
I Plan To Kidnap You

Robin removed her uniform and changed into her clothes.

She picked up her phone again checking whether Zach had replied her calls. She had placed several calls to him earlier to come pick her up. They still need to go shop for groceries that night before it's to late.

"it's a good thing that miss Red isn't gone yet" An annoying voice came behind her.

"ahh!!" she groaned quietly there is no way that she can recognize that voice. It has been annoying her all evening.

"why sir?... why is it good that I haven't gone home yet?" Robin turned around to meet him.

" well I was kinda thinking I should walk you home since I delayed you for at least two minutes at my office" Damien gave her a big smile.

Robin frowned remembering everything that happened there.

" no need" She shook her head" my fiancee is coming to pick me up now"

" I saw you calling him several times earlier but none of your calls are answered neither was text was sent" Damien said.

Robin gritted her teeth and clenched her fist" sir it isn't polite to stalk someone so please don't spy on me again!"

" am not polite from the beginning you just assumed that I am" Damien smirked" besides I love spying on you"

" please do stop that or I will report to the cops!" Robin threatened.

" it's so cute hearing you trying to threaten me isn't it Miss Red?" Damien chuckled.

Robin head dropped down a bit. Yes! it is cute! she a nobody trying to threaten the richest person in the country.

"haha" Robin gave a small sad laugh.

Picking up her phone and dipping it in her pocket she walked past Damien and went out walking down the street.

"why are you following me?!" Robin asked Damien a little aggressive.

Damien smiled and looked up at the stars. He decided to follow her just for the sake of learning more information about her and possibly that year.

" well let's just say I can't leave a pretty lady alone at night without an escort" Damien smiled looking at her calm brown eyes before lifting his gaze back up at the stars.

" well am not one of those pathetic losers... I can handle myself.. not that I haven't experience anything worse than that" She said those last ones to herself.

" I don't think they are pathetic losers like you described I believe its the situation that calls for it" Damien shook his head.

" no matter the situation I will be able to defend myself" Robin said trying to chase him away.

" but what if they have a gun?"Damien asked.

"I have phone" Robin replied.

"what if they seize your phone before you can even get to it?" Damien asked.

"why will I go to somewhere where there isn't many people there.. if I have learn something it is have as many people around to be able to ask for help" Robin replied hoping this would finally convince him.

" even if there are people around they will still be able to kidnap you just showing you the gun is enough" Damien shook his head.

" I will just get myself lost among the crowd and find a way to contact the authorities" Robin replied proudly.

" Someone will be there to grab you hand poking your belly with the gun for you to not try anything stupid" Damien poked her belly earning a glare from her.

" are you trying to kidnap me purposely asking me this questions to know my possible moves?! " Robin stared at him wide eyed.

" that's a pretty wide guess Robin" Damien shook his head chuckling a bit" but you are on point I plan to kidnap you so I can f*ck you as I wish any day anytime"

" what?!! " Robin shrieked in shock and fear stepping away from his side.

" just kidding miss Red" Damien laughed biting his lower lip a bit forcefully to stop" but one of your college friend is planning to do so.. I believe its someone you are have a beef with"

"everyone in the campus hates me or over like me I have plenty possible suspects!" Robin started thinking harder.

Yes! it is Damien that said it but she believe him. She too have had this suspicion that someone is planning to do something since she haven't had any one try to bully her in weeks.

" I want you to find that person out in your one might help you to learn who to trust and who to dont" Damien shrugged his shoulders.

" thanks for telling me this" Robin bowed a little.

" you can thank me by getting me a good wine and I don't drink the cheap ones Damien requested.

" Mmm?!" Robin raised her left eyebrow" are you seriously asking me to buy you a wine and not cheap from my little money? " Robin just see the level of his shamelessness.

" yes! " Damien shook his head seriously" thank me properly for the information given"

Robin stare at him for a while before shaking her head" no why would I?"

" I didn't ask you for any information.. you gave it out of your own accord" Robin smirked rolling he eyes.

" smart miss Red but I can give out further information if this interaction goes well" Damien said business like.

" no one would want to do business with their enemies am one of those people" Robin smirked.

" people don't also want to work under their enemies but I guess you are not one those people" Damien taunted.

Robin bit her lower lips until it turns red and bled a little. This man just know how to poke her sore spots.

'you just wait until I get that go ahead to leave.. I will destroy you Damien Strong's Robin threatened inwardly.

" I guess miss Red loves me so much that she even thinks about me so passionately and even does it all the time" Damien smirked.

" you!!... "Robin attempted to retort but was stopped by his palm.

" it was nice talking to you miss Red have a good night and continue dreaming about me" Damien smirked and blow a kiss a Robin.

He turned and leave.

" arghh!!! "Robin yelled and kicked the air.

She didn't even realize that have arrived at the grocery store and he had managed to sour we mood for the night.

" remember Robin you would soon get your chance and when you do you will crush him" She muttered repeatedly calming herself down.


Zach smile dropped down when he saw who Robin came with to the grocery store.

That man even blew her a kiss and she didn't try to do anything like she had done in the garage that day.

He had multiple emergencies at his work as the director of Benjamin corp and wasn't able to attend her calls but as soon as he saw the first miss call he left everything behind to attend to her.

Knowing she would have leave work already he went straight to the grocery store that had planned on going earlier only to meet her here escorted by her so called enemy.

This Damien Strong guy isn't someone he could mess with but if this man tried anything with Robin he will use everything at his disposal to get rid of him.