Blast the hole!

When asked, Dino's figure disappeared.

Erza, the goblin hunter, blocked 700's own weapon in front of him without saying a word!


As soon as it was placed, a huge collision returned from the weapon.


Goblin hunter Erza flew out backwards.

Spit out a mouthful of thick blood, knocking down the trees one by one and lashing into the distance.

"Erza. How could it be!"

Hugboy was also surprised to see Erza, who had been beaten and disappeared.

This power is too powerful.

This overwhelming power is really the strength of Dragon Slayer!?

If so, wouldn't they be dead?


His frightened feet were a little weak!

"I said you can die, then you must die!"

Dino's heavy tone sounded, and his right hand was aimed at Hugboy's armor.


The armor that looked as hard as iron was vulnerable to a single blow in Dino's wave, and was torn to shreds in an instant.

Dino grabbed Hugboy's clothes and pulled it in front of him.



The gigantic behemoth in the sky flew away.

In a moment, there was a figure standing on it, looking at this side from a distance.

Dino grabs Hugboy with both hands!

Tear it left and right.


Blood is sprayed in front of my eyes!

That Kingdom Army's Fourth Demonic Force, Captain Hugboy, was torn in half alive!!!

far away.

Seeing this, Erza Netwoka immediately drove the beast and fled immediately.