
I am Happy to Be Single

Summoned into the world that was moving towards its destruction. Dante von Wolfsberg is on the road to achieving his dreams while struggling to find a way past the deadly fate of the world. Will he succeed in his goal of saving the world when the hero failed? and will he fulfill his lifelong goal in this new life gifted to him? Be prepared for a journey like no other! ----------------- I will update the novel daily with 7 chapters/per week. Depending on views and activity, I might increase the chapter count per week. ------------------ Most mistakes are edited by me, so no grammar mistakes and you can read with ease. ------------------ Special Genres: No Face slapping MC, No simp MC, No hero talk, Goal-oriented MC, Realistic MC, Dark plot, Kind MC ------------------ No Pa*reon for now. Will make it, if required in the future. Discord: Shehroz#2738 Disclaimer: The cover photo is not mine if you are the creator of photo, then pm me, if you want me to remove it. Support me with power stones, and leave a review if you like the novel :)

MirageKing · Fantasy
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62 Chs


Elsa also introduced herself to all her new companions.

Then everyone ate delicious food. While the kids were eating the food Dante decided to think of his approach to the matter of contract.

He needed them to join him in their own decision. Meaning it has to be a decision to follow him. They already feel somewhat attached to him now, especially the ladies who keep checking him out with their eyes while eating thinking that I don't notice them.

After becoming Aurar my senses have increased a lot and I can sense when people are looking at me. That is only true for weak people like these girls. Strong people can hide their motives due to experience and spells.

I am pretty interested in Sarah and Snow's potential. They can be molded according to my will. Both have simple dreams and will be easy to order around. Dan didn't like manipulating people which is why he decided to let them make their own decision to follow him or not.

This was simply how the world worked. Loyal subordinates need to be trained while they are young. He also owes them a favor by helping them out from slavery. It was the oldest trick in the book protagonist he had read in Novel books.

'Everything seems to be going alright. They feel indebted to me and have positive feelings toward me except for that Zebra guy. I don't think he will follow me willingly. He is after all a Titan bloodline holder.'

Dante decided to collect evidence against this slaver organization by checking and storing all digital files from computers within the building.

Nobody knew that spirit of formation was hacked and now is under someone else's control.

The best thing was that he could remotely watch and save all data from now on within the building. It was a feature of system after all. The system was basically an omnipotent Artifact. It will never help me in the battle to Crush my enemies but it will help me in strategizing and analyzing other things.

He still had to buy skills that helped with his senses and perception to make him better at dodging and escaping dangerous situations.

So many things to do with so little time. He didn't know when his uncle will rebel against his mother and cause disaster. If the family becomes weak they would be hunted by all Dukedoms who will try to eat their territories.


After everyone was done eating. Dante was ready for serious talk.

Dante asked Kai to leave the room and stand outside. So that he could do some private talk with his new companions.

Everyone looked at Dante who stood and went to the sitting area beside the dining table.

No one could spy on them because he activated a [silent] formation in his mother's ring.

Everyone sat on chairs and Dante started to smile.

"I am happy that everyone here is not nervous anymore. So let's discuss what you all wanted to ask me." Dante smiled and looked at all kids present and started talking in simple words.

"You must be thinking that why did I select you? Why not other slaves who are stronger? Why not beautiful ladies who are good to look at?"

All of them looked at him with slight expectation, that he should answer it now.

"Well, I selected you because it is Fate. Yes, we are fated to meet here."

All of them looked puzzled.

I picked up the slave tokens in my hands. These slave tokens represented ownership of these kids to me. I can release them through it and they would become free people of the Country.

Dante pressed the tokens and light came out of the kid's neck and the seal vanished.

"You guys are now free people. No longer slaves or prisoners to other people's grace."

All of them were lost and could not believe it.

"You must be thinking why I freed you? Right? Well, why did I buy you in the first place?" Dante searched for a change in behaviors.

"Well, I don't want slaves who follow all my orders. I need people with a strong will to stand by my side. Companions who will help me solve future problems that will arise. I need trusted friends and followers who will follow me not because I ask them, but because they want to be with me and follow me out of their own free will."

Dante stood up and looked at them with a kind smile.

"Decide now. Will you become my companions and friends? Follow me throw hell if need to be. If not, there is the door you can leave." Dan pointed at the door which was closed right now.

There was silence and all of them were thinking about what to do now that they had a choice.

Elsa Scarlet looked at Dante and stood up to appear before him. She then kneeled in front of Dante.

"I will follow you, Young master, now and forever." Elsa looked at Dan with a happy smile.

"Thanks. Stand up you don't need to kneel to me ever." Dante gave his hand to Elsa who took it and sat beside Dante on the large sofa.

Bella Rose was the second person to express her thoughts. "Umm, if you promise to save my mother I will follow you as well."

"Sure, I promise I will free your mother and give her the position of maid in Dukedom. The same goes for all of you, I will help you fulfilling your dreams. You will be given wages and support from me, Dante of house Wolf."

Dante said while smiling at all of them.

"Then I promise that I will follow you forever young master and do my utmost best," Bella said with delight and hope.

"Thanks, Bella. Come here and sit next to me. You are my 2nd maid now." Bella stood up and sat next to Dante.

"I accept."

"Me too"

"I accept as well because I am sure you are a good person, young master," Snow said with a smile.

Now all five had accepted his offer except Zebra. He looked to be in a brainstorming position. He looked at me and I knew what he was going to say.

"I refuse. I will not follow anyone from Duke Family. Nobles are all the same. Besides, I have heard about you. You are the trash of Duke's family and already disgraced in the noble community. I can't follow a leader who is honor-less. I am going to leave."

Zebra stood up while all present except Dante looked at him with hostility. Zebra slapped Dante with his words right now. He had no right to humiliate Dante like that. Dante fed him and freed him and what did the zebra do? He said hurtful words and disgraced his benefactor.

While the zebra started moving towards the door. Dante stopped him midway.

"Here, take this. If you ever want to take my offer again. You can show that to visit me at Wolf City mansion." Dante gave Zebra a token coin which was circle shaped with a wolf shape in the middle of it.

"This is for helping you start a new journey." Dante gave 10 Aura coins to Zebra. Which made everyone shocked.

After that Dante sat down again on Sofa. Zebra stood there for a few seconds and then left through the door.

"All right everyone. Now that we are on the same page lets talk about some important things." Everyone looked at Dante with serious expressions.

"There is one thing I want to tell you about noble society. That is 'Never trust anyone'. Yes, other than all of us present here, we cannot trust anyone in the mansion, that includes my family members as well."

All of them were bewildered by Dantes's words.

"Okay, what I mean is that there are different factions even within the wolf family. They are my family but I do not trust them completely for the simple reason that everyone is a pawn within the ancestor's hand. Besides your position in the family would be very low at the start so you can easily get involved in someone's conspiracy."

Dante stopped to look at all people inside the room.

"That is why I want you to trust no one except people in this room from now on. Nail this statement in your minds and never forget it even for a moment."

Dante then smiled after seeing their cute little serious faces.

"Okay, no need to be so serious. Calm down haha. You can live freely in a mansion just don't get involved in other people's business. That is big fat no. Also, I want you guys to sign a contract of secret. It will only protect us and keep everyone safe in the future. Also, it will help us keep connected from now on. You can Sign in using words and dropping Blood."

Dante brings out [Lord's Blessing Contract] and gave it to Sarah who was literate and could read.

"You can read and explain it to all of them. It will help them in deciding." While dan said this, Elsa stood up and took the contract in her hands and sliced her finger until blood came out and signed the contract by saying "I accept this contract and all its demands".

Sarah was shocked because she didn't even explain it yet.

"You should have let Sarah explain it first before signing little Elsa." Dante was caught off guard here. His smile was a little dropped at what happened.

"I trust you, Dan, with my life. I know you will never do anything to harm me or anyone here." Elsa exclaimed with seriousness.

Everyone was revived and moved by her words. Before Bella could stand up and sign the contract as well. Dante stopped her and shook his head.

"Sarah explain it to them. I am happy with your trust but this is official work. No need to rush."

Sarah looked at the contract and read everything. After 5 minutes she explained it to everyone.

"This contract makes contracted people never reveal or disclose any information that is secret and regarding the faction of Dante or considered secret by Dante. Contracted people can decide to leave Dante but their memories regarding the faction and all its members will be sealed. Betrayal is not possible due to the sealing of memories. The contract will decide by itself who was compromised/ betrayed and is not a member of the faction anymore. No penalty for leaving and no restrictions on what you do in your own life. The contract seal will notify the contracted when they are going against contract details. Dante's orders can be ignored if they put danger to 'contracted person' life or if they are impossible to follow."

Everyone was amazed at how lenient the contract details were and they looked happily at Dante.

"Oh, you will also be paid a monthly salary. All your development resources and training resources will also be handled by me. So let's discuss starting salary." Dan stated firmly with a smile.

"What we will be paid for working? Awesome." Razor looked happy and excited. While all the other ladies looked at each other, they were not sure what they could do to even get an official salary.

"Since you guys are still under training. How about 1 Aura coin every week? You can buy dresses or outfits. Eat food and go visit entertainment like movies, parks, amusement parks, etc. After you become my official companions, I will increase your salary."

Dante said while putting his hand on his cheek and lazily resting on the sofa.

"What! Are yo- you saying you will pay us 1 Aura coin? As young Lord knows that Aura Coins are worth 100 Gold coins. This is too much money for children." Sarah said in her motherly character.

It should be understood that normally family of 5 peopel could live happily and lavishly with 1 Gold coin salary. Aura coins were worth 100 Gold coins and Dante was offering them 1 Aura coin per week and 4 Aura coins per month, which was like throwimg money away.

"I am very rich. So don't worry about little things. Aura coins are nothing in my eyes anyways. This is just to show you that if you work hard anything is possible. Also, training will be very tough, so don't cry later haha. Food at mansion is also better than food you just ate, so you will also be never low on food haha."

Everyone signed a contract and they all decided to leave the slaver rest building.

Kai followed them and they made their way toward the mansion. All children were happy that they will be able to eat tasty food and have satisfying life from now.

Dante didn't know right now, but someone was tailing them. It was going to be a long day it seemed.

Dark chapter incoming.

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