

Deku's POV

"Get the fuck off of me!" I turn around to see Kacchan trying to shake off a villain with cat ears. "Ah! FUCK!" He screamed when he managed to shake her loose only for her to scratch his arm.

I run over and instead of him yelling at me for being too slow or to go away he just turns back to the villain. When everything was finally over we returned to the school only for Recovery Girl to sigh when she saw the scratch on his arm. When she was done bandaging him she turned to me and I just shrugged.

"I'm just here to be checked over, I don't think I was all that hurt, maybe a couple bruises?" She then tested me for if I was under the effects of a quirk which came back negative. Why am I the only one that gets checked like this?

I'm still pouting when Kacchan starts chuckling, "Nerd." I look up but I quickly freeze when I see him licking his hand. He had already changed into his street clothes and started rubbing at his ear, which he now seemed to have two sets of.

"Ka-ka- Kacchan?" I stuttered and Recovery Girl looked up from her computer and let out a groan.

"Now I have to test you both every time you come back from patrols?" I hear her muttering before she takes a new needle and pokes a finger that Kacchan had stretched out from licking his wrist.

"Ow, fuck what was that for? Rahhh sksksksk!" Kacchan hissed at the end with his cat ears folded back, making both Recovery Girl and I freeze.

"This is going to be a long day," I heard Recovery Girl sigh before testing the blood sample she took. "Well good news and bad news. This quirk is in the computer already. He will slowly turn more cat-like the more aggressive he is but if he relaxes and opens up he will be more human. Bad news, this is Bakugo we are talking about. The quirk will last until he is either all cat or all human."

"But-!" I started to panic but she just shook her head.

"There is no other way around it. I'll inform those that need to know," she walked away and I heard as she called Aunty but Kacchan was acting like he didn't hear at all. Still giving his ear a cat bath.

Now that I think about it, we are gross. He can't possibly clean himself like a cat! That could harm him! I steel myself and gently pull him with me to the gym locker room. It was fine until I turned on the showerhead and Kacchan started fighting me to get away from the spraying water. When did he get claws? He was hissing and cursing me, mini explosions going off all the while, my suit is now ripped up to shreds from his claws and once I was sure he was clean I had to clean not only myself but carefully disinfect my wounds.

Once we were both dressed again we went back to Recovery Girl's office and she took one look at me and guessed what happened. The fact that Kacchan now has a tail didn't go unnoticed either. She let out a sigh and took another blood sample from me to test before she healed me again.

"Good news, it's not contagious," she sighed before pulling up something on her computer again. "Try not to aggravate him, it would be best if he wasn't turned into a cat." Why is this my fault?

I just nod letting out a groan as I do before we turn to leave, Kacchan snickering at me as we walk. His soft smile was actually reaching his eyes and I can't help staring at the beautiful rubies as they glistened from the streetlights.

When we got back to the dorms everyone was already in bed and I started going to my room as well. It's not like I'm in charge of Kacchan or anything. Thankfully.

I unlocked my door only to find that Kacchan was still next to me, yawning. "I'm staying here tonight," he yawned, stretching before walking inside. It's the first thing I've heard him say since the fight earlier tonight. I can't help being relieved and just follow him. If he wants to stay here fine. It's time for bed so it's not like he'll turn into a cat while we are sleeping. We were comfortable and I was already in bed when Kacchan got frustrated with the futon and jumped up on my bed too... On all fours, crawled under the covers, and pressed against my side.

I just stayed still until he seemed to be comfortable and when I relaxed he let out a soft purr.

I'm going to die. How else can this be explained? Kacchan cuddled up with me and he was purring! Is he planning my death now? Or...

"Go to sleep!" He hissed at me, growling at the end of his words. Yep, he is plotting my death.


Bakugo's POV

I woke up to the room being far too bright this early in the fucking morning. I could feel a growl like a groan rumble through my chest before I got up and stretched, yawning in the process. When I look around I see that I'm in Deku's room but I remember not bothering to go to my own room last night. Why did I follow Deku I'm the first place? I mean I guess it doesn't really matter but it's still odd.

Looking at the time it should only be early morning sunlight coming through the windows but I swear it's bright enough to be the middle of the damn day. Maybe it's a part of the quirk? Cats are supposed to have really good eyesight so it's a possibility right? Or maybe I hit my head at some point during the fight and now I'm suffering from a concussion? No, Recovery Girl would have noticed that right away. It must be a part of the quirk.

I leave Deku's room without waking him up, locking the door behind me. It's only 6am, I'm usually up this early but not usually the morning after a night patrol. I shrug the thought away and go to my room. Once I'm changed and grab my school bag I go downstairs to find that I'm still too early. I roll my eyes at my own efficiency but decide to cook myself some breakfast for once instead of just toast.

A bowl of rice with a raw egg cracked over the still hot and steamy rice and a pan fried fish later I'm cleaning my face more than satisfied with my meal but I made too much. There is another bowl of rice and another fish still and considering no one is dumb enough to ask for my food everyone else either already ate or left the kitchen already.

I could hear my classmates comments about my appearance, it's not exactly like anyone could have missed the giant cat ears on my head and when I looked in the mirror this morning I also noticed that my human ears are now gone. I must have had a bad dream or something but I don't remember any dreams last night. It was a nice change of pace honestly.

Just when I was about to finish cleaning my face Deku came running in like he was being chased but he was just racing towards the bread box when I got the impulse to grab him by the back of his shirt, his feet running off still making him land on his ass instead.

"Ow, Kacchan. Why?" He whined, making me snicker before I pushed him towards the seat across from me. "Kacchan," he sighed but he sat down anyway, making me grin. I pushed the leftover breakfast food towards him and saw him look up at me confused but I just went back to cleaning my face, effectively ignoring him.

"Thank you," I heard him whisper and he really sounded grateful which had me wondering when the last time he ate a real meal was. I pretended not to notice him as I watched him eat every single grain of rice and drop of egg before then quickly eating the fish, leaving the bones clean. Exactly when was the last time he ate at all?

I finally got up and cleaned my dishes and Deku soon after joined me before we picked up our bags and made our way to class. For the love of All Might, WHY DOES MY FACE FEEL SO DIRTY? I know it's clean, truly I do, but I keep wiping at it anyway.

I walk into the classroom ignoring a few of the girls gasping and squealing at how "cute" my "kitty ears" are. Will I make it through the day without killing anyone? I swear I don't care if it is Racoon Eyes or Round Face, I will set an explosion off regardless of if Shitty Hair is around to take it for them or not, they damn well better not touch me. Thankfully I don't think they have noticed the tail yet because at the moment it is inside my school jacket, out of sight.

Aizawa Sensei walked in and did a double take before face palming and when he turned around to leave again he was blocked by Recovery Girl coming in.

"Something I should know?" He asked, his voice already irritated but she just ignored him and came over to see me. After taking a few notes and shining a light in my eyes she nodded and gave Deku a thumbs up which only made me roll my eyes.

I'm not dealing with this horseshit. She likes to pretend that she likes Deku the few times she sees him and he isn't her patient but in reality she hates him. I mean I am cold as fuck but she is down right frosty to Deku. No matter how much I piss her off, the difference between how she treats me and Deku is night and day. She'll hit him with her cane just to make sure he is asleep while she goes out of her way to buy special candy for me. Do I know why? Not really. Like I said, I'm a pain in the ass so I don't get it.

She walks back and on her way out the door she hands Aizawa a piece of paper and he nearly screams, "WHEN ISN'T HE AGGRAVATED?" But she just left without responding.

I decided now is a great time to clean behind my ears and promptly ignored everyone as they tried to piece together what was going on. Deku was the only one being silent which helped my nerves a lot. Class finally started and it was actually time for English when I started yawning uncontrollably. I kept trying to shake the grogginess away but it wasn't helping.

The sun was up and coming in through the window landing directly on me and the warm sunlight was making it hard to focus on reading Shiloh. I kept finding myself starting to nod off when my head would start to droop only for me to try and shake the grogginess away again, not that it ever worked.

"BAKUGO! CAN YOU TELL ME-" Present Mic was screaming in my ear, and I jumped so high up I landed on Deku's shoulders hissing at him. And it's at this moment that I realized just how small I had gotten. When the hell did I shrink? I now have to hold my pants up and my hands didn't even reach the end of my sleeves anymore.

"What happened little listener?" Present Mic whispered and I could only hiss and growl at him because I don't trust myself to say actual words at the moment. As much of an ass as I am I don't cuss out the best English teacher I have ever had. I study hard but it wasn't until he became my teacher that English started feeling fluent for me and the fact that my squad is actually all passing English, even Kaminari with his dyslexia, says a lot. But right now my heart is pounding so hard and fast I don't actually know if it will still function when I calm down.

"Kacchan?" I hear Deku's pained voice only to look down and see that I lost my shoes when I jumped and I now apparently have claws in the place of my toenails as well.

I slowly retract my claws, forcefully doing so, but every nerve ending is still on high alert before Deku picks me up off of his shoulders and just gently scratches around my ears until my lungs don't feel like they are about to pop anymore. I could hear Deku explaining the quirk I was under to him and how I've been trying so hard to stay calm so I could stay human but Aizawa was the one that fucked up and didn't pass the information when he first came in to teach.

"So he wasn't trying to fall asleep in class, it was just because he was in the sun for too long. Like a house cat?" Present Mic asked and Deku nodded. It really took until now for me to realize that I am still in Deku's arms but now my clothes are far too big and there is no way I'll be able to follow along with class if I can't even reach past my sleeves. I'm barely bigger than an average house cat at the moment.

I looked around for a minute before I found Ponytail, I completely forgot she was at the back of my row but oh well this works. Deku puts me down when he sees me looking around the room and now holding my pants up I walk over to her and groan before the words even come out.

"If you make me clothes I will let you pet me," I could feel my ears fold back at the unpleasant thought of letting anyone touch me but I need clothes and I don't like owing anyone anything.

"You don't have-"

"Don't make me repeat myself," I hissed, getting more irritated. She paused, confused for a moment before she seemed to finally understand what I meant.

"Okay," she didn't nag or squeal or anything else, she just pulled out a tape measure from only God knows where, probably her quirk though to be fair, and started taking my measurements. I didn't even notice that Present Mic gave her the go ahead and she even made me new shoes putting it all into a cloth bag that would easily fit the oversized clothes that I'm now wearing once I finished changing. I left class and used the restroom to change because it was much closer to class than the locker room. When I returned I didn't sit down and instead stood next to her and waited for her to take her payment, my arms crossed so that I knew I wouldn't explode at the physical contact.

She was gentle and it really didn't feel so bad so I let it go for longer than I intended and it wasn't until I heard a rumbling noise that I realized that I was purring, which was also when I decided that was enough of that. Ponytail however had already stopped and was pulling her hand away as if she knew I would end it there and I couldn't help the sigh of relief that it was over before I returned to my seat, before getting irritated that I could no longer see above my desk.

"Here Kacchan," Deku whispered and I looked up to see that he had put his outside jacket into his backpack to make a cushion for me and it helped sit me up high enough to actually use my desk again. I nodded, accepting the help and he smiled happily before he showed me what page we were on now and I quickly caught up with them.

My English homework was already done when Present Mic came over to check on me again before going to the next class but I was again fighting sleep from being in the nice warm sunlight.

"Little listener, Midnight will be next so you better wake up unless you want to wake up really scared," he shuddered and I couldn't help growling at the thought. "Say you didn't lose your voice did you?" He was concerned and it wasn't until now that I realized that he probably didn't hear me make the deal with Ponytail so I just shook my head no. He still looked concerned but I'm still worried that my blood pressure will skyrocket once I start talking, like usual.

He finally left and it didn't take long before Midnight came skipping in and at first she started talking about whatever piece of art we were going to be going over today before her eyes landed on me and she squealed. I launched myself into Deku's lap and hid in his jacket before she could grab me, hissing and growling as I did. I felt my arms getting itchy and when I looked down I found that I no longer have a human body at all. Just fucking great!

"Dude, he really just yeeted himself into Midoriya's arms," I heard Kaminari say far too loud for comfort but like hell I'm coming out with Midnight ready to grab me. Hell no. Pigs have a better chance at growing fucking wings and learning how to fly before that shit happens. Every single nerve in my body is on super alert thanks to Present Mic's warning and dammit all, I am thankful. I could already see my life flashing before my eyes with the way she was looking at me.

"He really just noped so hard it started snowing in hell," I heard Sero add. Like what the hell it's not even like they sit next to each other or anything. Midnight decided now was a great time to try and grab me and I hissed batting one paw with my claws out at her BUT she was fucking laughing, pissing me off even more in the process. Suddenly all I heard was a demonic sounding cat that sounded like it was ready to kill someone, me, I'm the fucking demonic cat. I tried to actually talk but now my voice is gone pissing me off even more.

My growling and hissing were joined with yowls and the animal fucker pointed out that now I can't talk for me.

"What? Why can't he talk?" Midnight asked and I REALLY wanted to kill her. I actually came out of Deku's jacket for a second before she lost focus and tried to fucking lunge at me again, making me dive right back and this time I'm fucking staying.

"Bro, I wonder why he doesn't like being touched so much?" Kirishima asked, I could only guess who was humming in agreement. It's my fucking body no one needs to be fucking touching me without my permission!

Again I heard the animal kid translating for me except he was a lot nicer with his words. Midnight however was still waiting for me to come out and there is no fucking way that is happening. I made it so fucking long without losing my fucking shit only for the fucking TEACHERS to cause me to turn into a cat. How fucked up is that?

I don't know how long we were doing this, me hiding, pressed up against Deku while trying to defend myself and Midnight still trying to grab me even after I managed to leave a nasty slash on her arm but she didn't seem to actually care that she was bleeding everywhere because she is still trying to fucking grab me.

"What is going on here?" I heard Aizawa Sensei demand and I decided to meow as loud as I could to get his attention. When he found that I wasn't in my seat and Midnight was bleeding pretty badly, I stuck my head out and hissed at her again before she tried to grab me again and my claws came out again.

"Sensei? Please help?" Deku whined and I ducked back into his jacket still hissing at Midnight. It didn't take long for Aizawa Sensei to find out what all happened and why.

"You're really telling me that BAKUGO managed to stay calm all day and the only reason he turned into a cat is because of the teachers?" I could see him rubbing at his head as he was obviously trying to figure out how to explain all of this to my parents later. I hissed and mr. animal translated for me.

"Yes," I mean dammit I had even kept my mouth shut all day to keep myself from getting worked up but a fat lot of good that did me!

"Bakugo, come out of Midoriya's clothes," Aizawa directed me and when I looked out I saw Midnight considerably further away so I came out but stayed in his lap, not trusting the trainwreck not to attack at the sight of me again but she stayed where she was. I guarantee that she would still be trying to manhandle me if Aizawa wasn't standing next to me though.

I started to try and fix my fur that was now sticking up all over the place which only served to irritate me more.

"Come here I'll take you to Recovery Girl and we'll see if there is any fixing this," I looked up to see him reaching for me and I dived back into Deku's jacket and hissed at him from there making him stop.

"Sir, I can take him. I think he has had enough stress for one day already," I heard Deku volunteer and the way his voice vibrated around me was actually really calming. At first I heard Aizawa Sensei argue and started lecturing me again but I didn't come out again. Instead I made myself comfortable and closed my eyes, listening to Deku defend me until I fell asleep.

"Kacchan?" I heard Deku gently calling my name but I just twitched an ear and snuggled further into the warm covers surrounding me, my content purrs filling even my ears with a soothing melody that made it difficult to actually wake up.

"He is purring? Like actually purring?" I heard our teacher asking from further away but I decided to ignore it.

"Kacchan? We are in Recovery Girl's office, you need to come out so she can check you over," Deku whispered and I could feel his arms holding his jacket in place so that I wouldn't fall out of it and start to move in an enjoyable way. The way he gently moved the blankets around me, his clothes, didn't make me want to come out anymore than before and instead I started purring louder. I stretched out and I felt the cool air hit my paw that had reached out into the open.

"It's okay Kacchan, Midnight isn't here," he cooed and I yawned and stretched before I slowly made my way out of the warm bedding and using Deku's arm as a perch stretched until I climbed onto his shoulders and laid down again. Instead of trying to get me down he took a seat so that Recovery Girl could reach me. I barely registered the fact that I was still purring until Recovery Girl started messing up my fur again making me hiss at her.

"So you're telling me that Yamada and Kayama did this after he had been successfully calm all day?" She asked and I swear she sounded murderous. Her voice sounded unusually nice and she had the kind of smile plastered on her face that gave Kirishima a run for his money. When Deku answered she then took her cane and started hitting Aizawa Sensei and Deku flinched back. Seriously, why does she hate Deku so much?

When she was done hitting our homeroom teacher I heard her muttering that she would get the other two later before she turned back to Deku and I.

"Can you understand me Bakugo?" She asked and waited and I meowed in answer and I saw relief filling her eyes. She took a step closer to me and I growled when she raised her hand again but she shushed me saying, "I have to see if there is anything that I can do." When she was done it was obvious that no, there isn't anything that she can do.

"The only thing that hasn't turned yet is his mind, if he gets worked up even once more it's over," she warned and I saw her move her focus to Deku frowning and I growled in warning. Deku is the only reason that I wasn't manhandled by Midnight. Like hell I'm going to let her abuse him when his ass is the only one who has actually tried to take care of me.

"Take Bakugo back to the dorms and see if you can get him to open up enough to turn even a little bit back into a human," she directed and I hissed and growled at her. Like hell I'm going to let my grades slip just because of a single quirk accident. No!

"Bakugo, if you don't open up to someone you will continue to turn into a cat and there will be no turning back. Do you really want to stay in class knowing this?" She tried to argue and I just growled again. My claws were kneading Deku's shoulder but he didn't seem to actually care so I kept doing it.

"Fine, do what you want," she gave up on me and Deku stood up again. When we were out of the office he turned his head towards me.

"Do you want back in my jacket or are you comfortable?" He sounds quite happy and I just purred in answer. He nodded as if he understood and walked back to class. The lunch bell rang right as we returned and Deku turned around and walked to the cafeteria and when he saw Lunch Rush he asked if there was any tuna or fish that I could have for my lunch.

"I heard about Bakugo, Midnight is currently hiding from Recovery Girl. Yes, I have a fish meal option today," Deku carried our trays to a small table that only really had enough room for two people and set them down. He opened my milk for me and poured some into one of the tray slots so I could drink it before I started eating the boneless fish filet. Deku didn't say much throughout the meal, only pouring more milk for me when I would finish what was on the tray, otherwise he just ate his own food.

I heard some class B extras making comments about a cat eating at the table but when the copy cat bastard came up instead of making life difficult he silently gave his fish filet to me making me look up at him confused.

"I've been there. Last month I was mute until I managed to calm down and our homeroom teacher Vlad King really just kept making it worse. The whole school is talking about how Recovery Girl is hunting down Present Mic and Midnight for doing this to you." He shrugged before adding, "Don't get me wrong, when the quirk is over we can go back to fighting."

I looked him up and down and meowed in agreement before he nodded and walked away. That girl that always knocks him out came running up as if she were going to hit him but she looked very confused when he walked away calmly. Maybe he isn't so bad. I mean, he has to deal with her knocking him out from behind all the damn time. If it was me I would have blown her ass up by now. I turned my attention back to my tray and started eating the fish he gave me.

By the time I was done eating I was overly full, Deku put our trays away before coming back for me and this time I made myself comfortable in his arms while he carried me back to class. I could hear our classmates pestering him about what class b wanted but Deku didn't really have an answer for them. He wasn't paying attention other than watching my milk levels. Several tried to reach over and pet me but before they were within my reach Deku smacked their hands away asking them if they liked people coming up and touching them without permission. That actually got Iida involved and his loud ass is at least good for something as he is lecturing them all about personal space as we are walking back into the classroom.

Deku stopped at my desk but I don't see a point in sitting there considering I can't see from my seat anyway so once he put me down I jumped onto his desk and then into his lap before stretching, enjoying the sunlight before Deku touched my paws making me flinch only to relax when he started to gently massage my paw pads. My purrs were very loud as I flexed my claws in time to his gentle pressure before I closed my eyes and just enjoyed it.

"I have never seen Bakugo so calm before," I heard Round Face whispering far too loudly. I mean do they think that I went deft or something? How can they think that I can't hear them?

"He seems to at least be trying to stay calm. I can't blame him for jumping like that to Present Mic and Midnight, I did and they weren't even coming at me," I heard Icyhot added. Maybe at the end of all of this at the very least they will understand that I actually do try everyday?

Aizawa Sensei walked in and no one made any more comments but Deku also stopped rubbing my paws making me pout. I stood up and stretched before circling his lap a few times before getting comfortable again and settled down to listen to our teacher's lecture. At the very least I need to do that since I can't take notes. Every now and again Deku would pet me and I would start purring while Aizawa Sensei droned on about history before telling us to work on our assignment and I relaxed into Deku's lap enjoying his fingers running through my fur barely thinking about how I turned over onto my back to let him pet my stomach. His fingers trailed through my fur while I purred until one of his nails caught on my fur and I caught his hand with my teeth and claws.

I really don't want to let go either. It took a while for me to realize that I was PLAYING with him. I mean really, Deku would flinch sometimes when my claws would snag but he was actively playing with me while I attacked his fingers before I decided enough was enough and I went for his hair. At this point he was laughing out loud as I attacked his hair after body slamming his face but when I heard Ponytail giggling was when I was brought back to reality and I jumped down to the floor and started fixing my fur.

"Already?" Deku pouted and I just turned away ignoring him altogether. Our classmates and teacher watched as I tried to fix my fur, waiting for me to do something else adorable which only made my skin crawl. Deku raised his hand to go to the bathroom and I walked back towards Ponytail. I meowed to get her attention, not like I didn't have it already, and she sat back so I could jump into her lap. Class went on until I saw the pervert try and peep under her skirt and I slashed my claws at him hitting his eye. Damn he blinked, the pervert will live to see another day. A few minutes went by and he tried again and this time I drew blood and he yelled out in pain.

"Mineta! What are you doing?" Aizawa Sensei demanded from the board before slowly walking back towards us.

"Bakugo keeps scratching my face!" He whined and Ponytail looked down in surprise.

"But Bakugo hasn't moved since he's been on my lap?" Ponytail defended and I rolled into my back letting her rub my belly with her goddess like nails.

"Mineta, how would Bakugo scratch your face if you were facing the board?" Aizawa Sensei demanded when he saw his face and my outstretched paws. He keeps looking at me weird like he can't believe that I'm actually opening myself up to being touched but this woman is fucking god. She managed to get a particularly irritating spot and I started purring in response.

He called for Mr. Animal, I don't actually know his name but he seems to actually enjoy it when I call him that so who cares? Then Aizawa Sensei started asking me questions and I just yawned at him. I mean he already knows the answers so why is he bothering to try and interrogate me? Ponytail on the other hand was putting her nails to good use under my chin making my purrs louder.

"Bakugo if you can't answer a simple question then why are you even in class?" Aizawa Sensei demanded, finally losing his temper and I looked up at him finally.

"You already know the answer to why the pervert was scratched. So why do I have to spell it out for you?" Mr. Animal translated for me.

"Bakugo is welcome to stay in my lap anytime! He doesn't scratch me and I find his purring rather enjoyable," Ponytail raised her hand to say but when she was done she put it right back below my ears and let her magic continue.

"So long as the pervert keeps trying to look up her skirt I'll scratch him. Ponytail's nails are fucking magic and it's a small price to pay," I answered barely registering the fact that Mr. Animal was talking for me. My purrs got louder when Ponytail shifted her fingers to my spine and I laid on my side to allow her to reach as far as she wanted.

"So you're trying to look up skirts again?" Our teacher sounded pissed and I stopped paying attention until he turned to go back to the board only for the grape to immediately try again. My claws landed across his nose and he yelped again, this time trying to stop the bleeding and Aizawa sent him to the nurses office and then to Nezu's office. If we somehow get rid of the pervert for good it's a happy day in my book.

The bell rang and class was over. Deku seemed a little put out that I was letting Ponytail carry me and well, to be perfectly honest he wasn't the only one. Kiri was particularly loud about not being able to hold me and I'm starting to feel uncomfortable about how much my classmates seem to want to do so. Why? Why do they want anything to do with me? Any other time they wouldn't.

I ended up jumping down walking beside Deku who was carrying my backpack since I no longer could. The clothes Ponytail made me are getting uncomfortable now that they are too big but what if I start turning human again? It's not like I could run around in nothing but my fur. And as if just thinking about going around like a normal cat was enough I heard a high pitched voice screech "KITTY!" But before I could run or really do anything a little girl ran away from her guardian and picked me up, hugging me, making me yowl in surprise and pain.

"Please put Kacchan down, he isn't a real cat just another person like me who was hit with a quirk," Deku tried to reason with the girl and I am doing everything I can not to scratch her. No, I have to stay calm! Deku tried to help me out of her grasp but she wouldn't let me go.

Eventually the kid's parents came over and when Deku explained that I was another teenager they went pale and pried her arms off of me and I quickly jumped onto Deku's shoulders, well out of harm's way.

"He was hit with a quirk, if he lets himself get mad one more time he won't be able to return to being human again," Deku tried to explain but when he bent down I growled, reminding him that I am on his shoulders. "Right, sorry Kacchan.

"There is a fair chance she used her quirk on him," the man whispered and he quickly explained the quirk and I just want to crawl in a hole and stay there until I'm human again. Mates; when touched with all five fingers her target is forced to look for their ideal partner. The problem is that I already know who is perfect for me. It's Deku, but I'm not perfect for him. This quirk is going to make me out myself and I just want to croak. I mean would being a cat forever really be that terrible? I mean really?

We returned to the dorms with no more surprises and Mr. Animal and Ponytail said they would meet at my room in a few minutes so Deku just unlocked my door for me before going to change in his room.

When they came in they gave a short knock first before coming inside and I heard Ponytail gasp in surprise when she came in. My room was much like Deku's with All Might merch everywhere and neatly put up and away. Mr. Animal didn't seem too surprised and Deku was whining about my new poster that was a limited edition that sold out before they were even officially on sale.

I jumped into Ponytail's lap and purred while he praised my collection and Ponytail was only too happy to scratch behind my ears for me. Apparently I'm not the only one that can't stand the fucking pervert. None of the girls like him, not that I could blame them, he keeps harassing them and poor Ponytail is stuck sitting right behind him so she can't ever get away from the fucker.i don't care if the fucker is supposedly bi, the one time I felt his eyes turn towards me I was ready and set off an explosion keeping him well enough away from me. Mr. Animal was happy to translate for me so long as it didn't include curse words, he has a soft spot for cats but he can't keep one because of his other animals.

As nice as all of this is, I really don't want to spend the rest of my life as a cat, so I guess I need to open up somehow? No better way than coming out of the closet.

"I'm gay, I have zero desire to be in any of the girl's laps because I'm 100% sure they will end up screaming in my ears. I only started with Ponytail because I needed her quirk and then I found out that her nails are fucking heaven," Thankfully Ponytail was sitting on my bed with me and when she was scratching my ears I ended up rolling off her lap and I felt her flinch even though only my head was on her lap now.

"Hey what was that for?" I was surprised that she would let me just drop like that. It took a few minutes for me to realize that I heard my own voice and not Mr. Animal's but when I did I looked down to see myself still dressed in the school uniform she made me.

"Can you just make me a shirt and pants to change into?" I asked and she quickly whipped them up apologizing for letting me drop while she did. I ran over to my closet to change and damn it feels good to be human again. Sure it sucks that I'm only a little bigger than I was but I am humanoid and I can talk, that is a big upgrade in my book.

"So you're gay?" I heard Deku ask almost silently and when I looked at him I could see a faint smile on his face that sent my heart racing. I mean this is a good chance for me. I jumped back up on my bed, still used to the motions of being a cat so when I got on the bed I curl up in Deku's lap, only to reach up and bat at his hair making him giggle and my heart was sent racing again.

"Bakugo, you seem really relaxed right now and it's nice to see you again. Is there anything else you want to tell us so that you can grow to your normal size?" Ponytail asked and when I looked up at her I swear I saw stars in her eyes.

"Nothing is coming to mind but you three won't spread shit so why don't you just ask me a question?" I grumbled until Deku dropped the end of a string in front of my face and I started attacking it mercilessly.

Mr. Animal was the first to speak up, "What's your favorite food?" And I started getting hit with a bunch of questions but none of them really seemed to help any.

"Anything Spicy."

"Favorite color?"


"Favorite hero?"

"All Might obviously," a few made me chuckle but none seemed to actually make me grow any at all.

"Kacchan, I think the questions have to be more personal," Deku hesitated but at this point I'm laying on his shoulders just playing with his hair, the string from earlier completely forgotten about.

"Your question?" I asked, starting to feel sleepy.

"Have you ever kissed anyone before?" He asked and both Ponytail and Mr. Animal were paying close attention again.

"Uh, you already know the answer to that," I avoided his eyes in my answer. Memories of us playing as kids and how Deku wanted to try what the people on TV were doing. It was sloppy but Deku was hugging me and it was a sweet memory for me.

"Well since then I mean," Deku blushed but corrected himself and Ponytail didn't let that go and he ended up telling the story of our first kiss at five years old.

"No, not since then." I answered, trying to ignore Ponytail's obvious joy about my first kiss.

"If you could kiss anyone, who would you kiss now?" Ponytail jumped in her excitement easily reminding me why I don't tell Raccoon Eyes any of these things.

"I guess I would want to redo that childhood kiss. It's not like we knew what we were doing," I coughed but I already jumped down from Deku's shoulders and was sitting on the edge of my bed when it got really hard to breathe. My clothes are far too tight!

I jumped down and practically dragged myself to my closet, ripping off my shirt before I even got there and slammed the door shut before I finished stripping out of my now far too small clothes. Once I'm dressed again I came out of the cramped place ready to kick them all out again when Deku pointed out that I still have cat ears and a tail.

"I think I'm done sharing today," I frowned, still rubbing at my collar where the t-shirt I was wearing almost strangled me. Ponytail and Mr. Animal shared a look before quickly running out my door saying that they would see us at dinner and I heard the door lock when it closed behind them leaving Deku and I alone.

"So you would want to kiss me again?" Deku asked and I was about to deny everything when I looked up and saw his flushed face. He was still sitting on my bed and he was smiling so big it was hard to think that he didn't like the idea.

"Is that wrong?" I asked instead of confirming it but Deku didn't get upset. If anything he was only getting more excited.

"I don't think so. I would kind of like it too," he started muttering again, making it difficult to keep track of what he was saying.

I sat down in front of him and I saw his excitement clear as day on his face. Maybe he likes me too? The aching feeling in my chest subsided a little and I reached out to caress his cute strawberry pink face.

"Really? But what if a kiss isn't enough? What if I want a lot more than just a kiss?" I whispered and his eyes seemed to light up in his surprise. "What if I wanted you to kiss me?" I whispered, leaning in until our foreheads were touching.

"What if," he licked his lips, his eyes darting between mine and my mouth and is it getting harder to breathe right now? "I want to kiss you right now? What if I didn't stop at just a kiss?" Damn it all to hell! My heart is pumping so fast that it feels like it is getting bruised by my ribs.

"What if I said yes?" I whispered only for him to press against me. The kiss was slow and absolutely everything I wanted. He pushed me onto my back before he climbed on top of me. His lips were so soft, and he didn't pull away, instead I could feel his tongue tracing the edges of my lips so I opened up for more only to feel his tongue intertwine with mine.

We pulled away panting, I was trying not to let my chest rise so much that it pressed against him whenever I pulled air in but fuck it all, I can't stay away. I reached up only for him to meet me halfway, our breath mixing together as I finally got my arms free so I could pull him closer.

"Careful Kacchan, I might not let you go again~," Deku crooned and I kissed him again.

"Good, I don't want you to," I whispered and he giggled into the kiss.


I woke up to find Deku still wrapped around me and I could feel myself purring in satisfaction. Wait purring? I reach up to find that I still have cat ears. I guess making out with Deku didn't free me off this quirk even though I was more than a little honest. I start to pout only to find my human ears below the cat ears. Thank you! There is a God! I'm not all human yet but a little more searching and I find that I don't have a tail either so it's just like when I first got hit with the damn thing. So one more good push and I should be all human. Right?

I nuzzled into Deku who started giggling at the soft kisses I was giving him. He started protesting until I started whispering in his ear.

"I'm almost all human. I wonder if there is anything you want to know that could give that final push?" I kissed his ear while I whispered softly into it. "I want to be able to hold you like this again and again," I whispered, enjoying his giggles as I talked. I mean how fucking cute can he be?

"Hmm, if making out didn't do it but admitting you wanted to kiss me did..." He hummed aloud while I nuzzled into his neck making him giggle again. He pulled away and looked into my eyes so that all I could see were the deep forest green that were glistening in the morning dew only to snap out of it when he started talking.

"Would you be my boyfriend and go out with me? On dates?" He asked nervously and I kissed the tip of his nose.

"Yes, but be careful. I'm not likely to let you go anytime soon. I might even keep you all night," I winked at him while smirking before I let my lips meet his again.

"Hmm, if you're going to keep me all night..." I saw a devilish glint cross his eyes and I swallowed just before he knocked me over and climbed on top of me. "Maybe we could do more than kiss?"

I swallowed hard but nodded in answer anyway. He gave me the tiniest of kisses before pulling away to take off his shirt. "Only if you want to though," he added and like hell I'm going to say no to him offering.

"You can top me any day," I whispered and I saw him flash that mega smile at me before helping me out of my clothes.

"I'll take you up on that," he purred and I lost myself to his sweet intoxicating touches.


"Good morning Lover," I heard Deku giggle and when I opened my eyes I saw him stretched out in the morning sunlight only to see his big bright eyes shining as he looked at me.

I reached over and pulled him closer, ignoring the tenderness of my back and hip before I was able to relax into his arms. His fingers started running through my hair and it took far longer than I care to admit that he wasn't hitting cat ears.

"I guess a little exercise did the trick," I hummed, enjoying the warmth of his arms around me. "It only took promising forever," I grinned as I held him close. Can I actually be happier than I am now?

I heard him giggle and I looked up only for him to kiss me softly. The kisses were light and sweet but then he pointed out the time and helped me to the shower for us to get ready for school. I quickly got dressed afterwards only to rush downstairs to cook us a couple fried eggs before he came rushing down and I handed him his breakfast between a couple slices of bread.

"Breakfast on the go?" I offered and he grinned as we walked out of the building and towards class. When we got inside I completely ignored Aizawa Sensei until he reached out and actually started searching the top of my head and out of reflex I batted his hand away hissing.

"Do I look like a fucking pet to you?" I growled before turning quickly and going the rest of the way to my seat. I could hear Deku giggling behind me but he didn't say anything before following until he was next to me.

"Looks like I still have a little work to do," he smirked and I could feel my face turning red. It wasn't until halfway through class that someone pointed out that the pervert wasn't in class today.

"Sexual harrassment is a crime as well as considered villainous activity, he is in school suspension until Nezu deems otherwise," Aizawa Sensei groaned before Midnight came running in and I jumped back out of the way out of reflex.

"Oh come on! He's back to normal already?" She pouted and then Recovery Girl came following her in before wacking her with her cane before coming to check on me.

"Good job Midoriya, you actually managed to get him to relax and open up," I could feel myself growing red but I kept my mouth shut until she pinched my jaw and looked inside my mouth.

"There's only one problem," she grinned and I felt a shiver run through me as goosebumps raised themselves up. "It turns out that that wasn't how someone was turned back to normal like we thought. The villain confessed how her quirk actually worked and you both need to come to my office now." She smiled even bigger. "Unless you want everyone to know?" We both jumped up and ran out of the room only to hear her cackling behind us.

"Do we actually have to go to her office?" I heard Deku muttering and I have to agree except that she will just return and tell our entire class what we did if we don't go.

"Well, looks like it's about to be public knowledge, hope you're ready to come out of the closet," I looked over only to see him smile before holding my hand briefly before letting me go and the office door opened showing the evil woman.

"So!" She sat down as if she didn't just shout into the quiet room, letting the door close behind her as she did. "You two are sexually active?"

"Fuck," we groaned at the same time.