
Chapter 8 Birthday Party

I'm wearing a formal fitted white dress that reaches my knees. I let my hair fall and put a little makeup on. I put on my feet a pair of pointed beige high heels that compliment my legs and suit my dress.

I check my jewelry box. I saw a golden bracelet with a quarter moon shape gold bean. I saw a similar one with Bettany. It must be a sister bracelet or something.

Simon drove me to the bar where Jeremy's birthday party is held. I'm a little late after I oversleep from my afternoon nap.

Simon and I entered the bar. When I saw my friends he left me. He said that he'll just keep his distance.

I saw the birthday boy Jeremy, he's drinking with Cherry and Gin and another couple of people at their table.

Cherry and Gin are sitting together. On Gin's other side is an unfamiliar woman who keeps whispering to him. She's gorgeous. She looks like a model or an actress. They seem to flirt with each other. On the opposite side, Jeremy with another pair of drunk men laughing and cheering Jeremy in every shot he takes.

"Georgina!" Cherry screamed as she saw me.

Good thing, the music is too loud but Gin and Jeremy also look in my direction. Both Jeremy and Cherry run towards me looking so excited to see me. Gin on the other hand ignored me and continued to chat with the woman beside him.

"And why are you so covered. When did you learn to dress like a nun? But damn! Where did you get those curves? You looked stunning even when covered." Cherry uttered.

"You're late!" Jeremy said as he put his lips.

"I'm sorry. Happy birthday Jeremy."

I gave him a small box where I put a handmade bracelet I made yesterday for him.

"This is for me?" He asked in a serious tone. "You never gave me a gift." He uttered.

He opened the box and saw the bracelet.

"If you don't like it I can make another one for you," I said.

"You made this?" He asked surprised.

"Yes, it's handmade."

"I love it!" Jeremy exclaimed in enthusiasm.

"Georgina, that is so sweet," Cherry commented.

I'm glad he loves it. We went to their table and I sit beside Cherry. Jeremy proudly showed the bracelet to the group telling them how I made it especially for him.

"You're late so you have to drink this."

Cherry gave me a shot of tequila.

"I'm sorry Cherry I can't I'm on medication," I said as I refuse the drink.

I caught Gin glancing at me while the woman beside her was whispering to him. The woman is trying to get his attention.

"You were sick?" Cherry asked worriedly.

"I was. I'm okay now. I'm just taking medication to get better." I answered.

Gin called a waiter and ordered something. A few minutes later the waiter put down soft drinks and bottled water in front of me. I looked back to Gin but he's busy laughing with the woman beside him. What a flirt.

"Come on Georg! Dance with me!" Jeremy said as he pull me. Cherry is on my back and pushing me to the dance floor.

I can't help but laugh. I dance with them and have a good time. I glance back at our table and saw Gin looking intently at me. His gaze makes me swallow. I tried to ignore him and dance but I feel a little bit dizzy with the movement so I excuse myself and went to the comfort room. After a minute of resting my head, I went back out and was about to return to our table when a guy block my way.

"Georgina? Wow.You look good." He uttered in a lustful tone while looking up and down at me.

He knows me but I don't want to know who is this pervert.

"Excuse me," I said as I try to walk away but he block me again closing the distance between us.

"Whoa Georg. Why are you being a snob? I just want to talk." He said in a flirty voice.

"I'm with my friends so please get out of my way," I said in a serious tone.

"Fierce. I like it."

He grabbed my arm and pull me closer to him. He is drunk. I can smell the alcohol.

"Don't touch me!" I said as I pull my arm from his grip.

I caught a glimpse of Gin looking at us. He look mad as he stood up and walk in my direction.

"Stop playing hard to get." He said. He grabbed my arm again but my other arms move and answered him with a blow in the face. He falls dn the ground with a bleeding nose.

"Miss!" Simon said as he appeared on my side.

The bouncer also appeared and took the man who is now cursing at me.

"You b*tch!" He screamed as he was about to attack me.

Simon blocked him and gave him a little punch in the stomach.

"Georgina, are you okay?" Gin asked when he reach me. Cherry and Jeremy followed him.

"Yes. Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt him but he keeps on touching me." I explained.

"I don't care about him Let me see your hand." Gin answered. I saw the concern on his face.

He took my hand and inspect it for injury.

"I'm fine. Don't worry. It's not hurting."

"That's good." He answered shortly.

Simon whispered that the man is now kick out in the bar. I nodded.

"I think I should also go," I uttered.

"Oh no, Georg! Forget about Mac. He's a jerk. He deserves it." Cherry said.

Mac? So he's Mac. How many guys I've been with?

"Come on Georg, we are having a good time. And you're amazing. When did you learn that? Are you training or something?" Jeremy asked in enthusiasm while trying to imitate my move.

"Yeah! That was amazing. We were looking at you from our table. Gin was about to help you when we saw you pulling your arm from him but you did it on your own. Did you train karate, boxing, or something for the past year?"

I laughed. Gin also smiled.

"Guys, it was just a punch. Besides, I can't even walk for months. How can I train?"

I stopped laughing when I saw their expression. They were both worried and curious. I realized I slip my tongue.

Simon whispered that Bettany called asking me to go home.

"I'm sorry guys. My sister wants me home now."

"Since when did you listen to your sister?" Cherry asked.

I just smiled and bid my goodbye.