
I Am God: Divine Sovereigns of Providence

Nothingness is the bane of Existence, and vice versa. Still, with enough amount of it, power reigns supreme over them all. Despite that, it seems that the governing force of Fate will always be the highest law among all laws. While that is the case, it also holds true that something unknown dictates it. Such is the universe, no one truly knows the truest peak. The Expanse; home of countless universes, realms, dimensions, and more. Such vast realm, governed by a God, once faced peril, rose again, and returned to its infancy. Will the God of Expanse be able to solve the problems that his dominion would face? Will the God be able to lead the entire dominion to the Fate that it is destined to walk on? Will He be able to learn the truth behind the fated Fate? (Due to it having little interactions and mentions to the characters of I.. Am God?, readers can start reading this despite not having read the first novel.)

WashingDishes_07 · Fantasy
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65 Chs


With their blessings and the additional manpower from the outside world, the research went more than two times faster than usual, which is the best-case scenario. Two hundred years had passed from when he accepted the quest of gathering the essences of animals throughout the world. He then confirmed that another hundred and fifty more years passed when he fought the Leviathan at sea. That means that three hundred and fifty years had already been used up, and they only have less than two hundred years left to accomplish building the Ark, evacuating all the believers, preparing for rations, and also resisting the Behemoth. Although it would seem that two hundred years is still a lot of time for the, there are still a lot of variables that must be accounted for.

With that being said, while they were creating the plans for the future, the Empire was also not in a state of calmness. After losing a lot against the believers of the Almighty, the Nephtal Empire also began a period of preparation. The strength of the village is undoubtedly a hindrance to the development of the Empire, but they could not do anything yet to annihilate or even just stop them from advancing any further.

The City of Luciferius, The Black Palace.

Tall black towers with swirling spires would come into view as soon as one enters the Great City of Luciferius. Its imposing size and the dark and ominous aura that it gives off were few of the reasons why the city was known as the most feared city in the entire world.

Within the halls of the palace, seated on a throne of skulls and swords that was elevated in a two-meter-tall platform, sat a huge and bulky man, about seven feet tall, donning a black armor and a similarly colored coat. On his head sits a meter-tall fiery red crown, blazing with the flames of the damnest.

Behind him, he was surrounded with seven tall gray pillars, each with different sculptures of demonic entities etched onto them.

From left to right, the pillars had an image of a naked woman with a voluminous hair and a voluptuous body with seductive eyes, an image of a beast with a wide mouth and huge belly, a hairy goblin-like humanoid that was surrounded by piles of gold coins whilst cackling with delight, a simply sleeping creature, a goat demon that had a sword on its hand surrounded by several bodies, a huge eye that was exuding a strange feeling to anyone who looks, and a man gloriously standing on top of a huge mountain.

Beneath the platform, ten Nephilim stood at the side while red spirit demons were standing meekly in front. "Thy Eternal Majesty…"


The demons jumped in fear when the sitting man pounded the armrest of the throne. "A simple village had the power to eliminate millions of our soldiers?" He growled coldly.

"The village is simply p-powerful, Thy Eternal Majesty! They were wielding strange magic that can pulverize demons!"


The other demons didn't even have time to react when the demon that just spoke exploded.

"Thou dareth to raise thy voice at me?" The Emperor scoffed, "I also have magic that can pulverize demons, so don't even think of doing such disrespectful acts."

"S-Spare us, Thy Eternal Majesty!" the remaining demons pleaded weakly. They couldn't even shout to ask for mercy, I fear of being killed.

The Emperor did not respond. He languidly laid his left arm on the armrest and rested his chin on his palm. "It would seem that this village really isn't simple." He then turned around and looked behind him to his left.

"I summon thee, Lust." He voiced. Soon enough, the pillar with the naked woman glowed seductively red. A crimson mist oozed out from beneath it as all gathered in front of him.

Slowly, the image of the naked woman materialized, its plump breasts evident for all to see. Although the demons were not saved from being seduced, they still know, and fear, what was in front of them, being enough to stop them from lunging at the woman.

"Thy Majesty, would you like me to please you?" The woman, biting her lip whilst looking at him lasciviously, teased; her excessive movement made her breasts jiggle an awful number of times.

Still, the Emperor maintained a straight and cold face while looking at her. Seeing how distant and uninterested he was, the woman cried out as her body quivered with desire and arousal and her body overflowed with sweat and other bodily fluids.

"Yes, yes! Look at me like that. Look at me with such indifference!" She screamed with desire. "Enough with thine antics and shut up." He spat coldly.

In response, she only moaned, but still tried to stay silent. He then continued, "The demons would guide you to a village. Fill their minds and bodies with desires and thoughts of profanity and make them suffer so much that they would sin."

She ran her hands on her hourglass body and said with delight, "If it is to please Thy Majesty, I shall accomplish all thine wishes." She then licked her lips and smiled at him before gazing at the lower demons, "Lead the way." She commanded minimally.

"Y-Yes, Lady Lust." They nodded as they started walking whilst their lower body stood erected.

While all that was happening, He and the divinities of the Holy Temple all stood there, simply watching all that is happening in Earth.

"It would seem that the village would once again face a calamity." Prince Raphiel, who was standing on the platform with his siblings, analyzed.

"Indeed." Prince Mikael nodded, "As I remember, even in the early stages of the previous era, Brother Gabriel had been one of the Primordial Form of Lady Lust's victims. Isn't that right?" He smirked.

"Silence, brother." Prince Gabriel spat coldly, making the former shiver in fear as he meekly stepped back. Hidden from their view, their brother had his hands balled up to a fist.

"Quit quarreling and just peacefully watch, brothers." Raphiel said, playing as mediator between the two. Of course, it worked, since the two princes see no purpose in fighting.