
I am Invincible in DragonBall

Sole met a Supreme Being after his death who gave him three wishes . Sole decided to reincarnate in dragon ball , as a Saiyan on planet Vegeta with Gilgamesh's Gate Of Babylon . Follow Sole in the world of dragon ball as he creates his legend of invisibility and see how he make Berus the Destroyer his little brother and Whis his brother-in-law. ....... The MC in story is just f**king OP. ----- The wallpaper is not mine . If the creator want I can take it down. ........ Any one wanted to support can join my pat-reon G_Anonymous_009

X_09 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Encounter with Ginyu Force Part - 2

In a large spaceship with logo of Freza force was moving in the space, a purple color tall alien with two horns on his head standing in front of the glass window and watching the yellow colored planet in front of him, the ship gets closer to it.

"Captain, what mission need our Ginyu force to take action personally?" said a humanoid looking and red haired person with a dissatisfaction in his voice.

"Yes, captian why do we need to go personally for a mission on intermediate level planet." Another blue colored tall alien spoke.

"Are you questioning the orders given by King Freza?" The caption of the Ginyu force asked both the members of the Ginyu Force.

"No Captian, we just want to know the mission given to us personally by King Freza and how can we question the orders given by King Freza."

"Yes...Yes this is it, we just wanted to know about our mission."

Both of them said immediately as they knew what was the end of the person who dare to question the order given by King Freza even though they are from Ginyu team they dare not say anything, as there strength is insignificant in front of the Freza.

"Listen, Recoome, Burter you should just need to follow the order given by King Freza without any question."

"Yes, we understand Captian Ginyu." Both of the Recoome and Burter shouted loudely.

"Ok, very well." said Ginyu with satisfaction because both Recoome and Burter are very good talents that is why they are in Ginyu party and don't want them to loose their lives by questioning King Freza.

Recoome's strength comes just after even though he is reckless but due to his strong physical strength, he is quite invulnerable to most of the attacks. On the other hand, Burter is the fastest begin in universe aside from King Freza even he himself is not his opponent in speed.

"This time mission given by King Freza spent has given this mission to add a new member to our Ginyu force. His name is Guldo andhis combat power is around 20,000." Before Captian Ginyu could finish his words Burter interrupted his speech.

"Captian, how could we add such a weak member to our Elite force?" They are the first in command under King Freza how could their be such a weak person join their team.

"Even though, his combat power is low but he has a special ability to stop time due to which he can fight against a opponent far stronger than him and also with a person having ability to stop time can he helpful in our team, as I could be able use my power properly while he could hold the opponent."

"Yes, Captian with the new member joining, our team will become more powerful." Recoome said in a enthusiasm, as there value will grow in the eyes of King Freza if their became stronger and they could help their king to fight against his elder brother Cooler's force.

"Captian, if he didn't not wanted to join our Ginyu force?" Burter asked in doubtful manner.

"How could some reject an opportunity to join the force under the command of King Freza, it is his best chance to be able to join the team under the command of future king of the universe and if he really is stupid enough to reject our proposal, then we just need to show him the strength of our Ginyu force."

" It is true captian how could he able to resist your 120,000 battle without weak strength even though he have some ability, he will surely not be your opponent." Recoome siad while boasting the strength of Captian as it is no secret about the battle power of their captian as he is one of few masters with 100,00 above battle power in the universe.

Just as the team of three were talking about their mission, another person came to them and said,

"Commander, our battle ship have detected two people fighting on the planet which is our destination one person with battle power around 20,000 while the other person's battle power increased to around 50,000 suddenly from battle power of 7,000 during the fight." He reported to Captain Ginyu.

"Oh... there is a fight going on this planet, I think the Guldo person is fighting with someone." Ginyu siad while looking at the planet in front of him which is getting close and closer.

"Increase the speed of the ship, I want reach the location of fight immediately." He ordered the person as he wanted to see the fight and he is also very interested in the person who could increase his battle power to such a great extent during the fight.

It took just a few minutes and the spaceship of the Freza force landed in front of a big hall. Captian Ginyu, Recoome and Burter got of the ship and entered the palace. They saw the place was bit broken as a fight have taken place and a man was sitting on chair while there was also a lifeless body smashed in huge pit in the ground in the centre of the hall.

"You finally arrived, I have got bored from waiting." Sole who was sitting on the chair said in a playful manner while looking at the team of three who entered the hall.

"Are you a Saiyan?" Recoome looked at the person sitting the chair looked like saiyans working under the command of King Freza as a mercenarys.

"No, it didn't look like he is saiyan as he didn't a tail behind him like those saiyans, he seems to be from a race which look like saiyans." Captian Ginyu said as he knew there are many races in the universe which look a alot like each other.

"Captian, what we will do with the mission given by the King Freza, as the person we are supposed to invite is already killed by this person." Burter asked Captian Ginyu because he knew if they didn't not complete the task given by King Freza, he was really terrified by just thinking about facing the anger of the King Freza.

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