
I Am God: Divine Sovereigns of Providence

Nothingness is the bane of Existence, and vice versa. Still, with enough amount of it, power reigns supreme over them all. Despite that, it seems that the governing force of Fate will always be the highest law among all laws. While that is the case, it also holds true that something unknown dictates it. Such is the universe, no one truly knows the truest peak. The Expanse; home of countless universes, realms, dimensions, and more. Such vast realm, governed by a God, once faced peril, rose again, and returned to its infancy. Will the God of Expanse be able to solve the problems that his dominion would face? Will the God be able to lead the entire dominion to the Fate that it is destined to walk on? Will He be able to learn the truth behind the fated Fate? (Due to it having little interactions and mentions to the characters of I.. Am God?, readers can start reading this despite not having read the first novel.)

WashingDishes_07 · Fantasy
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65 Chs

March to Sarjena Mountain Range

"You can proceed." He said to him. Yudi's eyes lit up in excitement. As an Astral Being, this was his first try on creating an Immortal Plane. Other Existences either already have their own Planes or doesn't even allow one to be made. He wanted to rush forward to begin his monumental work, but he was then halted by Him.

"However, there is a condition." He smiled, looking at Yudi straight in his eyes. "W-What is it?" Yudi asked cautiously.

"Swear your allegiance to the Crystal Throne." He said before raising his palm, where a small crystal floated up and down.

"!!!" Yudi was shocked speechless, and was now thinking twice about his decision. An Astral Body desires freedom, which is why they shed their mortal shackles to ascend to the Astral Realm. To swear allegiance to someone would mean wearing those shackles once more.

While he was thinking, unbeknownst to him, He was already beginning to influence his thoughts. As said before, all that is within his domain is not safe from His influence.

Soon, Yudi nodded, "I'll do it." Nodding, He raised his hand up high and shone His dazzling light upon the unsuspecting victim of His works. Kneeling down, Yudi declared, "I, Yuhuangdi, pledge my loyalty and allegiance to the Crystal Throne. My will shall never waver and so is my heart."


His body shined with brilliant divine light, cascading down and even reaching Earth despite the tremendous distance.

When the light receded, it was as if nothing happened; Yudi was still the same, without any noticeable difference. But if one looks further than his soul, one would see a mark of light embedded on his core. If Enoch could see this, he would immediately recognize it as the same complex hexagonal symbol that appeared on his cellar window the day before his execution.

Yudi stood up and bowed towards Him, "Greetings, Master." He greeted him as a renewed person. Nodding, He then said to him, "Now, go forth and bring into Existence the Immortal Plane."

"As You wish." Yudi nodded before turning around to begin.

Accounting the entire universe and the Holy Temple, this Immortal Plane would be situated in between the two realms. After its completion, it would highly likely even be serving as the barrier of the mortal universe from any outside threats.

He, knowing the destined structure of the universe, nodded in appreciation as all of it slowly forms. It would take centuries for the Immortal Plane to complete, so He first returned to the Holy Temple to watch what's happening on earth.

For the village, while research still continued, the village also began to expand, with new houses, farmlands, and pens and fields for the livestock.

Soon, the village became a city, reaching a population of more than a thousand. But there soon came a problem. Since they were restricted in a forest, they have limited supply for stone. Without any hopes of trade with the demon-controlled cities, such resource is of high importance to their development.

To their east was a mountain range that was separated from the Sarjena Mountain because of an old disagreement between the demons. After a bitter fight, the mountain connecting the mountain range and Sarjena crumbled and became a barren land. If they could conquer the greater mountain range, they would have tons of supply of stone and even other minerals.

The problem is that that mountain range is currently under the rule of a Great Demon from old. All they knew is that the demon was named Paimon, and that he always travels the mountain range together with his troops. Even to the lesser demons that were five hundred years old and below, he is still a very enigmatic demon that they could never figure out. His wisdom transcends quite the majority of the Great Demons that are currently ruling the dominions of Earth. He was one of the few rare ones that were given the title "Daemon" by humanity, meaning "neutral spirit".

According to the demons, Paimon was a close confidant of Lucifer, but even to them, the information was only based on guesses and the likes. Because of that mysteriousness, anyone who dares to dive in to face him would need to stay apprehensive and cautious.

Soon, a hundred-men army was created, with Noah at its helm. Elric, as the next most capable man following Noah, together with another hundred men who obtained the blessings of divinity, stayed in the village in case the demons make a preemptive strike.

As they began their march at the brink of dawn, they were met with the cheers and prayers from other villagers. Although they were nervous, due to the people entrusting them their safety and future, they hardened themselves to face what the future holds.

To not alert other demons of their journey, they had to be discreet as they traverse outside the forest. Wearing hooded cloaks, they slowly made their way towards the mountain range.

After days of travel, they looked up and saw the magnificent mountain range stretching far and wide. The tip of highest peak touches the clouds in the sky, causing the men to gasp in amazement. "Such is the works of our God. This is His domain, and we shall take it back." Noah said to his men.

"Let us take back what is rightfully our God's!" The men shouted with fervor in their voices.

Armed with that spirited minds and bodies, they slowly made their way up the mountain. The trees that covered the mountain was so dense which made climbing quite an endeavor. Still, they helped by shielding them from the hot rays of the great sun hanging in the sky.

As the howls of beasts announced the setting of the sun and the arrival of the ashen moon, they stopped on a flatter soil and made camp. Not being able to set up a fireplace to warm themselves up, Noah, with his bountiful faith, opened his hands, and with the faith on God, produced a ball of crystalline light that shone throughout the camp.

In contrast to the eerily dark and cold forest, the camp that was being shined upon by the light of faith was filled with the feeling of a warm embrace. Eating the rations that was brought from the village, Noah and his men sat together and ate and drank to their fill as he told stories about his adventures of old. With his knowledge, the men learned a lot in terms of facing demons, spirits, survival, and trusting on faith.