

Shadow looked at Iris confused by her actions. "What did you have me smell? I feel like I am going to be sick." He said holding his head. "The less you know the better." She said pulling out a notebook and wrote down some notes. "Ah don't worry Atkins flower over there wouldn't let any harm come to you." The twins said as Fred ruffles Shadows's sand spiked hair. The boys blue eyes looked at me worried. "Don't worry that was an liquid insens. It did what was intended. My worry is why the Dementor was after you. Eat the chocolate I need to go check on something." The young witch said before leaving the three.

Time skip

Iris sat at the dining table as Dumbledore spoke about the Dementors. She was not impressed by anything the Ministery did. They had no right here at all. She thought angry about Harry and her uncle. She knew she couldn't do anything about it now. While eating another thought popped in her head. Adkins why did that name sound familiar? That night I was brewing potions for my inventory. "You can't sleep miss Snape?" I look up to see my Father. "Why you calling me by my last name?" I asked not used to him doing that. He chuckled before sitting across from me. "I have been calling your name for the past five minutes. You were deep in thought about something." He said looking at the ingredients on the table. "It's the boy I helped on the train. His last name it sounds so familiar to me. It's like I should know it but I can't put my finger on why." I said adding mermaid scale and fur of bat to the mix. "You are making a memory potions. Iris honey are you sure that is a good idea?" He asked concerned and rightfully so. This is dangerous for the mental state of a witch or wizard. So as the name suggests it will make you remember any and everything. This is not for the faint of heart that's for sure. "Daddy I need to know maybe something I overlooked." I said writing something on a peace of paper. I hand it to him he gasps before looking guilty. "If this is what you feel is right go for it." He said before leaving the room in a bit of a hurry. "Sorry daddy but your the only one I can trust." I said before pouring the potion in tubes. The spell will work once all seven are consumed. I need to drink one every morning for seven days. May Merlin be with me when this is all said and done.

Time skip

The first day and the shop is almost ready to open. Honestly the first day is were I make the most. "Iris love ready to open the doors?" George asked finishing the herbs and plants. "Books and cosmetic are in order." Fred said finishing count. "Well boys looks like we are ready." I said waving my wand the lock opened. Students and teachers came in browsing. My shampoos and body washes were sold out. I had to get forms for orders filled out. When all was said and done the shop was closed and money was placed in my father's vault. "Later love we have history of magic to get to." George said as Fred kissed me on the cheek. "See you in Herbolagy." He said before they ran off. I had potions first so I really didn't need to go anywhere. I just hope things get sorted out with Sirius soon.

"I know that face Iris. What's on your mind sweetheart?" Dad asked pulling me out of my thoughts. Myself now realizing my ingredients are out and in order or the up coming class. "I am not going to ask how you knew what the potion of the day was. I have a feeling a certain young lady has been snooping threw my books." He chuckled and I roll my eyes. "You do the same warm up potion every year." I said making him think for a moment. "I do it for a reason Iris. What may be trivial to you may not be so for other students. I know you will do great this year as a father excepts from his daughter. I also ask you to be careful going to Hogsmead. Sirius Black will stop at nothing to get his hands on Harry. I fear what he will do to you." I know dad is concerned for my well-being. I mean he has good reason but also not good reason. He is a complicated mess of emotions but he is my dad and I love him. "I will dad I promise." He nods and opened the potions door. "Oh look the pet is already here." Oh Patricia Crabgrass what an unpleasant surprise. "Oh shut it toad wort." I said focusing on my work. "How dare you speak to me like that. Filthy mudblood spawn your blood is just as disgusting as her's." I pulled out my wand and had her against the wall. "I care not what you say about me Crabgrass. When you bring my mother into it that's a whole other game entirely. " I growl shaking trying to back away. "Iris back away from her it's not worth it." I hear my dads voice. I let her go only for her to insult my mother once more. "Bubble motanum." I said having her barfing up dirty soap water. The class laughed at her to be far I knew it was wrong. "Iris to Dumbledore's office now young lady!"

I grabbed my bag and headed straight away. I knew dad wasn't mad it was formality. He was probably going to do worse to her. She deserves it no one talks about my family like that.

Harry pov

Ron and I were heading to divination haven't spotted Harmonie yet. It's not like her to be late hope she is ok. We were each given a cup of tea to drink. "Go on drink up so the tea leaves may tell us about you." The professor I assume she is said.

'Welcome to Divination,' said the Professor who had seated herself in a winged armchair in front of the fire. 'My name is Professor Trelawney. You may not have seen me before. I find that descending too often into the hustle and bustle of the main school

clouds my Inner Eye.'

Professor Trelawney delicately rearranged her shawl and continued, 'So you may have chosen to study Divination, the most difficult of all magical arts. I must warn you at the outset that if you do not have the Sight, there is very little I will be able to teach you. Books can take you only so far in this field…'

At these words, both Ron and I glances, grinning, at Hermione, who looked startled at the news that books wouldn't be much help in this subject.

'Many witches and wizards, talented though they are in the area of loud bangs and smells and sudden disappearings, are yet unable to penetrate the veiled mysteries of the future,' Professor Trelawney went on … 'It is a Gift granted to few. You, boy,' she said suddenly to Neville, who almost toppled off his pouffe, 'is your grandmother well?'

'I think so,' said Neville tremulously.

'I wouldn't be so sure if I were you, dear,' said Professor Trelawney… 'We will be covering the basic methods of Divination this year. The first term will be devoted to reading the tea leaves. Next term we shall progress to palmistry." She rambled on about the up coming lessons. Ron said in my tea leaves was a sun and cross. I'm going to suffer but be happy about it. The professor took my cup

She gasps throwing my cup down. "My dear boy....you have the Grim" she said fearful as a student explains that the Grim is an omen of death. Well what else is new have a psychopath who wants me dead. Class went on as usual and more people got the cup readings. I honestly can't wait for my next lesson to start this is boring.