
I am in legacies

a brilliant engineer dies in our world but the HIM in alternative world gets his memories and some perks. what will the new improved him do in this world?!. NOTE* this is my first time writing, so be lenient and let me know what you think. i also do not own anything besides my MC and some characters i will introduce later, and also some new plots in future. this is gonna be like a long novel. hope you're ready

Tumelo566 · Book&Literature
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21 Chs

Chapter 12

As Jacob immersed himself in the study of magic, the peaceful atmosphere was disrupted by the sounds of a heated argument followed by a scuffle. Intrigued, he left his studies to investigate. To his dismay, he discovered Raf, Landon's sworn brother in arms, being confronted by three aggressive individuals, presumably werewolves. Ready to intervene, Jacob was surprised when Josie, Dr. Saltzman's daughter, arrived on the scene. Her presence seemed to defuse the situation, and the leader of the opposing group declared that their conflict would resume another time, leaving Jacob puzzled by the cryptic encounter.

Josie dashed to Raf who was mouth bleeding, she tried to check if he was okay, but the guy just snapped at her, his once amiable demeanor replaced by a fierce anger, snapped at Josie, his eyes aglow with an unsettling intensity, causing the girl to recoil in fear. Jacob, seeing this unpleasantness, stepped in and said "hey hey calm down, she's just trying to be nice okay". 

However his words fell on deaf ears as Raf, consumed by his rage, dismissed both Jacob's intervention and Josie's genuine concern.

"Just stay away from me," Raf's words were laden with a raw anger, a stark departure from his usual demeanor. With a resolute stride, he departed, leaving a lingering sense of unease and confusion in his wake.

Amidst the tension left by Raf's abrupt departure, Jacob's frustration seeped through his words. "Is he always like that, or is it the werewolf thing?" he asked, his patience wearing thin due to Rafael's abrupt demeanor.

"He's just... hurt," Josie murmured softly, her gaze fixed downwards, an air of protectiveness about her words.

Jacob paused, studying Josie for a moment before pressing on, the tension of the situation hanging in the air. "So, you like him huh," he probed, trying to decipher the underlying dynamics between her and Rafael.

Caught off guard, Josie's reaction was fleeting but palpable. then sighed softly. "It doesn't matter. My sister Lizzie already has her eye on him."

" yeah and, so?" Replied Jacob, 

"What do you mean, 'yeah and so'?" Josie's response carried a touch of frustration. "Lizzie always gets what she wants, always. And I'm sure she'll get Rafael" she added, her tone tinged with a mix of resignation and agitation.

Jacob looked straight in her eyes for a while, a few seconds passed and the awkward silence prevailed then Unexpectedly, he uttered, "Well, for what is worth, I have my dips on you" in a somewhat commanding tone, before striding back to his study space. leaving Josie in her head, the words "have my dips on you" still swirling in her mind.

But she really liked Raphael and the state he left at wasn't good, it weighed heavily on her heart. Shaking off the lingering confusion from Jacob's words, Josie refocused on what truly mattered—offering support to Rafael. Determined, she snapped out of her reverie and swiftly went in search of Rafael, eager to provide him the comfort and aid he needed.

Jacob on the other hand, continued to be Immersed in his pursuit of knowledge, moving from one library site to the other, delving into the annals of this world's history. His thirst for understanding led him on a quest through the origins of vampires and werewolves, unearthing the ancient genesis of mana, and deciphering the intricate methods by which witches wielded their craft. Every spell, every incantation, every subtle manipulation of the magical framework became a subject of intense study.

Hours bled into each other as he absorbed the wealth of information, navigating through texts and scrolls, his mind a sponge for the arcane lore. After a prolonged session of soaking up knowledge, he settled into a quiet, cross-legged position on the floor, slipping into a meditative state. His analytical mind worked tirelessly, weaving together the fragments of his learning, interpreting the newly acquired data in a whirl of mental activity.

In this moment of intense focus, a wild idea sparked within him, born from the fusion of his newfound understanding and his innate knack for analysis. It was a concept so daring that it caught even him by surprise, burgeoning amidst the labyrinth of his thoughts.

Jacob, his voice tinged with a blend of astonishment and exhilaration, mumbled to himself "If this supernatural world is real, then others might be too. like those fantasy worlds i read about in my previous life. And if these worlds or realities exist then the concepts I read about regarding magic, mana and even the Chinese qi must be somewhat true."

A rush of adrenaline surged through him, giving an electrifying sensation that coursed through his body, sending shivers down his spine. Amidst this whirlwind of realization, a strange feeling overtook him. His laughter, eerie and tinged with excitement, echoed through the solitude of his surroundings. His unkempt hair fell over his face, painting a picture that mirrored his wild thoughts, but he paid no attention to it. He was on the brink of a monumental discovery, and nothing else mattered. 

"Given this," he continued, his voice carrying an infectious excitement, "I could integrate the knowledge I've gathered from various sources, blending it with the rules and magic of this world to forge a unique path, just like how the old man wanted."

With no time to waste, Jacob, in a state of focused determination, centered himself, allowing the waves of excitement to settle as he engaged his remarkable analytical mind. Ideas flooded his consciousness, Novel ideas kept resurfacing in his mind one after the other, merging with the current knowledge he knew. Of course some ideas were just too stupid that even his AI processing mind just ignored them or instantly discarded Some notions founded on false premises and so on.

His mental refinement persisted, distilling the amalgamation of ideas down to their fundamental cores. This rigorous process served as a compass, guiding him through the labyrinth of magical theories, unveiling the intricacies of spellcraft and the nuances of incantations. He delved deeper, unraveling the secrets behind magic spells, decoding their essence, and grasping the elusive differences between incantations and spells themselves.

This profound exploration extended beyond just his own magic. Jacob embarked on a journey to comprehend the mystical artistry wielded by witches, deciphering their methods and unlocking the mysteries of their mastery. With each revelation, his understanding expanded, paving the way for him to not only manipulate existing spells but to innovate and create entirely new ones.

As his mastery progressed, a subtle yet palpable pressure began to build within his dantian, the focal point of his magical power. A sense of anticipation surged through him, signaling an imminent breakthrough in his capabilities. Jacob harnessed his control over mana, directing his focus towards an unseen barrier that awaited his transcendence. With a surge of determination, he initiated an assault on this invisible boundary, simultaneously coaxing his body to absorb the raw mana permeating the world, endeavoring to fill the space within him.

Just as Jacob stood on the brink of his breakthrough, a revelation crashed into his thoughts like an unexpected storm. The notion of Qi refinement, as practiced by Chinese cultivators, surged into his mind with profound impact.

                TO BE CONTINUED...............