
I am in konoha, I have ten skill bars

Moonlight Shigure came to the world of Naruto. For the first twelve years, he seemed very mediocre.Average talent, average physique, average everything else except being handsome.I thought I would live a mediocre life in the world of Naruto, but the sudden appearance of the skill bar made Shigure a genius. Any ninjutsu can be put into the skill bar, without control or operation, and it will run automatically.Naruto: “Why are you so good at using the ninjutsu you just learned yesterday? Is there any secret to it?”Sasuke: “You are the real genius, you have been playing me before!”Kakashi: “Geniuses come out every year, but this year is particularly strong. As a teacher, I am under a lot of pressure. I want to retire, third generation!”Third generation: “You want to retire? I still want to retire! That kid is simply not a human being. I am a remnant of the old era. There is no village that can let me stay in the new era!” well this fanfic is not mine just trying to translate and see how its work, well let me know. If you want to read more 20 chapters!! Ahead, go to patreon.com/Akumachikara --------------------------------------------------------------

Akumachikara · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

CH 7


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Repelling acquaintances, the wind locked his gaze onto Shi Yu and exclaimed, "Alright, let's commence!"

With these words, he tossed a wooden sword towards Shi Yu.

"Let's begin with the most fundamental swordsmanship," Swift Wind directed, his eyes unwavering on Shi Yu. "You'll follow my motions."

"Absolutely," Shi Yu affirmed, his anticipation palpable.

Basic swordsmanship consisted of actions like thrusting, chopping, parrying, pointing, jabbing, pivoting, slashing, cleaving, and countering. On the surface, these motions seemed straightforward, but mastering them was anything but simple.

Even the most rudimentary thrust required coordinated movements of the wrist, palm, and arm, which was harder to control than it appeared. Maintaining the sword's tip consistently aimed at a point in front of it, without significant deviation, also proved challenging. Properly coordinating the arm joints while ensuring that the body moved in harmony was no small feat.

While these moves might be easy to grasp visually, executing them precisely was quite demanding.

Observing Shi Yu as he clumsily attempted these basic motions, Swift Wind couldn't help but notice that he lacked the essential foundation. His performance during these initial attempts fell far short of Swift Wind's standards.

In more professional terms, Shi Yu's aptitude for swordsmanship was underwhelming. Swift Wind sighed inwardly, "Given his current aptitude, he might become a mediocre swordsman at best."

But Swift Wind knew that Shi Yu's parents hadn't displayed remarkable talents either. Under the circumstances, Shi Yu's modest progress seemed unsurprising. The harsh reality was that even with an entire year of dedicated practice, Shi Yu might only establish a solid foundation, let alone progress to mastering Konoha Ryu Sword Art, a task that could span a lifetime.

While Shi Yu diligently practiced these motions, he also kept a watchful eye on Swift Wind's reactions. Swift Wind's sighs and unspoken thoughts didn't escape his notice.

He realized that his talent in swordsmanship was, in all likelihood, merely average. Despite the disappointment, he understood that acquiring mastery of basic swordsmanship was a necessary prerequisite to progress to the next level, and he needed to make that mastery a skill in its own right.

As he considered this, Shi Yu felt a pang of helplessness; his innate talent was not extraordinary.


[The host is learning a new skill. Activation requested for Active Skill 3: Daehyun*]

What was this new active skill? Hadn't the previous three active skills been compromised?

[Active Skill 3: Daehyun* requesting activation.]

[Host, please confirm activation.]

Could he activate this skill himself, and what was its effect?

These questions left Shi Yu puzzled. The active skill name seemed to read "Daehyun," but the rest of it was garbled and indecipherable. He had no idea about the skill's effects.

"Why not?" Shi Yu thought. "If it's eager to activate, let's give it a try."

"Activate!" Shi Yu commanded.

[Activating Active Skill 3: Daehyun*]

[Warning: This skill is currently damaged and operates at only 30% of its original effectiveness. The system is currently undergoing repairs.]

Only 30% effectiveness? It was as he had feared. Could a skill with such diminished potential be of any use?

The new skill was undergoing analysis.

[Analysis in progress: 10%]

[Analysis in progress: 20%]

[Analysis in progress: 50%]

[Analysis in progress: 99%]

[Analysis complete: Congratulations to the host for acquiring the new skill, "Basic Swordsmanship."]

"What just happened?" Shi Yu was momentarily bewildered.

Had the Active Skill 3 assisted him in learning? It felt as though a flood of information on basic swordsmanship had suddenly inundated his mind. His body moved as if on autopilot, as if it had already absorbed these teachings.

Swift Wind, lost in his own thoughts, considered, "Shi Yu's talent in swordsmanship seems rather ordinary."

Unbeknownst to Shi Yu, it appeared that his newly acquired skill had substantially advanced his abilities. He effortlessly executed each move with precision, leaving Swift Wind awestruck by the transformation. In just a few seconds, it was as if Shi Yu had become a master of basic swordsmanship. Each move was not only executed with speed but with unparalleled precision.

Though basic, the thrust of Shi Yu's wooden sword released a faint, almost inaudible hum as it sliced through the air, indicating the sheer mastery of his technique. The wind stood stunned, baffled by this astonishing and sudden proficiency.

"Is this kid truly practicing basic swordsmanship for the second time?" Swift Wind muttered in disbelief.

A mere while ago, Shi Yu appeared as an absolute beginner, and now it seemed as if he were a seasoned master. The swift and flawless execution of each move was nothing short of breathtaking.

Swift Wind approached Shi Yu with a broad smile, almost exuberant. He grabbed Shi Yu's shoulders and exclaimed, "Shi Yu, it's as if you were born for the sword!"

Shi Yu, still perplexed by Swift Wind's reaction, wondered, "Did I truly master basic swordsmanship to this extent with a single practice?"

Swift Wind continued, "You've only practiced it once, yet you've already surpassed my level of mastery! Shi Yu, with such talent, the Moonlight clan may see a resurgence thanks to you!"

A resurgence? Was basic swordsmanship truly this exceptional? Shi Yu remained nonplussed, but he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement building within him. Perhaps it was the 30% effect of Active Skill 3, Daehyun*, that had gifted him this newfound skill and elevated his swordsmanship to remarkable heights.

But the thought of what he could achieve with a fully functional active skill excited him even more.

"Shi Yu, I'm now going to teach you Konoha Ryu Sword Art," Swift Wind declared.

Shi Yu was momentarily caught off guard. Would Active Skill 3, in its damaged state, allow him to activate again?

The skill remained damaged, and Swift Wind was already beginning the instruction.

"Pay close attention; I will now demonstrate the Konoha Ryu Sword Art. It consists of just ten moves, but when executed with finesse, it will greatly enhance your close combat capabilities."


[The host is learning a new skill. Activation requested for Active Skill 3: Daehyun*]

Shi Yu's eyes flickered with anticipation. Could he activate Active Skill 3 once more? He yearned to uncover its potential.

He couldn't help but wonder, was this active skill actively assisting him in his learning?

As Swift Wind launched into the Konoha Ryu Sword Art demonstration, Shi Yu couldn't shake the thought that he had uncovered something truly extraordinary. With 30% of the skill's effectiveness already revealed, he eagerly anticipated what lay ahead.


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