
I Am In Doraemon World

character get recarneted into the the doramon world by Lord vishnu with some which in every fanfic novel

Sonu_kumar_lion · Fantasy
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2 Chs

chapter 2 heavens library

when I reached home , I Quickly entered my room and started using heaven library first to ease the pain of learning, so first I learne shadow clone technique form naruto then made thousand of clone of then said select a technique and combine same type of technique to make a suprem technique and learn them they started learning it.

It will take time so I went out of the house and started walking through the street recalling the memories of the child hood of nobita and finding out the girl name together which nobita played

recalling the memories how the gian and suneo manipulate nobita and disrupt the relationship with

girl name non-chan, so I have to find out her, she literary good friend of nobita.

I was walking through then I saw a girl which is same like non- chan nobita's child hood friend. Then I called her by name non- chan she suddenly topped came to me how do you know my name, I said I am nobita your child hood friend when you came hear form abroad, ha nobita I didn't know him, ok just said no problem you must forget me I am not done anything for you which , you can remember. she said after recalling you are nobita who plays with me in child hood sorry for not recalling you , I said it's okh then I left and come home. doramon come to asked nobita you need any gadget, I said not needed.

Next day non- chan meet me at school then I said you also coming to school, she said yes, I said I didn't seen you in our school , she said this is my first day at school.

Then we to our respective class.

The class started, sir tell us their will a surprise of maths this period. when the question paper given to me I said in my mind it is very easy but to remain loki, intentionly given fifty write and fifty wrong answer because, I want to be loki person not that type person who bring s zero.

After some time class over everyone submit ed the exam sheet. then the school is over he started walking home alone.

hope yo liked it