

Harry pov

It's been a few days since the fight with Iris. She refuses to speak with me. I make my way to the defense against the dark arts classroom. Professor Lupin was speaking with Iris before noticing me.

"Harry There you are. Are you sure about this, Harry? This is very advanced magic... ...well beyond the Ordinary Wizarding Level." He said after dismissing Iris. "I'm sure."  I said assuring him that I was ready to learn. "Well, everything's prepared.

The spell I'm going to teach you is called the Patronus Charm. Did you ever hear of it? No? Well... A Patronus is a positive force. For the wizard who conjures one... ...it works like a shield, with the dementor feeding on it rather than him. But in order for it to work, you need to think of a memory. Not just any memory, a very happy memory, a very powerful memory. Can you do this? Yes. Very well. Close your eyes. Concentrate. Explore your past. Do you have a memory? Allow it to fill you up. Lose yourself within it. Then speak the incantation, Expecto Patronum." He explained as best he could.

"Expecto Patronum." I repeated after him. He nods with a smile. "Very good. Shall we? Wand at the ready." He said before opening the chest. A dementor burst free. "Expecto Patronum!Expecto... Expecto... Expect..." I heard a woman scream and the world went black. "Here we go. Come on. Sit up. Deep breaths. It's all right. I didn't expect you to do it the first time. That would have been remarkable. Here, eat this. You'll feel better." Professor Lupin said while handing me some chocolate. "That's one nasty dementor." I said before taking a bite of chocolate. "Oh, no, no, no. That was a boggart, Harry. A boggart. The real thing would be worse. Much, much worse. As a matter of interest, what were you thinking? Which memory did you choose?" He asked looking at me. "The first time I rode a broom." I said and he looked dumbfounded.

"That's not good enough. Not nearly good enough." I think for a moment before speaking up. "There's another. It's not happy, exactly. Well, it is. It's the happiest I've ever felt... ...but it's complicated." Its the best I could describe the feeling. " Is it strong?" He asked and I nod. "Then let's give it a try. You feel ready?" He asked to be sure.

" Just do it." He opened the chest and the boggart burst free taking the form of a dementor. "Expecto Patronum! Expecto Patronum!" I yelled and a light burst from my wond shielding me. "Yes! Well done, Harry. Well done!" He said closing the chest." I think I've had enough for today." I said panting. "Yes. Sit down. Here. Eat this, it helps. It really helps. And just so you know, Harry... ...I think you'd have given your father a run for his money. And that... ...is saying something." Professor Lupin said making me feel a bit of pride at the mention of my father "I was thinking of him. And Mum. Seeing their faces. They were talking to me. Just talking. That's the memory I chose. I don't even know if it's real. But it's the best I have." I said he nods.

"Your sister draws on a similar memory. You have no idea how much that girl loves you Harry. She told me about the fight you two had. She understood how you felt but Harry you also have to understand how she feels. Sirius is a huge part of her life as am I, you, her mother, your father, her father. We are all influential on eachother. I want the both of you to apologize. You both are all that is left of Lilly and James. Now I need to get some paper work done. You should go and rest."  He said dismissing me for the day.

The next day I confronted Iris and she laughed. "Uncle Mooney told you that." I looked at her shocked and she winked. "Don't tell him I told you his nick name." She said with a sweet smile. I was about to say something but then Harmonie, Shadow and Ron walked up to us.

"Beautiful day." Harmonie said with a bit of attitude. "Gorgeous. Unless you've been ripped to pieces!" Ok I get why she is pissed off now. "Ripped to pieces? What are you talking about?" I asked getting a pointed look from Harmonie. "Ronald has lost his rat." Shadow gave a pleading look to Iris and myself. "I haven't lost anything! Your cat killed him!" Ron yelled. "Rubbish." She growled "Harry, you've seen the way that bloodthirsty beast of hers... ...is always lurking about. And Scabbers is gone." Ron said placing a arm around my shoulder.

"can you two just make-out already?" Iris said Shadow glares at her. This made her chuckle. "Well, maybe you should take better care of your pets!" Harmonie glares at Ron. This went on the whole way to the black lake. "How did it go, Hagrid?" Harmonie asked sitting on a rock by Shadow who was holding her hand.

"The hearing? Well, first off, the committee members took turns... ...talking about why we were there. I got up and did my piece. Said how Buckbeak... ...was a good hippogriff, always cleaned his feathers. And then Lucius Malfoy got up. Well, you can imagine. He said Buckbeak was a deadly and dangerous creature... ...who would kill you as soon as look at you. And then? And then he asked for the worst, did old Lucius." Iris had a feeling on what happened hut didn't want to assume.

"They're not sacking you!" I asked  and he shook his head. "No, I'm not sacked. Buckbeak's been sentenced to death!" He said crying throwing a stone.

*time skip to that night*

"Spiders! There's... There's spiders. Spiders. They want me to tap-dance. - I don't wanna tap-dance! " Ron said half awake making me chuckle. "You tell those spiders." I said smiling. "Right, yeah. Tell them. I'll tell them... " he said laying back down. I looked back to the map and saw the name of someone who I thought was dead. This can't be real. Putting on my shoes I walk around till out paths would cross.

Some how he passed me. Before I could follow Snape was heading my way. There was no time to run so I had no choice. "Mischief managed. Nox." Shape grabbed me "Potter. What are you doing wandering the corridors at night?" He asked "I was sleepwalking." I said making an excuse. "How extraordinarily like your father you are, Potter. He, too, was exceedingly arrogant, strutting about the castle." Did this ass whole just insult my dad. "My dad didn't strut. And nor do I. Now, if you don't mind, I would appreciate it if you could lower your wand." If only using magic on professors was allowed. "Turn out your pockets. Turn out your pockets!" I do so and he takes the map from me. "What's this?" He asked "Spare bit of parchment." I said because there is nothingon it. "Really? Open it." I do so and he taps it. "Reveal your secrets." He said then looked at me "Read it."  "Messrs. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs... ...offer their compliments to Professor Snape and..." I pause looking up at him. I knew I was going to get in truble but you should not have insulted my dad.

"Go on." He said and I took a deep breath. "And request he keep his large nose out of other people's business." He has me by the throat. "You insolent little..."  I didn't know what he was going to do. "Professor!" Thank Godric for professor Lupin. "Well, well. Lupin. Out for a little walk in the moonlight, are we? Harry, are you all right? That remains to be seen. I have now just confiscated a rather curious artifact." Oh just you wait Snape ." Take a look, Lupin. Supposed to be your area of expertise. - Clearly, it's full of dark magic. " He said Lupin looked at in and laughed

"I seriously doubt it, Severus.

It looks as though it's a parchment designed to insult anyone... ...who tries to read it. I suspect it's a Zonko product. Nevertheless, I shall investigate any hidden qualities it may possess. It is, after all, as you say, my area of expertise. Harry, would you come with me, please? Professor, good night." Lupin said leading me away. "Are you deaf? Put that light out!" One of the paintings said.

"Come in. I haven't the faintest idea how this map came to be in your possession... ...but quite frankly, I am astounded that you didn't hand it in. Did it never occur to you that this, in the hands of Sirius Black... ...is a map to you?" Professor Lupin was angry and I suppose for good reason.   "No. - No, sir." I said a bit ashamed  "Your father never set much store by the rules either. But he and your mother gave their lives to save yours. Gambling their sacrifice by wandering the castle unprotected... ...with a killer on the loose seems to me a poor way to repay them! Now, I will not cover up for you again. - Do you hear me?" He said sternly  "Yes, sir." I said 

"I want you to return to your dormitory and stay there. And don't take any detours. If you do, I shall know." He said pointing to the map. "Professor, just so you know, I don't think that map always works. Earlier, it showed someone in the castle. Someone I know to be dead." I said  he looked at me contemplating what I said. "Oh, really? And who might that be? " he chuckled "Peter Pettigrew." His chuckle turned to horror. "That's not possible." He said dryly "It's just what I saw. Good night, professor." I said returning to my dorm.