
I am Happy to Be Single

Summoned into the world that was moving towards its destruction. Dante von Wolfsberg is on the road to achieving his dreams while struggling to find a way past the deadly fate of the world. Will he succeed in his goal of saving the world when the hero failed? and will he fulfill his lifelong goal in this new life gifted to him? Be prepared for a journey like no other! ----------------- I will update the novel daily with 7 chapters/per week. Depending on views and activity, I might increase the chapter count per week. ------------------ Most mistakes are edited by me, so no grammar mistakes and you can read with ease. ------------------ Special Genres: No Face slapping MC, No simp MC, No hero talk, Goal-oriented MC, Realistic MC, Dark plot, Kind MC ------------------ No Pa*reon for now. Will make it, if required in the future. Discord: Shehroz#2738 Disclaimer: The cover photo is not mine if you are the creator of photo, then pm me, if you want me to remove it. Support me with power stones, and leave a review if you like the novel :)

MirageKing · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Mistake & Conclusion

Author Note: I have changed the Novel name a little bit. It was too long before and Inappropriate. I hope readers don't get confused by the changed name. Happy reading.


Dante looked towards the open field which was damaged and had craters now due to battle.

8 corpses lay on the ground with no movements. The area around was burning with emissions that would cause 3rd-degree burns if normal humans approached it. The land looked as if bombs or missiles had bombarded it.

This was the event that happens when Aurars fought. The lands get destroyed and people die all around the area.

Even an area a few hundred meters around the battle scene becomes un unapproachable by normal humans and even low-ranked aurar.

This showed the power and catastrophe that Aurars presented to the world. Commoners were just ants in the long run and would perish if Aurars so wished.

Dante looked at the location where the big guy named Quin had appeared now.

His clothes were damaged and he was bleeding from his left eyes side. He was damaged on the head.

The main thing about Dante's attacks was that it was impossible to recover from them through potions. The devouring aura included in his attacks made it impossible to stop bleeding unless the rank of aurar was higher than Dante himself and could use extra emission to burn through his devouring concept.

"Brat! You are not trash. No wonder you approached us with such grit. I should have known. No, I knew something was wrong. Just in case, I had activated my [Solar Bracelet]. Good thing I did that, haha or I would be dead." Quin laughed and spit on the ground.

"Why are you targeting me?" While Dante and Quin were talking, Elsa and others could hear them.

While he was trying to find out some secrets from Quin. Dante decided to check his status.



Name: Dante Von WolfsBerg

Age: 5/100

Potential: 8.5/10

Charm: 9.2/10 {Still young, will increase when becomes adult}

Luck: 0 {Fateless}

Title: Playboy, Hardcore Idiot, Parttime Masochist, Scumbag, Playboy Incarnate

Strength: F+ | Agility: F+

Spell Power: E (25-30AE)

Echo Compatibility: 20%

Aura Capacity: 15 A (AuraUnits) {20A max}

System Level: 2 (Upgradable)

Condition: Healthy, Peek Strength, Strong Soul, High Grade 6 Meridians

Innate Ability: Grand Devouring Physique (Lv2), Aura of Attraction (max)

Perks: Devourer (+), Despair (???), Painless Body (+), Enhanced Regeneration (Lv1), Star Core Technique (Lv1.1), Supreme Memory/Ultimate Memory, Take Over, Scan, Analyze, Storing, Map, Sword intent(Mid Grade)

Skills: Light Cleansing (Lv1), Star Sword Technique (Lv2), Blink (Lv2), Star Flash (Lv1), Star Projection (Lv1), Star Movement Technique (Lv1)

Equipment/Inventory: Eternal Light (Book), Manga (5), Books (3), 2x Immeasurable rank skill creation Scroll, 4x God rank Skill Creation Scroll, Zex22 (not in the inventory), DraVault Card, 5x Lv1 Upgrade Token, 3x Lv2 Upgrade Token, 3x Lv3 Upgrade Token, 2 random Perk Token, Mother's Ring, Lord's Blessing Contract, 1000 Aura Coins, Clothes(mix)

System Points (SP): 10,046,000 SP





He had obtained 6,000 SP from the companion quest. Bought 1 contract for 1 million SP from system losing SP obtained from mothers fate quest.

Dante also obtained level up to his star core technique from the quest and it became level 1 from 0.

He was now checking the title section.

[Hardcore Idiot: 10% resistance to all damage when near death.]

[Part-time Masochist: 20% damage increased when injured badly.]

These titles were really useful when he was facing strong enemies or a large number of enemies. They could make him a berserker with stat increase with low health. Hell, he didn't want to use them but when he had no choice, he was happy to have these title's stats.

Salamander Quin looked at Dante and then behind him where his friends were hiding.

"You are one hell of a genius you know that? You knew I was a spy. Not a bad kid. I would have killed you right in slavers bay if not for that bastard Kai 'Blood Demon' with you. That guy scares me a lot. Whoa, he had brutalized many people." Quin looked at Dante and pointed.

"Give up and die peacefully and I will let your friends back their lives. Or resist and I will rape all those girls in front of you and then kill you by torturing you. Make your decision."

Dante had a scowl on his face now and he was ready to attack with his Peak Tier 1 Sword Equipment namely "Wolf Fang".

The girls and Razor were worried about Dante. They knew the enemy was strong.

"So what decision have you made."

Quin looked at Dante with a battle-ready smile.

"Come at me, bald idiot."

Dante vanished using his star movement technique and moved toward Quin.

Quin moved as well. In terms of speed, Dan was far outclassing Quin. Quin missed his few attacks.

Dante attacked with his sword stance 1 which was a strength-based stance. Quin could not attack Dante with his axe at all and instead got pushed back.

Dante used a few sword attacks to damage the Rank 0 defensive artifact of Quin but it didn't work much.

"Time to get started. Warm-up is done." Quin said while retreating and shouting some moves next.


The strength and speed of Quin increased and he again attacked Dante. Dante was pushed badly hence falling towards trees.

Everyone in the barrier was scared about his condition.

When Dan came back and attacked again. Quin used a very strong aura attack toward him.

"Axe Factor."


Everything was destroyed in front of the slash area up to 100 meters. Dante appeared at a faraway place with [Blink] and used his star projection.

"Star projection: Projectile Mayhem."

More than 100 stars in the sky turned into spikes of light and fall towards Quin who was caught off guard and received them head-on with his axe.

About 50 projectiles hit him from all sides and he became a bloody mess due to the impact of attacks on his defensive equipment.

His defensive equipment was now nearly destroyed with only the power of accepting a few more attacks.

The damage was too much and an area of 300 meters was destroyed and quin came out of it while shouting.

"Bastard. I will kill you."

Quin rushed at Dan and attacked him with his strongest attack [Axe Factor] again. Dante used his defensive equipment to defend. Alas, he was sent back again due to impact.

He could not use star projection for 30 seconds and everything was happening very fast.

Quin appeared at a fast speed in the area where Dante appeared and used a new attack.

"Axe Execution!"

The axe released a wave of aura in form of a circle-type shape which hit the location where Dante was standing at. This attack was area based meaning it would not stop unless technique had higher radius than opposition's.

Dante didn't take this attack head-on and decided to change the direction using his Star projection variation attack.

"Star Projection: Pillars of Light"

All stars in the area began shining and pillars appeared around the area of Quin's attack to stop or at least slow it down.

This gave Dante enough time to move out of the way and rush towards Quin with a smile.

The attack of quin was slowed and stopped by 20 pillars of light and the remaining pillars followed Dante who pointed at Quin.

Quin was disturbed by this and used [Axe Factor] on pillars but there were too many of them.

20 seconds passed while Quin was breaking off pillars of light made by Dantes technique. All these pillars had a defensive value of 20AE.

[Remaining AE: 10]

Dante knew it was time to end this battle. He had to do it now.

Within 20 seconds while quim was defending Dante took a stance for releasing the strong technique of the Star sword.


[Spell Power: 32 AE]

All people in the barrier watched this battle with awe at how strong both Dante and Quin were. They would have died with just a wave of energy they emitted from attacks.

They saw Dante releasing an attack with so much power that they had to close their eyes.

A slash was emitted by Dante toward Quin. Quin who was exhausted now could barely move fast enough to destroy pillars. Now an attack far more powerful was coming at him.

Quin knew he had to use everything he got to stop it.


A wave of Aura was emitted by the axe of Quin which faced the pure white Aura slash energies coming at him with a radius of 500 meters. This attack was impossible to dodge.

The attack of Quin stopped much of the attack of Dante destroying all areas of the 1km range and Dante also was thrown backward.

All these attacks happened within a few minutes.

The remaining energies of the Aura-based attack from Dante hit Quin from the flanks and destroyed his artifact and injuring him in return very badly.

Dante get out of the ground which had a hole now. He looked at all destruction that his and that bastard Quin's attack had caused.

He ran towards the barrier where Elsa and others were situated.

Dante reached the area of the barrier and looked at it is very badly damaged but still working.

"Are you guys alright?"

Dan looked at them with a smile.

"Yes, we are okay. Did you win?"

All of them looked at Dan with worry.

"Not yet. But it will be over soon."

5 minutes passed and battle was going to start again. Reason Dante didnt attack was because he was waiting for a decisive moment.

'System prepare for Star Flash simulation. I need to end the battle quickly.'

The system was now going to simulate the battle from now on and help him win with ease or at least a low amount of injuries.

"Hey, are you alright Dante? You look injured."

"Don't worry they have already healed." Dante showed them his wounds which were already closed due to [Enhanced Regeneration lv1].

A blast of Aura was heard and dust was seen everywhere 500 meters away from the barrier.

Quin came out of it with a very injured body. Quinn had lost his hand and eye. He was badly bleeding and now nothing could save him.

"You have pushed me too far kid. You won't leave this place now that I have destroyed this scroll. Haha, you are now trapped in an Ancient realm. This is just a safe area. No one can leave for 5 years now, until other people of cult visit the realm. The day you go inside the main area you will die." Quin destroyed the scroll using his aura.

"Now since I am going to die. I will use ..." before quin could finish his talk. Dante appeared behind him and did what he must.




A cone of energies was emitted by Dante from his hand and Quin was completely disintegrated by a plasma wave of pure aura energies of 500 meters in radius moving the area of 1 Km and destroying all forest areas that remained.

This attack was the strongest attack that Dante had and it could be easily dodged by enemies at a higher level or with fast movement techniques.

Quin was already in bad shape so he couldn't have survived.

Dante smiled at everyone in the barrier with a smile who was now relaxed because Dante had won.

Dante started walking towards them.

He was sure he had won because there was no way that idiot would have survived such an attack.

[Star Flash: Final Technique based Beam Attack which is an innate ability of Dante's core technique.

Spell Power: 50 AE | Range: 1Km | Cost: 4 units]


While he was walking peacefully his system notification appeared.

[Star Barrier activated. Critical Alert. Must Dodge]

After 1 minute time, Dante had all techniques free to use.

His Star barrier was similar to the Star pillar of light. It contains 50 stars barrier to stop any attacks made to kill Dante. This was a final defense of Dante since his artifact was now not usable due to expending too many powers from it.

Dante was attacked by someone and flew 100 meters away from his location.

"Bastard, good thing I had used [Tears of Echo] before talking to you, or else I would have died. Haha," Quin started laughing madly. He had taken a dark pill which changed him alot.

Quin was now shining with veins of Dark patterns on his body. His wounds were not bleeding anymore. He was bigger than before as well.

"It seems like he used that Aura Burn technique that Pearl told me about. He is immortal now. I need to get him to drop his guard. He is near death either way." Dante came out of the debris and moved towards Quin.

"Come little brat. Let's Dance."

Quin's strength had increased by at least 20% from his max.

Dan and Quin again faced each other. this time Dante was hurt as well and was bleeding in his chest. His barrier was not able to stop such a strong attack.


"Star Fall max."

Dante used his most powerful piercing type attack and 30 large spikes of light attacked Quin at random locations.

While Quin was facing those star attacks, Dante began charging his sword with sword intent.

"Alpha Tri Slash!"

Dante released three waves of Sword slashes aura energies towards Quin who took them head-on and was again injured and started bleeding.

Quin came close to Dante and attacked him which Dante dodged using his movement techniques. During the battle, Dan never lost his stoic expression and faced Quin with the same expression.

This pissed Quin off and he attacked with his Axe attack towards another location.

"Save them or yourself, bastard. Axe Execution!"

Quin released an attack toward the barrier holding Elsa and the other children. Who saw a big ball of energies of 100 meters approaching them with their impeding death.

"Damn it." Dante used alpha slash on quin who was sent far away and he used blink to appear in front of the barrier.

He used star flash as an attack to stop it. It must be noted that Dante couldn't stop Axe Executor head-on before due to the impact force of this attack.

"Star Flash max !"

Hence, he stopped the attack, and the barrier was nearly destroyed now.

Dante stood there with his clothes in tatters and battle suit also grazed on hand sides.

Quin appeared at him and used his leg to hit him on the chest.

Dante flew towards the far ground where he was attacked by Axe factor by Quin and he was now hurt.

"Haha looks like you are too soft. If you hadn't protected them, you would have been fine."

Quin and everyone looked at Dante who was now kneeling with his left hand gone.

His left hand from his elbow down to his fists was missing. He was bleeding.

"Time to end this."

Quin appeared face to face with Dante and used his Aura to attack but something was wrong.

He couldn't use Aura anymore. Hell, he couldn't even move.

"Star Projection: Devouring Trap, goodbye Bald Cunt."

Dante used his Right hand to point toward quin.


"Star Flash Omega."


All his attack power had increased by 20% due to the title 'Masochist'. He named the power attack 'omega' due to being a variant of Star flash.

The flash of light enveloped Quin and everything within 100 meters was pulverized.

The only one left now was Dante who had a suit on his chest missing and his clothes were all but gone except his suit pants.

"Looks like I won."

Dante moved from the place of battle to meet up with his companions now.

He had made mistakes in this battle. He was overconfident. Which nearly cost him his life.

Well, he would have won even then but still, he was now without a hand and badly hurt.

He drank [Minor Cleansing Potion] completely to heal his wounds but the scars remained.

He also could not recover his hand because the Aura burn makes all attacks of the user highly Echo concentrated. He now needed at least a Tier 1 pill or elixir to heal his hand and scars.

At least his face and neck didn't have any scars. He could still act cute and handsome.

His chest has a vertical slash scar staring from the lower neck middle to the left hand.

It looked painful but Dante was okay now.

He felt extreme pain due to losing his hand but he had planned and released Devouring Trap.

[Aura capacity: 3 units remaining. The host is advised to rest]

Dante reached the barrier which lost its light. He made sure no one was present within 1 km by using his Map and Scan function.

"Is everyone okay?" Dante gave his signature smile which didn't match his f*cked-up state right now.

-You got pretty badly hurt Dante. That guy used something no one could expect. At least it was not too dangerous or we would be in grave.- Pearl was worried about Dante.

'You are right. It was unexpected twist. The facker powered up mid battle. Don't worry I am not hurt. These injuries are just minor. Its bad thing that I lost an arm.'

Damte walked towards Elsa who came and hugged him.

"You are hurt. Sit please. It is all our fault." Elsa said with tears.

"Dont be foolish. I am okay. Lets go and leave this area. We can talk later. We are unsafe here."

Hence Dante moved with all of them using [Blink].

I am not getting many views :(

Also not many votes :(

I am losing determination to upload more chapters.

Please vote and leave review if you like novel. Good night.

MirageKingcreators' thoughts