

"You look so much like her. You have her eyes, her hair, her nose, Ah and even that beautiful arc of her eyebrows" The way he had said "her eyebrows " scared me. Much to my horror he pulled out a razor.

L_L_G · Fantasy
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50 Chs

CHAPTER 11 Visiting Him

I didn't know what to expect when I saw my father.

He was dressed in a long white hospital gown.

His bloodshot eyes locked onto mine, but he was tied to the bed like an animal.

Apparently, he had tried to stab another patient, and they were about to administer anesthesia when they found out we were visiting.

I had hoped for a conversation, but he wasn't in the right state of mind.

All he kept saying was, "You little witch. You put me in here."

"I can't believe you're still alive. Why don't you just die?"

Disappointed, I walked out of the room, feeling hurt.

I remained quiet throughout the drive back home, unable to shake the image of my father's disheveled state.

As I thought about him, memories began to rush back to me.

Oh no. The pain returned. "Stop!" "No, with your hands!" "Die!! Die!!"

I covered my ears in an attempt to block out the sounds, but it was futile. My head throbbed, and I screamed in agony.

So many memories flooded back all at once, overwhelming me.

Carried up to my room, I was given my medication, and as usual, I passed out.

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