
I am in Anime Crossover!?

A 17 year old guy gets his soul merged with an alternate self of himself in another world. He wakes up with memories that belonged and not belonged to him at the same time .His memories of his previous world are broken All he knows that the people in this world are anime characters in his world . He has access to broken information which may or may not be true as this world is not an anime . "Even with these memories My life will not change . Why? because I don't care These memories are nothing but data which may or may not be true . But I do welcome the strengthening of soul .Maybe i should try to get Second True Magic ..." "....Naah,Its too troublesome its not like I need it anyway " (The cover does not belong to me credits to the real artist)

LUCIFER_27 · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs



I woke up in dark room with no windows lying on the floor on what seems to be a pool of blood and flesh.

I two very important questions.Where am I? And who am I?

As i was asking myself these questions a sudden influx of two sets of memories invaded my head causing large amounts of pain.At the same time with those memories it felt like something else was entering my body I felt it did not belong to me yet it was mine it was a very strange feeling .As i tried to remember what was happening to me I recalled two different scenes one of fighting some batshit crazy magus and other of saving the beautiful lady from the pieces of shit .

'Am I going crazy and started having delusions?....Naah i was crazy long ago and both of the memories seem pretty real to me as if I have personally experienced both of them.However the former ones seem more real ...or rather it seems more familiar '

I tried to remember where i was and whose ketchup of body was i sitting in right now because it certainly did not seem like the thing lying in the corner of my eye is my heart as I can guarantee that I Can feel my heart perfectly inside my chest as a heart should be.

After looking around I decided to sleep there as I was gaining my memory slowly and it would take some time and what better place to rest other than a place which ticks all your boxes.

Bed. check


Human ketchup.CHECK


If anybody thinks that my decision is stupid than tell me what should a person who is regaining his memories do in such a situation.

As far as I can remember the ketchup are the batshit crazy magus who I killed.As far as i remember after i killed these guys they exploded like *plop* .To be honest I wanted to laugh and vomit at the same time after watching that scene.

As for why I am sleeping here simple because this dark room is one of the cleaner rooms in the facility.This facility belongs to a group of magus who kidnap young children to experiment on them in hopes of gaining eternal youth as for the younger children my partner is taking them back.For more memories I will have to sit down and meditate ,it seems that the free trial for my memories is over now i have to meditate to gain a peaceful state of mind or rather a less chaotic state of mind as peace was never an option. Even without my memories i can tell I cannot achieve what can be said as clarity of mind as i am just a little teeny tiny bit crazy.

After i finish up meditating i open my eyes and sum up my situation in a few sentences.An alternate me was genius just like me. He did a crazy experiment by using anti matter to mess with the fabric of reality to peer into the multiverse because he was bored .He succeeded but killed himself however his soul entered the multiverse and found me .As we were the one and same person he observed me and thought it would be interesting to merge ourselves.

However the fact that he had already died and also I was more interesting he decided to remove his memories of his friends and family and transformed his memories into data so that we can enjoy this together as a new me. The initial case of amnesia was due to my body accepting another soul and and large influx of memories.I do have to say the alternate me achieved the second True Magic with just his knowledge without prana,od or any mana pure science.As expected of me even without all this i was able to achieve the impossible.

Now that alls sorted out its time to return home.

On a side note alternate me told me that this world is one of the worlds which are at the centre of multiverse and a lot of people in this world are anime character in his world.A normal person after hearing this might have an existential crisis I don't give a rat's ass.Like it would change my life.just another fun fact however this is a good material to mess around with people's head.Hehehe...

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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