
I Am God: Divine Sovereigns of Providence

Nothingness is the bane of Existence, and vice versa. Still, with enough amount of it, power reigns supreme over them all. Despite that, it seems that the governing force of Fate will always be the highest law among all laws. While that is the case, it also holds true that something unknown dictates it. Such is the universe, no one truly knows the truest peak. The Expanse; home of countless universes, realms, dimensions, and more. Such vast realm, governed by a God, once faced peril, rose again, and returned to its infancy. Will the God of Expanse be able to solve the problems that his dominion would face? Will the God be able to lead the entire dominion to the Fate that it is destined to walk on? Will He be able to learn the truth behind the fated Fate? (Due to it having little interactions and mentions to the characters of I.. Am God?, readers can start reading this despite not having read the first novel.)

WashingDishes_07 · Fantasy
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65 Chs

The Nether Abyss

The Nether Abyss is a great realm older than the Expanse itself. After a certain event that happened beyond this Expanse, He was conceived together with The Nether, forming Creation and Destruction, Life and Death.

While he created life, The Nether created its Servants. After life had its time, The Nether welcomes their souls into its embrace. As He brings all of His creations to reality, The Nether allows its inhabitants to dream.

He and The Nether were polar opposites, yet complements each other as they give meaning to their existence.

When Inexistence began corrupting Existence, The Nether closed its doors in hopes to prevent Inexistence from also devouring its way within. Now that the Inexistence that attacked was welcomed by Existence and had been defeated, it is time for the Nether to once again open its gates for the poor and unfortunate souls.

"My Master extends his greetings, Lord of Creation." In front of Him, a creature fully covered by a black cloak bowed and said to him.

"I know, for I can sense Its thoughts." He replied as he looked at the humongous gloomy gate behind the cloaked creature.

"Should I leave for the Master and The Lord of Creation to talk?" The creature asked. "You can leave." He nodded, with the creature vanishing into thick, dark clouds.

After the servant left, He began by saying, "You know what is happening outside, Nether. Inexistence has been eradicated. I implore you to open your gates to the souls of the Universe." He first requested.

A spiritual fluctuation reverberated from the gates, which was the Nether Abyss' response; "I am very much delighted to open the gates. I'm impressed with how you approached the problem, knowing full well the consequences of your actions of delay."

"Fate, whatever one does, will always lead to its Absolute. If I acted earlier, the universe would have only suffered more to reach that Absolute. Therefore, I let Inexistence go rampant and annihilate almost the entire Expanse." He responded.

"I am also impressed that you have maximized your use of the ability [Sight of Time], although it is only an inferior version of my Authority." Complimented the Nether Abyss.

He nodded. As the universe is made of strings, every moment in the universe completes a single cloth, and as more moments began to be created, the cloths begin to pile up, therefore creating the fabric that holds together all the events that had happened, is happening, and will happen in the Expanse. The Nether Abyss' authority, The Authority of Time, causes him to see through all the cloth that was woven at the same time. It could be imagined why the authority was given to the Nether Abyss, It being devoid of having a limiting body that would suffer by possessing such extreme authority.

[Sight of Time], on the other hand, was an ability that gave Him a momentary sight through the Fabrics of Time. By having the ability to peak through the fabric without needing to simultaneously see all of it, He would have the knowledge needed to determine his actions.

"I can't waste such a precious ability, can I?" He replied to It with a chuckle, "And besides, you yourself is using [Destiny] well. I can't just lose to you, right?" He smiled.

"Mhmm." The Nether Abyss agreed. A brief silence then ensued as He stared at the silent gates. Boom!

Gradually, the Gates of The Nether Abyss slowly budged as it slowly opened its massive doors.

He looked at Its magnificence as the airs of the Archaic Ages seeps its way out. It was one of the greatness of the Nether Abyss, being stuck in one point of time to stop it from ruining itself. The Primordial Era lives within It, and where Immortal Sages of different planes of Existences remains filled with vitality.

"Do tell your other requests." The Nether Abyss said to Him.

Hearing that, He jumped and his eyes brightened. "You really know Me well, Nether Abyss." He laughed.

The corner of His mouth then raised up as he said, "There are creatures that have broken the Laws of Souls. It seems that they have forgotten the consequences of their actions. Would you mind doing what needs to be done?" He smirked.

"As you wish. I shall send My finest servants to do the honors. You can tell me when you need them." The Nether Abyss responded once more with the fluctuations.

"You even know that I don't want to do it now? That's what I like about you." He laughed, seeing that It even anticipated its plans.

"Then, I shall leave. See you." He bowed slightly before finally leaving, before completely leaving the realm of his sibling, he faintly saw a figure walking towards. Knowing who that was, he quickly left, as to not disturb their conversation.

Now that the Gates of The Nether was open, the souls can now enter the Underworld. Of course, for the sake of His plan, it must be delayed.

First, He needs to see Enoch.

His soul was still in the Coliseum, looking at the skies, waiting for his arrival.

As soon as His holiest of light became visible to Enoch's eyes, the latter immediately knelt and bowed, "I greet the Almighty for coming to see me." He greeted Him reverently

"Thou'st waited." He said to Enoch.

"Thou'st cometh." Enoch replied.

Enoch couldn't see His visage because of the great divine light covering Him. He could only make out the shape of a man beneath that strong light.

He knows that the man in front of Him wanted to see His image, but He knows full well that this mortal can't.

"Thou need not see My face, for no man shall see my image and live. It is for thine own good." He said profoundly.

"Why is it so, My God?" Enoch asked reverently.

"For humanity is so impure that my image will burneth their bodies and souls to the ground at first sight. Humanity willt not be able to comprehendeth mine Being as long as they exist as mortals." He answered truthfully.

"My God's holiness is as great as the blazing star of the sky. Praiseth be to thee, My God!" Enoch acclaimed.

"Cometh with Me, Child of Adam. I shalt showeth you Mine Holy Temple." After saying that, a wide and grand staircase appeared in front of them, leading up to the heavens.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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