

3000 years of peace after the great war known as "THE END WAR", something has changed the wheels of fate are turning the sky is turning gray and the eternal fire is diminishing. Unknown to what fate has in store for it Alan cries after some spanking. At his first cry, the mother laughed and the father is filled with joy, the entire village is spreading sweat, and everywhere is filled with happiness. From the skies, the GOD'S smiles and deep under the Satan laughs..... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- follow the journey of Alan Marvric as he uncovers the deep truth of magic and embarks on the journey to be called as "GENIUS MAGUS " -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Abhi_Anshu_7109 · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Chapter 40 [Brain and Body]

As Freya appeared before me, I understood that she was going to be trained together with me by my papa.

[So Freya, you were able to pass your test. Good] said, papa.

[Ah … test … what test??] I asked, confused about what they were saying.

[oh, I forgot to explain you. The blessing festival is a very special event and many young hot-blooded people like to participate, so we ask each parent to teach them the meaning of being a mage.

And since it was quite a coincidence that both you and Freya asked to become mages around the same time, your mother and I talked with your Aunt and uncle, and decided on this test.

We are very happy to see mental fortitude both of you possess is strong and both of you understand what it is meant to be a mage. ] papa explained the situation.

'Oh, so that's the reason, I thought internally. Meanwhile, renewing my opinion of the girl who was nothing but annoying to me.

Now that I think of it, she was the one to kill the rabbit right. How could she kill such a small thing, even if she seems so … innocent.

Even a small girl has caused me headache, it was right when father said that "Don't use your head with dealing with Female gender."

Let's leave it, what's the point in dwelling on it.

[So what is the next test, papa.] I asked.

[ Oh quite excited are you, but first did your father explained you basic of next test.] asked father.

[Yes he explained

The test will be of 4 parts

and you will be training and testing us. And if we fail any of the test, we will have to try next year.] said Freya.

[Yes, you are correct.

Now, without wasting any time, I will tell you what you both will be doing from now.

You must have heard that "Brain should be sharper than sword and body should be stronger than Steel."

So what do you understand by this quote.] asked father.

As soon as she asked, Freya raised her hand and started jumping.

[Yes go ahead answer Freya.] said father while chuckling seeing Freya.

[Yes, uncle. The meaning of this quote is that the brain should be sharp and focused. We should use our brain to defeat even the sword. And the body that we have should be trained and forged in the way that it not only protect our brain but become stronger than steel to forge our path forward.] said Freya with a huge smile on her face.

[Yes you are right, so Alan do you have something to add.] said papa while looking at me.

Was there any more meaning to his sentence. I quitted down a few seconds to straiten my thoughts.

[Freya explained the thought process of the line. But if we see this from another angle, we can also say that,

"Only after the body is harder than steel, then only we can have a brain sharper than a sword."

Because "only a solid scabbard can store a really sharp sword."

Am I right, papa.] I said as I looked up to Papa.

[Good explanation Alan, now if we combine your explanation with Freya we get the meaning of this quote. And this quote is the motivation of our next training regiment.

We know both of you possess will and a nice brain now the next thing you need is a body that squeezes their potential. Because, what is the use of having knowledge if you are unable to apply this.

So now, From today onwards I with help of Dason, will be training you. Ok, do you get it.]said papa.

[[Yes,]] we both said in unison.

[Dason will be in charge of your daily training in the morning and I will give you training in the evening. At night, both of your mother will continue teaching you. This will continue till the first test. Ok.]

Said father. To which we both nodded. I can see they were serious in training us. And somehow I was also looking forward to training this week, body of mine.

[Now both of you go rest and eat your fill. We will meat up here in the evening.] as soon as father said, our nose filled with a delicious aroma.

Behind us, mother came with a basket full of food and a blanket that she laid near the lake, under the shade of a tree.

As we sat under the tree, a cold breeze blowing through my hairs. Seeing smile of my papa and mother I felt it again, just what sort of miracle does it take, what sort of deeds did I did that I am here right now.

[Mother, I love you] I said without thinking.

[Oh I love you too honey.] mother said, cuddling me in her embrace.

[What about me, you love me too Alan, right.] said father while pointing a finger toward himself.

[well, I could say] I said with a teasing smile. Followed by a heart full laugh.

After we ate our fill and had some rest, the sun was rising above the heads.

[It looks like all we have proper rest, now Aria you should go inside I will take from here on onwards.] said papa, to which mother nodded . And moved back inside the house after she gave a little peck on my checks.

[Now I will be responsible for your stamina and strength training, and Dason will teach Agility and speed. So I will give you a task for the 5 rays, both of you will swim around 10 laps on this lake, and then we will be increase them accordingly. And the next after drying off, you both will be doing exercise that will increase your strength. We also have to monitor our diet …] and with that papa told us our schedule for next 5 rays, evening time.

[So you both understand.] said papa after finishing his speech.

[yes] I said with excitement in my voice.

[Yes… but uncle] said Freya, fumbling with her hairs.

[Say Freya, what are you saying. ] asked papa.

[Um uncle, I don't know how to swim.] said Freya, her face turning red with embarrassment.


A/N:- When I say papa/dad, they are meant for MC current biological father

and father refers to his previous life father or soul father if you may say.

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