

"Since I didn't receive a system, I will create a system of my own!" In the midst of chaos and calamity, Aryan wakes up to find himself smack dab in the middle of a fantasy apocalypse. Talk about a rude awakening! Armed with nothing but his wits (and maybe a diaper), he's thrust into a world where survival is the name of the game. With neither cheats nor some divine guide, Aryan is like a clueless tourist in a war zone. Here, peace is an illusion and harmony is a myth. Every friend is a foe, and every ally is an enemy. Will Aryan evolve strong enough to escape this world? Or be forever trapped within? .............................. A/N: I wrote this book to make it the most realistic fantasy possible. So, if you have problems facing a mirror (war crimes, racism, dictatorships, etc.), read some other book. Image source: Printrest.

Xero_5825 · Fantasy
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85 Chs

Evolved to evo1

Just as Aryan's resolve was tested to its limits, he felt a sudden surge of warmth spreading throughout his body. It was as if a dormant fire within him had been ignited, driving away the cold and numbing sensation.

As the warmth enveloped him, Aryan's senses came alive with a burst of clarity. Colors and shapes emerged from the darkness, revealing a surreal landscape of swirling energies and vibrant hues. He marveled at the sight, realizing that he was witnessing the very essence of his evolution.

Within this ethereal realm, Aryan's body underwent a metamorphosis. He could feel his muscles strengthening, his bones reinforcing, and his senses sharpening. It was as if he were shedding his old self and emerging as something greater, something more attuned to the challenges that lay ahead.