
I Am in Konoha, I Can Upgrade The Talent Entry

Travel through the Hokage world, start the awakening talent entry system; Collected:【Uchiha Sasuke's Hair】 Transformation talent entry: [Spirit of Vengeance: You are an avenger, you are unstoppable on the road of revenge, and the efficiency of Chakra cultivation is 1000%! Ninjutsu power 500%! 】 Transformation talent entry: [Cursed eyes: Your eyes are cursed by the world, but the world is ignorant, how do you know your talent? Get Sharingan (with Uchiha blood), eye opening efficiency 1000%! Pupil power 500%! 】 Transformation talent entry: [Indra's resentment: Indra is resentful because of his father's preference for Ashura, and his resentment for dozens of lives is unmatched! Pupil power 500%! Susanoo is 500% in shape! The power of the pupil technique is 500%! Chakra1000%! 】 Night God Ryosuke: "Erzhuzi's fur is so strong? What about this little fox's?" Uzumaki Naruto next door shivered subconsciously, as if he was being targeted by something terrible!

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90 Chs

Chapter 24

In Hokage's office.Third Hokage smoked a few cigarettes, and finally put down the report in his hand."It's still too early. If he still has such a performance when he graduates, he can be allowed to join Anbu in the future."Just beat a Uchiha Sasuke.And it didn't look like a landslide victory, which apparently wasn't enough for Sarutobi Hiruzen to double down on Night God Ryosuke.At most, he remembered the name and knew that there was such a student in Ninja School.That's all.At least with the talent that night god Ryosuke is showing today.It is not worth Sarutobi Hiruzen to invest in it in advance."Hey~! Ever since the incident of the Uchiha clan, there haven't been many geniuses in the village, Itachi and Shisui, what a pity!"Sarutobi Hiruzen also felt a little remorseful.What he regrets is not that he didn't prevent the Uchiha family from exterminating the genocide.After all, it was his acquiescence.What he really regrets is that he didn't guard against Danzo in advance and let him kill Shisui.otherwise;He still has Shisui and Itachi Admiral under his command, so why worry about the future of the village here? And why look for possible geniuses in ninja schools?It's all Danzo's fault!When Sarutobi Hiruzen thought of his old friend, he felt angry.This guy knows how to embarrass himself every day.If it wasn't for the past love, and because he was old, he liked to recall the past and let him indulge Danzo's provocations again and again, otherwise, that guy Danzo would have died a long time ago!Say Cao Cao and Cao Cao will arrive.As soon as Sarutobi Hiruzen thought of Danzo, Danzo opened the door and walked into Hokage's office."Hiruzen, I heard that kid from the Uchiha clan was defeated by a commoner?"Shimura Danzō, who pushed the door and came in, leaned on a cane, and when he came up, he said strangely: "Huh~! I said a long time ago, I should have given this Uchiha kid to me to train. Look at how you have trained people. , can't even beat a civilian!""Danzo, you don't need to question the old man's decision!" Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at him with a dark face, "Also, remember to knock on the door next time you enter, how old are you, and you don't even know the rules!"However, Shimura Danzō didn't take Sarutobi Hiruzen's words seriously at all.He sneered and said:"Hiruzen, it's not too late to hand him over to me, at least I still have the ability to raise this Uchiha clan kid, but if he continues to stay in a ninja school, a place where children play games, he will be doomed in the future." There will be no future!""Leave it to you?" Sarutobi Hiruzen snorted and said, "Danzo, don't even think about Uchiha Sasuke. Even if I promise you, Itachi won't agree.""Do you want Itachi to come back and talk to you?"Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Shimura Danzō whose face suddenly became ugly, and couldn't help laughing out loud.He does know.Uchiha Itachi visited Shimura Danzō when he left the village.Although it is not clear what the two said at the time.But afterwards, Danzo is said to have lost his temper, which shows that the meeting at that time must not have been pleasant.Um...The unhappy person should be Danzo without a doubt.so;Danzo's face became so ugly when he heard Sarutobi Hiruzen mention the name Uchiha Itachi again, and threatened himself with it."Hmph~! I'm afraid of a rebellious little brat?"Danzo said stiffly.Sarutobi Hiruzen also chuckled, not piercing his disguise."However, since Hiruzen you don't want to, then forget it."Danzo pretended to be generous and said.Actually scruples about the existence of Uchiha Itachi.after all;This dutiful son would rather slaughter the whole clan than keep his brother's Ultimate Brocon!Can't afford it! !"By the way, how is Jinchūriki doing?""Hiruzen, I'm not talking about you. You are a good Jinchūriki. Let's see what you have trained him to be like?""I only know how to play some pranks in the village all day long. When the war comes later, I'll see how you bring him to the battlefield!""Why don't you give him to me and let me train him. I promise I can train you a qualified Jinchūriki, how about it?"Danzo gave up the idea of ​​fighting Uchiha Sasuke, but instead focused on Uzumaki Naruto, the Nine Tails Jinchūriki.in fact;He's had his eye on the Nine Tails Jinchūriki since a long time ago.It's just that Sarutobi Hiruzen never agreed.At this time, he brought up the old matter again, just to see Sarutobi Hiruzen's current attitude."Danzo!" Sarutobi Hiruzen's complexion sank, and his slightly cloudy eyes suddenly became sharper as he stared at the old friend in front of him, "Stop thinking about Jinchūriki, as long as the old man is still in Hokage's seat for a day, he will never be allowed to You meddle in Jinchūriki's affairs, do you understand?"Hearing Sarutobi Hiruzen's harsh tone, Danzo's face darkened."Hmph! Hiruzen, you will regret it sooner or later!""Danzo, mind yourself, remember! I'm the Hokage!"Zhuo~!This sentence again!Danzo's knuckles turned white with anger.He tightly held the cane in his hand, wishing he could hit Sarutobi Hiruzen's old face with the cane.Hokage Hokage, you f**king know how to piss me off with the title Hokage, right?Wait!The old man will take Hokage's position sooner or later.And at that time, Hiruzen, you will know who is really qualified to sit on this Hokage position!boom!Danzo closed the door angrily and left in anger.Outside the Hokage building.The two root ninjas saw Danzo coming out and hurriedly followed."Danzo-sama, did Hokage-sama agree to hand over that kid from the Uchiha clan to you for training?"Seeing Danzo's ugly face, a root ninja couldn't help asking.This person is also Danzo's confidant.Otherwise, I wouldn't dare to ask Danzo who was angry at this moment."Hiruzen is old and already blind!"Danzo said coldly.He made no secret of his dissatisfaction with Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Third Hokage."What about the others? Like the civilian genius who defeated Uchiha Sasuke?"asked the root ninja."That brat?" Danzo snorted coldly, "Without an outstanding bloodline, it is doomed to be just a flash in the pan. Besides, the Uchiha kid was trained by Hiruzen to be such a waste. What does it mean to defeat a trash Uchiha?"Obviously;Danzo didn't even look at Ryosuke, the night god, who was called a civilian genius by his subordinates.