
I Am in Konoha, I Can Upgrade The Talent Entry

Travel through the Hokage world, start the awakening talent entry system; Collected:【Uchiha Sasuke's Hair】 Transformation talent entry: [Spirit of Vengeance: You are an avenger, you are unstoppable on the road of revenge, and the efficiency of Chakra cultivation is 1000%! Ninjutsu power 500%! 】 Transformation talent entry: [Cursed eyes: Your eyes are cursed by the world, but the world is ignorant, how do you know your talent? Get Sharingan (with Uchiha blood), eye opening efficiency 1000%! Pupil power 500%! 】 Transformation talent entry: [Indra's resentment: Indra is resentful because of his father's preference for Ashura, and his resentment for dozens of lives is unmatched! Pupil power 500%! Susanoo is 500% in shape! The power of the pupil technique is 500%! Chakra1000%! 】 Night God Ryosuke: "Erzhuzi's fur is so strong? What about this little fox's?" Uzumaki Naruto next door shivered subconsciously, as if he was being targeted by something terrible!

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90 Chs

Chapter 38

In the dining room.All the dishes on the table were eaten by four people.There was no soup left at all.The last bite was snatched by Anko from Yagami Ryosuke's chopsticks, and he put it into his mouth with a smile.He also proudly made faces at night god Ryosuke.Childish!Yagami Ryosuke thought while rolling his eyes."Anko, you eat the most, go wash the dishes."Seeing the embarrassing appearance of her best friend, Yuhihong immediately made a decision and decided to let Anko wash the dishes."Ah~! I'm so full, I can't move!"Anko slammed down on the tatami and pretended to be dead."Don't pretend, hurry up, or I won't treat you to eat next time."As a good girlfriend, Yuhihong would not know Anko's character.This is obviously just pretending.and;The acting is terrible!"Hmph~! Just go, just a little bit!"Anko got up quickly, and before leaving, he made a face at Night God Ryosuke and stuck out his tongue.And Yagami Ryosuke handed her two plates with a smile."Sister Anko, come on! Clean up!"Anko, "..."Ahhhhh! ! !This dead brat is so irritating!have no choice;Under the stern gaze of Kurenai Yuhi, Anko could only walk into the kitchen with a lot of dishes and began to wash them in the sink."Ryosuke, would you like some tea?"in the living room.Kurenai Yuhi smiled back and asked Yagami Ryosuke."Well, I ate quite a lot just now, and it would be nice to have a cup of tea now."Yagami Ryosuke nodded and said."Xi Yan, what about you?"Yuhihong asked Uzuki Xiyan at the side again."I'll have a drink too."Uzuki Xiyan nodded and said."Well, Anko, please make three cups of tea!"Yagami Ryosuke almost didn't laugh when he heard that.He thought it was Yuhihong who was going to make tea by herself, but it turned out that Anko who was washing dishes was asked to make tea.incredible!"Hong, you know how to bully me!"At the kitchen door, Anko poked his head out with an aggrieved face and said.When Yuhihong saw it, she also smiled and got up to go."Okay, I'll go clubbing."She was just joking.This is her home, and Anko has already left the dishes to Anko, how could she continue to make tea for them.soon;Yu Hihong came back with three cups of tea.The tea is a bit bitter.But this time is just right to drink, just to scrape off the oil and water in the stomach."Sister Hong is really gentle and virtuous, she will definitely be a very good wife in the future!"Yagami Ryosuke took a sip of tea and did not forget to praise Yuhihong for being virtuous."No matter how virtuous your red sister is, what does it have to do with you, a brat?"Anko wiped his hands and came out of the kitchen at this time, and heard that the kid Yagami Ryosuke was sycophanting again, so he immediately slapped him."Then when I grow up, I will marry Sister Hong as my wife!"Yagami Ryosuke said with a natural expression."Cut~! You really are a little pervert." Anko curled his lips, sat down and said to Yuhihong: "Hong, you have to be careful, this kid is trying to trick you!""Anko, stop messing around!"Kurenai Yuhi patted Anko angrily.Night god Ryosuke is just a child in her eyes, childish words are ruthless.Can a child's words be taken seriously?"However, brat." Anko looked at Yagami Ryosuke with a sudden smile and said, "If you marry your red sister, you won't be able to cling to your Xiyan sister's arms like just now!""Then I will marry sister Xiyan back home."Yagami Ryosuke said with a smile."Look! Look! Hong, this brat's true nature has been exposed!"Anko pointed at Night God Ryosuke and shouted excitedly."Anko, Ryosuke is just a child, how can you take what a child says seriously!"Yuhihong gave her an angry look.My best friend is obviously in her twenties, but she still acts like a child all day long.Just now I was grabbing something to eat with the kids.Now take what the child said seriously.Really, how come the older you get, the more childish you become?"Cut~! You don't believe it, do you?" Anko pouted, looked at the two smiling and indifferent, and said, "Look, I think this brat is serious."Yagami Ryosuke is of course serious.How can a man not like a beautiful woman?Unless it doesn't work!and;As the saying goes, beauty matches the strong.Night God Ryosuke thinks that he must be a strong man in the future.What happened to the strong man having more wives?This is called hard work by those who can! !Moreover;What a miserable ending for Yuhihong and Uzuki Xiyan in the original book!One has a dead husband, and the other has a dead boyfriend.No one is happy.Even for the sake of their happiness, Yagami Ryosuke has to do it!What is it called?It's called helping others!...After staying at Yuhihong's house for a while, it was about 1:30 in the afternoon that Yagami Ryosuke left.It is said that Wenrou Township is a tomb of heroes.Night God Ryosuke thinks that this sentence is not wrong at all.This is not;It's only been a while, and he's a little bit reluctant to leave.fortunately!He is determined.Don't be moved by beauty!He unswervingly chose to leave this gentle hometown and continue the hard training in the afternoon.It's so hard for me!Even Ryosuke, the night god, was moved by his own willpower.Then he smiled and touched his cheek.Just before leaving, both Xi Rihong and Uzuki Xiyan kissed him.As for that crazy woman Anko?Yagami Ryosuke just pinched her and ran away.If Kurenai Yuhi didn't stop him, Anko would definitely catch up and beat him up.After all, the position of the pinch is a bit tricky."Slip! Slip!"Yagami Ryosuke speeded up and ran straight on the roof.Soon came to the No. 4 training ground.Dive into the forest