
I Am Existence

She who is the start of existence shall awaken once more

TheSentience · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs


She saw reality begin to fold in on itself, it twisted and turned and collapsed, she began to see things that didn't exist, colors that cannot be comprehended and entities that shouldn't exist.

Then she saw the beginning, the beginning of everything, how reality formed, she watched as stars collapsed and supernovas destroyed everything light years a way, she saw as galaxies formed and she could see as the universe expanded.

Everything shifted once more, and it was then Rias saw her, Existence, the origin, A̸̼̙̣̳͕̟̹̙̯̺̟̩͚̭̠͋͜z̵̢̝̯͉͇̳̜̳̭͚̺͓̯͖̗̰͐́̓̋̅̽̒̔͐̄̈́̎͐̾̋̆̚ͅḁ̶̡̡̢̛̣̰̬̦̱̺͖̼͕̱̳̩͔̰̣̦̘̥͙̝̯̟̅ț̶̨͕̭̫̦̲̹͉͚̟̳͚̟̰̪̪̙̭̖̭̣̽̇̄͐͆͜ẖ̵̨̢̝͙̺̗̫̐̅̓̏̿́̃̿̐̃ó̶̙̐̆̈̍͑̑̒͑̑́̇̂̆̽̀̅̿̀͊͝ţ̴̧̡̧̧̛̛̟͓͈̣̹͍̯̭̮̼̗͍͙͕̬̞̱͚̫͋̽̔̑͗̀̐̌͒̓̇̒͆̓̾͂͐́͌͌͋̑̕͠h̶̟̬̞̘̖͚̟͙͙̲̠̭͔̦̖̭̤͔͎͔͍̀̋̔̏͑́͠͠.

She felt comfortable, she felt invited, she felt that she could simply fall asleep. Then everything began to fade back to normalcy, she could no longer see all that happened and will ever happen.


To everyone watching it seemed Rias was simply put into a dazed state for a short while however, a select few where extremely worried because, unlike everyone else they could feel something change, they could feel the change within Rias.

Then suddenly her Aura exploded, and with this whoever couldn't feel the change before could definitely feel it now. It was oppressive to all but a few who felt it, namely The Satans: Sirzechs Lucifer, Ajuka Beelzebub, Serafall Leviathan, and Falbium Asmodeus.

They all looked on in surprise and wonder because of how sudden the change was.

"Hey Sirzechs did you know about this? I thought she didn't train much?" Serafall asked in confusion, she couldn't even muster the effort to put on her cutesy attitude due to how bewildered she was.

"No, I knew nothing about this, maybe she was training secretly and didn't tell me?" Sirzechs said with many emotions written across his face. Just by looking at what hero aura did to the area around her he could tell that her power of destruction was much stronger than his own, they were only unaffected by it simply because they had much higher demonic energy than her.

As they thought about it Sirzechs remembered the dazed state Rias had entered a few seconds before and immediately became concerned.

'Did she somehow find a way to artificially increase her power?' He wondered, while he had no way of knowing for sure, he did know one thing, and it was that this was going to get out of hand very quickly. He was determined to find out what happened before shit hits the fan.


As Rias's aura began to erupt the area around her the ground began to vanish, not in the way that it was simply destroy no, it was erased. The area around her was slowly being erased from existence from simply coming in contact with her demonic energy.

In this moment the everything froze and the concept of granite disappeared from the world. G̴̨̙͙̦̮̟̈́͂͛͆̏͐̒̍̔r̸̦̣̥̠̜̳͓͍͓̞̘̆̽̅̅̎̄͊ͅà̵̡̡̦͔̖̬̀̍̋̆̏n̵̡̨̜̩̯͇̯̲̳̩̿̉̋͂͑̕͜ḯ̵͉͊̏̍̏͛̍͘̚̚̕͘͝͝͝t̷̫͍͎̝̋̀͑̃͂̓̈̎͛̊̍̈́̅̐é̷̛͖̥͔͕͍͖̀̒̽̍̉͛̅̔̐̐̿̋͘ is a material used within many buildings either for design or for structural integrity, and for it to vanish from the world would cause mass death and world wide panic.

So it was replaced. The universe corrected itself and G̴̨̙͙̦̮̟̈́͂͛͆̏͐̒̍̔r̸̦̣̥̠̜̳͓͍͓̞̘̆̽̅̅̎̄͊ͅà̵̡̡̦͔̖̬̀̍̋̆̏n̵̡̨̜̩̯͇̯̲̳̩̿̉̋͂͑̕͜ḯ̵͉͊̏̍̏͛̍͘̚̚̕͘͝͝͝t̷̫͍͎̝̋̀͑̃͂̓̈̎͛̊̍̈́̅̐é̷̛͖̥͔͕͍͖̀̒̽̍̉͛̅̔̐̐̿̋͘ was replaced with something different but also the same. It was called grantite, all that was different was that the density was very slightly different.

The universe resumed. And what Rias stood on changed, but nobody but her knew. She witnessed the beginning and end of everything something as simple as the universe correcting itself couldn't make her forget.

She looked down at her hands and flexed them, she felt the power run throughout her body. It was intoxicating, it was new, she has never felt so powerful before. However something she realized about about her new found power was that her energy amount has not changed however the quality of her power has changed significantly.

She always felt jealous of her brother, Sirzechs was born powerful and his mastery of his Power of Destruction has always made her feel insignificant, but now she felt that her power could easily outperform his. She decided to rename this new power of hers, C̴͚͔̣͙̐̈́̈́̌̕o̴̡̪̳̼̰͐̈́̑̆̊̐͛m̵̨͖̖̘͖͔̩̼̯͙̟̬͚̭̥̲̜̈́̿̾̒ͅͅp̵̛̬̤͔̠͔̝̝̥̪̲̯̘̞̳͎̼͎̮͙̠̝̊̈́̾̀̈́̚l̷̡̨̢̡̼̰̯̖̦̹̜͙̺̺̼̲̯̿͜͜ę̸̢̹̦͖̺͕͓̥͓̙͔̪̦̍̌̓̑͠t̷̡̹͓̣̬̮̹̹̘̼̰͉̦̗̰͉͂̎̀̄̅́͑̊͌͗͐̆́̌͆̀̽̀̓ȩ̸̲͔̹̻͚̥̳̬̻̠͓̱͑̏̓͑́̈́̀̀̅̏̽͘͘͠ ̴̧̧̠͚͉͚̝̤͈͚̭̦̝̥̳̙̘̅̉͜͝e̶̦͈̞͙̞̣͇̯̰̮̱͙͙̎͂́͋͌͋̏̐̈́͝x̸̛̣̜͖͔̞̳̙͔̘͎̳͙̪͙͊̈́̎̏̌͂̅̓ͅͅt̴̢̜̻̅̇̕͠į̷̨̨̡̛͓̦̭̱̫̘̳͓̭̘̺͕͚͇̹͚̻̿̐̅́͗͑͑̈́̌̔̚͘n̸̨̧͙͓͓̟͈͈̦͎͚̟̳͎͙̼͍͗̂̅ͅc̶̛͖̻̠̰̫̮̼̮̘̤̦̪̦͉̱̝̍͆͛́͗̊͌̇̉̽͂̅̎͑͒͋̾͝͝t̸̡̡̛̘͔̲͕͍̰̰̟̪̺͔͋̆̋̈̊́͊̅̾͌̐͊̂͒̎̄̒͑̚̚i̸̢̛̳̲̥̞̞͔̰̟̙͖̮̹̥̳͔̭͖̎̀̅̃̃̓̆̒ỏ̴̧̦͍̱̪̹̥̯̗̻͎̝̃n̶͓͚̥͕̣̬̤̬̯͕̻̦̤̙̥̜̘͙̔̉͑͗̿̊́̑̑̃̅͛͂̄̊̄̕̚̚͘͜͜͠ͅ. Road decided that it was time to test this power.

As she began to look around Rias saw that all eye were on her, and as she looked at them she saw the looks she was getting from Riser and his peerage. Fear, all she could see on their faces were fear and confusion, they all thought this would be an easy match and so far it was going exactly as expected, well until Rias's outburst of power.

Rias began to make eye contact with all of Risers remaining peerage members, first was his queen Yubelluna, second was his bishop and sister Ravel, third was his second bishop Mihae, fourth was his first knight Karlamine, fifth was his second knight Siris, sixth was his second rook Xuelan, and finally his pawns, Ni, Li, Burent, and Shuriya.

As Rias made eye contact with them they could all see the malice in her eyes, they could practically see her intent to kill them. They were frozen in fear.

Rias began to smile, she now knew who her practice dummies were gonna be. Her first action was to begin to shape her new magic,Complete extinction, she realized that it was much easier to shape than her previous magic, power of destruction. She had complete control.

She shaped her magic into several different designs, swords, lances, spears, shurikens, kunai, and even a scythe which she gave a few test swings before making it dissipated. But in the design she decided on are arrows, she thought they would be the perfect weapons for this occasion.

Rias decided on her first three targets and fired her arrows, they were like lightning, they streaked through the air with a screeching sound, it was like the wind was screaming in pain. She hit her first two targets center of mass but only grazed her third target.

Her first two targets were Ni and Li, she found them the most annoying out of the bunch and wanted to get them out of the way to not have to listen to them talk for another second. At first it looked like the arrows had simply hit them and done nothing more, but then suddenly from the wound point the two sisters began to disappear, they did not scream they did not shout, they simply vanished, in less that a minute they had been erased.

The same couldn't be said for her third target, Shuriya, she began to scream, the arrow had grazed her on her left arm, she was being slowly eaten away by Rias's power. After a minute she was gone as well.

It was quiet once more, then the screaming started once more.

[A/N- Okaaaaayyyy, sorry for the very long wait(3 weeks) I made it double my usual length for the wait though. Hope you enjoy this chapter. Though I did feel that I kind rushed through it. Tell me in the comments if you catch any mistakes.]