
I am in legacies

a brilliant engineer dies in our world but the HIM in alternative world gets his memories and some perks. what will the new improved him do in this world?!. NOTE* this is my first time writing, so be lenient and let me know what you think. i also do not own anything besides my MC and some characters i will introduce later, and also some new plots in future. this is gonna be like a long novel. hope you're ready

Tumelo566 · Book&Literature
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21 Chs

Chapter 17

Tomorrow morning came knocking with all its brilliance and smooth singing. 

In the training ground, Jacob and Hope were sparring. Blow after blow, evasive after evasive. They danced around the arena, taking each other's moves.

Initially, Jacob struggled to match Hope's prowess as a tribrid. Yet, with each passing moment, he found his rhythm, adjusting to her fighting style. The arena echoed with the rhythm of their clash, fists meeting fists and legs entangling in a flurry of swift maneuvers. I mean shit was going down. However, despite their intense battle, it was clear to Jacob that Hope was holding back, and Jacob could feel it after clashing with her that she was holding back.

"Hey Hope, no need to hold back okay. Didn't you say you gonna kick my ass" Jacob goaded, attempting to encourage her to unleash her full strength.

Hope rolled her beautiful eyes but smiling, replied, "don't push it smart ass, you're doing better than I expected,"

"Yeah yeah, I can take more, come on" encouraged Jacob but Hope still didn't agree to his request.

Jacob saw that Hope was afraid of hurting him. But honestly, he also was holding something back —> His mana amplify skill. 

But the thing is, he still hasn't really mastered it, and he was also afraid that he might hurt Hope (obviously unlikely, but he didn't know).

"Okay, let's take a break, I wanna try something" said Jacob as he decided to try his new application of mana.

"Okay, what?" Asked Hope a little annoyed since is been a while she had such a fulfilling sparring 

Jacob, determined to explore the depths of his newfound ability, approached a sizable boulder. He positioned himself near a hefty boulder, channeling his mana into his arm, the muscles glowing with an ethereal energy. 

In a swift motion, Jacob unleashed a punch that collided with the boulder, sending shockwaves through the air. The rock crumbled under the impact, fragments scattering in all directions. Hope, witnessing the spectacle, couldn't help but be taken aback. The force behind Jacob's blow was evident, and the realization hit her—had she been on the receiving end, the sheer power although it wouldn't have caused serious harm but it would have inflicted substantial pain. The raw power behind Jacob's attack was undeniable, a testament to the strength he wielded and his burgeoning command over mana.

Hope gawked at Jacob in awe and disbelief, marveling at his newfound ability. "How did you do that?" She asked

"Is the new trick I've been working on, attaching my mana to parts of my body I can strengthen myself" Jacob smiled proudly and explained 

"Are you kidding me, can you really do that?" Hope exclaimed, her eyes sparkled with curiosity "can you teach me?" She continued 

Jacob was speechless "you're The tribrid, the most powerful creature that ever existed, isn't that enough"

"Shut up" Retorted Hope as she continued "I haven't awakened my vampire side, so I'm not a fully tribrid yet, so not that powerful, until then I have to use what I can, so can you teach me?"

"Don't know, can you feel or control your mana" Asked Jacob 

"I don't know, I'm just full of magic all the time" said Hope

Jacob felt a little hurt after hearing that. Do you have any idea how hard he trains to absorb mana and fill his dantian and Hope is JUST full of mana. This is unjust. Very Unjust.

He said to Hope "Hope Mikaelson, are you Bragging to me or what?" feeling a sting.

"I'm not, I'm just telling you how it is," said Hope innocently. 

"Yeah yeah, anyway, you have to learn to control your mana first if not, I can't teach you" Jacob said 

"Okay okay, shall we go back to sparring now?" Asked Hope however Jacob refused, firstly, he is drained now after using almost all of his mana on that punch. Secondly He mentioned it was time for a study session with Josie and Lizzie, inviting Hope to join, but she declined for the day.

They parted ways. Jacob went to meet with the girls. Amidst the warm glow of flickering candles, Jacob joined Josie and Lizzie in a cozy corner of the library, the pages of ancient tomes surrounding them. The air crackled with anticipation as they delved into their magical discourse. As the study session began, the atmosphere was charged with curiosity and wonder. Josie animatedly recounted an incident involving a mystical artifact she discovered, its powers an enigma she was attempting to unravel. Lizzie followed suit, narrating her experiments with unique spells she'd been attempting to master. Their eagerness to learn and unravel the secrets of magic was palpable, and Jacob, equally intrigued, listened intently to their tales.

Through their exchange of experiences, a unique truth about the twins came to light to Jacob. The twins revealed their unique connection to magic—unlike other witches, Josie and Lizzie didn't possess their own innate mana. Meaning they did not have the ability to directly access and use mana around them, Instead, they had to draw it from external sources, siphoning it from various creatures or objects.

Jacob was captivated by their distinct approach to magic. Intrigued by the twins' capabilities, Jacob pondered the implications of their mana absorption method. He recognized that despite their distinct approach, Josie and Lizzie might possess the potential to control and channel the absorbed mana to a certain degree. Recognizing their adeptness in controlling and channeling the absorbed mana, he contemplated the possibility of their further development. This revelation sparked a new curiosity within Jacob, pondering the extent to which their abilities could be harnessed and enhanced.

The Siphoning ability of the Twins has somewhat already given them the most essential requirement for learning his Mana manipulation skill. Driven by this realization, Jacob initiated a lesson in mana manipulation, introducing them to its foundational principles. The sisters eagerly absorbed the knowledge, thrilled by the prospect of enhancing their abilities, even if it didn't match Jacob's proficiency. The session concluded with an air of excitement and anticipation for future lessons, promising to expand their magical horizons.