
I am in legacies

a brilliant engineer dies in our world but the HIM in alternative world gets his memories and some perks. what will the new improved him do in this world?!. NOTE* this is my first time writing, so be lenient and let me know what you think. i also do not own anything besides my MC and some characters i will introduce later, and also some new plots in future. this is gonna be like a long novel. hope you're ready

Tumelo566 · Book&Literature
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21 Chs

chapter 10

Before them stood the gargoyle, struggling to stand upright, with pieces falling off little by little. The unexpected assault by Jacob had taken a toll on the supernatural creature, leaving it in a weakened state. The group, now faced with a wounded adversary, exchanged glances, contemplating the next steps in the ongoing battle to safeguard the school from the unexpected threat.

The gargoyle, having regained its footing, unleashed an angry roar and lunged towards Hope. She narrowly evaded the attack by sheer luck, but the gargoyle swiftly caught up with her. In a daring move, Dr. Saltzman leaped in front, attempting to shield Hope from the impending danger. The gargoyle momentarily halted, perhaps assessing the new obstacle in its path.

A voice, laden with anger, pierced the air, capturing everyone's attention. "You'll pay for what you did to Sofie," Jacob declared furiously, revealing the name he had affectionately given to his now-destroyed bed. The gargoyle turned quickly towards the source of the voice, but Jacob didn't allow it the luxury of assessing the new threat.

With no time to waste, Jacob conjured a spell, declaring, "RUNE magic, sonic Zephyr!" The incantation echoed through the air, and a surge of magical energy manifested in the form of a sonic Zephyr, as Jacob held his hands out in a gun-like manner towards the gargoyle. He unleashed five consecutive bullet-like energy projectiles, each charged with a sonic wind, creating high-velocity forces that pierced through the air with incredible speed and power.

The gargoyle, once intimidating, let out a roar that was soon drowned by the onslaught of Jacob's magical bullets. The creature was bombarded, sent rolling on the ground. Its hand and one wing cracked and fell off, and its eyes, once fierce like a predator, now held a glimpse of panic. The gargoyle struggled to stand, floundering as it got back on its feet. However, the toll of the magical assault took its toll; one leg crumbled, turning to rocks, and the creature fell again, defeated and weakened.

The aftermath of Jacob's powerful spell left the room in stunned silence. Hope, Josie, Emma, and everyone present were shocked, especially Hope and the witches. They could feel the overwhelming power radiating from and surrounding Jacob, the devastating force contained in those bullet-like projectiles. Their attention shifted from the defeated gargoyle, which had forced them into hiding, to Jacob. However, the sight that greeted them was unexpected.

Jacob, despite his victorious display, wasn't in better condition. His face was pale, sweat dripped down, and blood oozed from his nose. The strain of unleashing such potent magic had taken a toll on him, and he collapsed on the ground. The room, once filled with the chaos of supernatural clashes, was now enveloped in an uneasy quiet, as the defenders of the school grappled with the price that came with wielding such formidable magic.

As the stunned group processed the aftermath of the intense magical confrontation, Hope's sharp and beautiful eyes caught sight of the gargoyle crawling towards the knife. Alarmed, she urgently shouted to Josie, "Josie, help me!" Reacting swiftly, the two witches joined hands and began an incantation. Moments later, the gargoyle exploded in a burst of magical energy.

Meanwhile, Emma rushed to Jacob's side, assessing his condition. "He just passed out," she exclaimed, relieved. With a swift motion, she cast a healing spell on him, channeling magical energy to mend the toll the powerful spell had taken on Jacob's body.

The other students, drawn by the commotion, rushed to the collapsed Jacob. They marvelled at the mysterious boy, asking each other who he was, as this was the first time many of them had laid eyes on him. The unexpected heroics and potent magic displayed by Jacob left a lasting impression on the onlookers, shrouding him in an air of mystique.

After the hectic events of the day, Dr. Saltzman called for a meeting, addressing the students and explaining the situation. He emphasized the importance of unity and standing together in the face of future challenges, encouraging them to protect one another.

In Jacob's room, a sense of normalcy returned. The witches worked their magic, restoring the broken bed and tidying up the room. Jacob, still unconscious from his earlier collapse, lay on the newly restored bed. Gathered around him were Hope, Josie, Lizzie, Emma, and Dr. Saltzman, engaged in conversation about the events that transpired and the mysterious boy who had played a crucial role in the supernatural clash. The room became a hub of discussion, curiosity, and reflection on the events that had unfolded, setting the stage for a new chapter in the lives of the students at Salvatore School.

"So who is he?" asked Josie and Lizzie.

"His name is Jacob Welton; we found him with Landon and brought them back yesterday," answered Hope.

"So what is he?" Hope questioned Dr. Saltzman.

"He's a warlock," said Emma, proceeding to explain everything they knew about warlocks, including the information Jacob had shared with them. The revelation added a new layer of intrigue and mystery to Jacob's presence at Salvatore School, leaving those gathered around his bed to ponder the implications of having a warlock among them.

"So who's Sofie? He was pretty mad," asked Lizzie.

"We don't know, and it seems he knew that gargoyle. Things might not be as simple as we thought," said Dr. Saltzman with a serious expression, considering the possibility that Jacob might be connected to the supernatural creatures that had started appearing.

His worry was abruptly disrupted by the sudden snoring emanating from Jacob. The group was momentarily stunned, then they chuckled, the tension dissipating. One by one, they left the room, with Hope lingering for a moment, casting a last look at the mysterious boy. The enigma surrounding Jacob Welton lingered in the air, leaving the group to contemplate the mysteries that seemed to unfold with his presence at Salvatore School.

initially it was a long chapter but i divided it in two, tell me what you think.

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