
I am in marvel,my wife is God King Hela. continuation

the story of hela and her husband who is part of the transmigrator x reincarnator alliance who knows that he's in the marvel universe as a Kryptonian with extra powers

Davidplays_5397 · Fantasy
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116 Chs

dominator Asgard

Chapter 80

In the seaside manor, Ye Bai is also following the news.

Even Ye Bai was a little angry when he saw that the diplomat named John Xun was burned to death in broad daylight.

Although he is a salted fish and likes to live with Hela, it does not mean that he will not be angry.

Hela also clearly felt Ye Bai's emotions, so he walked over and pecked Ye Bai's face as comfort.

"Do you know God?"

Ye Bai asked Hela suddenly, inquiring about something.

"Yes, Odin once told me."

"God is a strong man, even Odin may not be his opponent."

Hela didn't hide it, and replied to Ye Bai.

After listening to Hela's words, Ye Bai was also a little surprised. He didn't expect God to be so strong.

"If God is stronger than Odin, then why is heaven sealed by Odin instead?"

Yes, this is a problem.

"Odin is not relying on his own strength to seal heaven, but the treasure of Asgard's Immortal Palace, Immortal Palace Stone."

"If there was no fairy palace stone, Odin might have been defeated by God long ago."

"And God was only sealed, not killed by Odin. Doesn't this still explain his strength?"

Hela ended the matter. This is a secret story, Ye Bai really doesn't know.

At the same time, Ye Bai knew in his heart, no wonder this angel was so arrogant.

God's strength is strong, and only then can there be mad capital.

And for Asgard, God is definitely a terrible opponent.

Now Asgard has not only lost Odin, but also the Immortal Palace Stone. Whether God can be defeated again is still unknown.

But after thinking that Hela now has three infinite gems in his hands, Ye Bai feels a lot more relieved.

Hela plus three infinite gems, even if Odin is resurrected, he will be hung up and hammered, there is no doubt.

It's no wonder that Hela is so calm and doesn't feel the tension of an enemy coming.

Only if you have enough confidence in your own strength can you sit firmly on the Diaoyutai.

But this time, Ye Bai didn't plan to let Hela solve it by himself.

God of heaven, ha ha.

I hope that old guy can be safe, otherwise Ye Bai will definitely kill him if he really wants to reproduce "Revelation".

Although Ye Bai's strength is strong, he still feels that he is a human in his heart.

When the dignity of human beings is insulted, Ye Bai sees it as if his dignity has been insulted.

If the so-called God really intends to destroy the world, Ye Bai promises to be the first to destroy him.

As if feeling Ye Bai's thoughts, Hela held Ye Bai's hand and tugged it on the palm of her hand.

"When it's down, I will be with you, and I will help you vent your anger!"

I have to say that Hela is now more and more able to please Ye Bai.


The Pope, John heard that the burnt corpse was still tied to a pillar.

Around the square, reporters were completely dumbfounded.

Those fanatical believers, as if they had won victory, chanted prayers around John Xun's body, and began to praise the glory of God.

This is a very strange scene that makes all humans in the world uncomfortable seeing it.

But at this moment, a figure quickly flew in the sky.

Soon, this figure fell in the middle of the square, and it was Iron Man who came.

"Angel, shit angel!"

Looking at the scorched remnant of John News, Tony said angrily.

His words made the hearts of all mankind feel dark.

However, it made those around the believers angry.

"Blasphemer, you should go to hell!"

"Damn heresy, we burned him too."

"Burn him to death, the majesty of Lord Angel cannot be blasphemed!"

"God will approve of us!"

"The glory of the Lord is with us!"


The words of those fanatics made Tony's eyes cold.

He didn't expect that the same human beings, these believers would be so crazy.

Is it possible to trample on human dignity and kill human lives for the sake of the so-called glory of God?

Today is John News, who is tomorrow? Is it necessary to burn all human beings who do not believe in God?

Just when Tony was angry, the angel finally walked out of the church.

She still looks like she has just arrived, wearing battle armor all over her body, with a mask that covers half of her face.

His body still exudes a holy radiance, and a golden ring of gods hovering above his head.

However, in Tony's eyes, the angel at this time was no different from the devil.

"Another heretic, do you think that with these iron knots, you can resist the glory of my lord?"

The angel looked at Iron Man and said disdainfully.

He didn't put Iron Man in his eyes at all, a pagan in one mouthful.

"The glory of God? God shit, if he appears in front of me, I will definitely blow him up."

"God who doesn't respect human dignity, why is it worth human beings to respect him?"

Tony's words were very rude and made the angels murderous.

It seems that the glory of God has really been lost in this land for too long, and even the lambs of the past dared to resist their masters.

But it's okay, if that's the case, it's all burned to death.

For the land of God, it is enough for God's servants to live.

As for the other heretics, let the holy judge's sky fire send them all to hell.

The God who used to have a great flood will cleanse a group of heretics, but now it is only one more time.

Thinking of this, the angel did not intend to continue talking to Tony.

She only needs to burn the heretics in front of her.

So in front of everyone, the angel slowly flew into the air.

In a burst of white holy light, a white long sword appeared in her hand.

"Sinner! The Lord's anger will judge you!"

While speaking, she pointed the sword in her hand at Tony, and then sprayed a hot pillar of fire from the tip of the sword.

Tony's pupils shrank, and he quickly recovered, and quickly took off to escape.

As for the pillar of fire, after falling to the ground, it immediately spread in all directions.

Those fanatics who had surrounded Tony and planned to burn Tony to sacrifice to the heavens, were wrapped in flames, and wailed on the ground.

Watching this scene, Tony's inner anger grew stronger.

"That's how you treat God's servants?"

Tony questioned the angel.

The angel snorted and did not reply.

But he didn't take those mad believers who died seriously.

The servants of God are actually meek lambs.

Since it is a lamb, it must be disposed of at will.

God will lead their souls, and they will return to heaven and live a beautiful and happy life.

Although, there has never been a mortal soul in heaven.

Flame couldn't judge Tony, so the angel decided to come by himself.

So she increased her speed, almost turned into a white light, and flew towards Tony.

Tony's eyes were also very solemn, even though he was so kind in front of the angel, in fact, he was really not sure in his heart.

It would be great if the Extremis Virus could be integrated. If there was Extremity Virus, he would surely be able to hold this arrogant angel hammer.

As for now, I can only grit my teeth.

Although I think a lot, the time is actually only a flash.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the angel came to Tony's body.

The long sword in her hand, with a sound of breaking through the air, slashed towards Tony's neck.

Obviously, this is to cut off Tony's head with a sword.

However, Tony reacted quickly, and he shot the angel in front of him.

The angel who was caught off guard was immediately hit by a cannon in his palm, and his body was repelled quite a bit.

However, the power of the cannon in the palm was not enough to hurt the angel.

Instead, the angel's anger became more raging.

"Damn sinner, send me to hell!"

The angel seemed to feel that his majesty had been desecrated, and then rushed towards Tony again after angrily.

The long sword in his hand cuts through the air with a terrible cold light.

Tony didn't dare to hold big, and directly fired several small enrichment missiles.

The angel obviously didn't have much defense against technological weapons, and was hit again.

In the violent explosion, the angel's body was engulfed by flames.

Then, the angel fell directly from the sky in front of people all over the world.

Angel, defeated by a mortal!

After seeing this scene, most people in the world are excited. What about angels? Wouldn't they still lose in front of humans?

If the God of heaven treats humans as lambs, humans will use war to pull God off the altar!

In addition, there are very few people who are heartbroken watching the falling angel.

Most of these are fanatics of God's teaching.

For example, in front of the Stark Mansion in the Big Apple City, some priests of the Big Apple City gathered and planned to demolish the Stark Mansion.

In the eyes of the fanatics, Tony actually dared to attack the angel, which is blaspheming the glory of our lord.

Tony should go to hell, and Tony's Stark Group should go bankrupt.

Human beings are always contradictory. When the forest grows, there are all kinds of birds…

For example, before Ye Bai crossed the road, the motherland was so strong, isn't there still a lot of people who can't stand on their knees?

Going back to Tony's side, he did not relax his vigilance, because he knew that missiles alone could not defeat the angel.

Sure enough, the angel who had fallen from the sky before flew up again.

It's just that she looks a bit embarrassed now, and the two pairs of white wings behind her have become scorched and even a little depilated.

However, the anger in her eyes almost turned into substance, and Tony could clearly see through the two holes in the mask.

"Oh no!"

Tony said badly, and the angel deceived him again before the voice fell.

This time the speed was three points faster than before, and Tony only had time to raise the palm of his hand and fire a cannon in his palm.

But he was turned around by the defensive angel to hide.

Then the next moment, Tony was struck by the long sword in the angel's hand, and his body flew out.

After finally stopping in the air, before Tony had time to check the damage, the angel's attack came again.

Once, twice, ten times, twenty times.

The long sword in the angel's hand kept slashing on Tony's steel suit, cutting out a lot of sparks.

Tony was also under constant blows, and his mood gradually became heavier.

"The armor on the back is broken down, it's dangerous!"

"The power plant is destroyed, it's dangerous!"

"The weapon system is destroyed, dangerous!"

"The leg armor is pierced, it's dangerous!"


In the sound of Jarvis's warning, Tony's steel suit was directly chopped by angry angels.

Then, the angel finally stopped his offensive.

Tony also fell directly from the air and landed on the square.

At this time, Tony couldn't even move, because the power system was penetrated at this moment.

At this moment, human beings all over the world are worried about Tony's life safety.

Tony himself did the same, because he saw the angel leaning over with the sword.

"Profane sinner, go to death!"

The angel raised the long sword in his hand without hesitation, and was about to stab it.

At this moment, a black black light flew from the sky.

When the angel couldn't even react, he knocked the angel out.

He flew all the way to the top of the church and directly crucified the angel on the church.

Until this time, everyone could see clearly that the angel's abdomen had been pierced by a black long sword.

At this moment, the whole world was in an uproar, and the angel actually fell.

In the manor, Hela looked at Ye Bai invitingly, her face was full of you, come and praise me.

Ye Bai is not stingy, and gnaws at Hela's delicate face fiercely.

"It's a good job, let's watch it!"

Ye Bai said to Hela, making Hela smile.

Just now, when Tony was about to die under the Angel Sword, Hela summoned her "Sword of the Night Sky" and threw it in the direction of the Papal Kingdom.

This sword of the night sky also reached the papal kingdom at an incredible speed, and under the eyes of everyone, it nailed the angel to the church.

The purpose of Hela doing all this is just to relieve Ye Bai.

Hela could see that Ye Bai hated the angel very much.

Since Ye Bai is hated, the angel should die. This is Hela's idea.

As for saving Tony, it was just incidental.

"I don't know how heaven will react after discovering this angel's death."

"If you really intend to destroy the world and destroy the world again, will you and I destroy heaven together?"

Ye Bai took Hela's hand and said to her.

This usual tone seemed to be asking Hela what he would like to eat tonight.

"Of course, it is the duty of the god king to vent your anger for the queen."

Hela also agreed with a smile, without taking heaven to heart.

When the whole world was speculating about what existed to kill the angel, they didn't know that the two couples were flirting.

However, Nick Fury recognized the sword of the night sky.

When Hela found him, he was almost killed by the sword of the night sky.

Naturally, I have a deep memory, and sometimes I often dream of nightmares.

Now that Hela kills the angel, Nick Fury's first thought is to relieve his anger.

Nick Fury had some opinions on Asgard before, and felt that Asgard was too domineering.

But now, Nick Fury suddenly discovered that Asgard is simply too good.

Compared with the angels of heaven, Asgard is like doing charity. .