
Chapter 3 Banned

After weeks of physical therapy, I was able to walk back straight again and move my body easily. I get to adjust with my parents and sister. They're good people. They're very patient and kind. I still see them as strangers but I get to know them little by little every day.


Bettany greeted me as she entered my room.

"Hi," I said and smile back at her.

"I'll go shopping. Do you want to come with me?"

I haven't been outside since I came back from the hospital. I'm starting to get bored in this beautiful house.

"Sure," I answered.

She sit on my bed and held my hand.

"You know what. We were never close back then. We love to fight but I love you. I regretted being mean to you when I first saw you laying in a hospital bed with life support. You scared us all. I thought I'd lose my little sister." She said with her eyes glistening with tears.

"I heard from Mom I was also mean to you," I said then smiled.

She laughs.

"You were."

Bettany help me dress up and wore make-up. I look different when I look at the mirror. I look more like the old me. The one in the big frame.

"Wow. I'm so pretty." I uttered.

"You are gorgeous." Bettany smiled. "We never got to do this before. I'm glad we do now."

Our driver Simon drove us to the mall. Simon is a good-looking young man. Around 28 or 30 years old with a muscular body.

"Our driver looks hot," I whispered to Bettany.


"What? He does. He looks like a model."

She giggled.

"Oh no. Did your amnesia do this to you?" She joked.

We went to Luoxem Valley Grand Mall. The bags and shoes are beautiful but my sister enjoyed them more. She loves shopping, I can see.

"I need to go to the bathroom. Wait here," she said.

I nodded.

I look at the stuff we bought. It's a lot and all the expensive. I was kinda hesitant to buy anything. I just bought a pair of sandals while my sister bought everything her eyes lay on.

"Simon, will you bring this to the car, please. It's a lot to carry around." I asked.

Handsome Simon looked at me hesitantly.

"But Miss your parents instructed me not to leave you alone." He answered.

They do? Why?

"It's okay. My sister just went to the bathroom. And you'll just put them there. We'll have lunch when you get back."

He looks anxious.

"Simon?" I asked

"Yes ma'am. I'll be back right away." He answered.

While waiting I entered a store nearby that sells sweets and cakes. I'll buy something for Mom.

The cakes look so pretty and delicious. I ask the clerk about the flavors and she gave me samples. It's all delicious but I like the mango and chocolate better. I'm confused about which one to choose.


I turn around and saw a tall, attractive young man. Very attractive. He is looking straight at me. His eyes are narrow and speculative.

"What are you doing here?" He asked sounding annoyed.

This person knows me.

"I'd like to buy a cake," I answered hesitantly.

He smirks showing his white teeth and a dimple on his cheek. Is he a toothpaste model?

"Are you kidding me?" He asked.


What's wrong with buying a cake?

"Are you doing this again? Come on." He said with a hint of annoyance.

He crosses his arms showing his biceps. Damn he look sexy. Who is this guy? I wish I could remember. I hope he's not a relative. Maybe an ex-boyfriend?

"I'm sorry I can't remember, who are you?" I asked.

His eyebrows arch. Confusion across his face.

"What?" He asked.

"Sorry I can't remember you," I answered honestly.

"Is this some kind of joke or another scheme of yours to make my life a living hell?" He uttered in an angry tone.

What did I do to him? Why he's mad at me?

"What?" I asked.

"Come on Georgina. Stop playing innocent. Why are you here in our mall? I banned you a year ago. Where's the security?" He said and turned around looking for security personnel.

I'm banned here? Am I going to get kicked out of the mall?

"Ban?" I asked him.

"After all the things you did, of course, you are banned here." He answered.

"Georgina!" Bettany called.

She looks in panic as she runs towards me. Simon is next to her.

"I told you to just wait for me there." She said sounding mad. "And you! Why did you leave her?" She snaps to Simon.

"Bettany I'm just here buying a cake. I'm five feet away from where you left me. And I asked Simon to put the bags in the car so that we don't have to carry them around." I explained.

"Just don't do that again." She said as she calm down.

"What's going on here?" The man interrupted.

"Gin?" Bettany uttered as she saw the man in front of us.

His name is Gin?

"Why your sister is her?" He asked her while glancing at me.

"Gin, it's been a year. Can you just let it go?" Bettany answered.

What are they talking about?

He smirks sarcastically.

"Let go? And why is she acting like she doesn't know me? Did she hit her head?" He asked, clueless.

"Yes, she did." My sister answered.

He laugh but stop when he realized she's serious.

"She did?" He asked again.

"Come on Gin. We're leaving. And don't worry my sister won't disturb you anymore, she can't even remember her name, what more you?"

Bettany drag me out there leaving the man more confused.