You have read Fanfics on how one lucky or unlucky guy would get picked by some random omnipotent being to relive his life in another world. Well what if you were that R.O.B only less omnipotent [For now] and more immortal. What happens when a man is reborn as Energy in the world of DC Capable of using said energy to do anything imaginable.
"By Rao!" Seeing Superboy getting pierced through the chest, Kara's eyes widened.
"..... Well, well, would you look at that". Amari squinted his eyes, looking at the scene in front of him.
Sitting on top of the mountain, the evening was particularly windy.
"Quite cruel. He went directly for the killing blow".
"..... Killing? You don't mean.....?" Kara asked uncertainly and uneasily.
"His hand directly passed through the physical defense, stabbing into Superboy's heart. The outcome is what you think it is".
"A dead kryptonian clone".
He answered lightly.
"I expected Zoom to win easily. Maybe kill a few…." Putting his hand on his chin, his eyes showed a thoughtful look.
To be more specific, he meant two. Black Canary and Artemis.
Unlike Superboy, who although was far from matching Superman, had kryptonian blood, the two women were basically lambs to be slaughtered.
And in a way, he was right. His gaze shifted imperceptibly towards Black Canary whose eyes were wide open but couldn't move properly to help, and Artemis who was knocked to the floor.
"Judging from that slight cracking sound....." His eyes lit up with a dark purple glow, and the colors of everything within his vision changed.
Focusing on the fallen archer, the greatly enhanced insight brought by his eyes allowed him to see her internal structure.
"Just as I thought". Amari muttered. "A neck fracture..... The poor girl is unlucky".
"Judging from the way things look, if she doesn't get help in time, the best result would be brain damage or quadriplegia. The worse case scenario would be another death…."
His gaze moved back to the main scene. Zoom pulled his hand away from Conner's chest while the latter fell to the ground.
"No!" Seeing this, Kara couldn't hold it anymore and jumped down. Amari didn't stop her, transporting her main body back to the real world, and watched her descend shakily in the air.
"... That is..... If I let the first death stay that way…."
"Guess it's time they finally meet". Amari said softly in the evening wind.
The flash of blue lightning streaked away from Happy Harbor, disappearing from the small town and Rhode Island in seconds.
The blue light illuminated M'gann's face for a split second before everything to the dark of night.
Her mouth was slightly ajar, the momentary whoosh cause her hair to flutter with the wind.
"Conner!" Seeing Zoom disappear, M'gann flew towards the teenage boy fallen on the floor.
Anyone looking at him would think he was simply unconscious.
"Artemis, we need to get help. Conner, he's... he's…." M'gann's stuttered, realizing something.
"Artemis?" Turning her back, the unmoving body of the female Archer stayed where it was. Completely unresponsive to her call.
"Megan....." Dinah called out, but Miss Martian didn't seem to hear her.
"She's hurt".
"No..... No…"
"You need..... To contact the League. They need to know something's happened.....".
Miss Martian's face was marred with confusion, anxiety, and fear.
She had never experienced a situation like this before. One of her friends was hurt while the other was.....
Seeing Superboy's body laying unmoving, tears welled up in her eyes.
She had enhanced hearing, and precisely because of hay, she could hear that Conner's heart wasn't beating.
He was...
"Megan you need to get yourself together..... Above you".
Black Canary stopped before yelling out anxiously.
Miss Martian was taken aback before.
The sound of something falling from the air came to her ears as she raised her head up.
Her vigilance was raised to the extreme, but the scene that came to sight was not what she expected.
Kara, who was still new to, flying stumbled in the air, making several unwanted spins and flips before barely landing on her feet, stumbling a few steps.
The gloomy atmosphere caused by the recent tragedy was slightly diluted.
M'gann eyed Kara warily, her right hand outstretched as she questioned.
"Who are you?"
"I....." Kara opened her mouth and raised her hands in the air. "... Take it easy, There's no need to attack. I mean no harm".
Her words were slow and soft.
M'gann's eyes narrowed.
At that moment, an orange lightning blur ran into the scene, pulling to a halt. The momentum dispersed as he slid forward a bit, dressed in his classic yellow speed suit with red pants.
Spiky red hair with noticeable freckles on his face.
"I got here as fast as I could. What's the emer....".
Wally asked as soon as he appeared on site, but his words clung to the back of his throat.
"Damn! What happened". The speedster sped to the Artemis's side, raising her body from the dirt.
"What always happens to you and your uncle. You're late". The voice sounded near his ears, causing the speedster to widen his eyes and run out of the way.
Appearing in the opposite direction with Artemis in his arms, Wally looked upward where a figure floated midair and his face morphed to shock.
"It's you!". He exclaimed.
"How ironic, don't you think. The fastest man alive and his nephew, the fastest kid in the world, both are always late for the important events".
Amari ignored him as his feet touched the ground.
"You did all this?" Wally gnashed his teeth with fury and hatred in his eyes.
"If I did do this, you would all be dead". Amari rolled his eyes.
His gaze stayed on the female Archer for a second before speaking.
"Take note. If you don't take her to a hospital, there's a high chance she will become disabled. Stick around long enough and she'll die".
"Huh….?" Wally was stunned. He just arrived and still didn't understand the situation.
"Neck fracture". Amari shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly.
"Wally, Go!" M'gann's voice sounded in Wally's head.
"I can't leave you here..... With him".
"Artemis is more important".
Hearing this, Wally didn't continue to argue. He knew what to do when it mattered most. The life of a friend hung in the balance.
"If you try anything, I will make sure you pay".
Looking at Amari, he uttered in the most threatening tone he could muster, before running away.
Watching the departing figure, Amari felt slightly amused. In a way, Kidflash's tardiness had practically saved his life.
Zoom left without finishing everyone off, mainly for two reasons. One, Miss Martian who could density shift and had telekinesis was not easy to deal with in a short amount of time.
Two, he felt he had spent enough time here.
If Wally had appeared fifteen seconds earlier, that probably wouldn't be the case.
Zoom was obsessed with speed.
He would hunt down anyone he came across who possessed the speed force.
But Wally's speed was still pretty weak. It was unknown if Zoom would be truly tempted.
"You..... You are....." Miss Martian stuttered as she tried to put her thoughts into words.
"Take it easy, dear, I won't bite". He said with amusement.
"Is he?....."
Amari's thoughts were interrupted.
Raising his head, he found the young kryptonian staring at the dead Conner with a frown on her face.
"No doubt about it. He's dead".
Amari tilted his head a bit, seeing her clenching her fists.
"I could have done something. You could have done something".
Kara said.
"And?" Raising an eyebrow, he asked in puzzlement.
What was she expecting?
"You could have stopped him".
"But I didn't".
"..... So?"
A sense of frustration found itself bubbling within the blonde female.
She felt like she was punching cotton.
".... It's not right".
"This is what would have happened if I didn't come here. It's best to let fate take its course in these matters". He rebutted with a bland tone.
Completely ignoring the fact that his very appearance had taken the destiny of this universe to paths it should never have treaded.
Kara fell silent.
Although they had only known each other for less than two weeks, Kara could say that she had a "rough" understanding of this man.
Difficult to understand, but she knew that this argument would go nowhere.
Amari considered himself a "neutral party". Completely indifferent to anything that didn't directly or indirectly concern his matters.
The feeling he gave her was someone detached from reality. In the world, yet did not belong to it at all.
Even towards her. She could sense it. That vague yet highly resounding sense of alienation.
He wasn't cold, he wasn't proud, he wasn't arrogant, he wasn't disdainful. He was just indifferent.
Too indifferent.
To everything.
For someone with his abilities, it could be considered a trait to be wary of.
How such a person could even exist was beyond her knowledge? Someone who truly wasn't good, nor evil.
At this point, she could basically confirm that as long as it had nothing to do with him, he could sit back and watch the world crumble to pieces while eating popcorn and drinking an extra large cup of soda.
Not because he loved what he was seeing, or he longed to see the world destroyed..... But because... It was interesting.
It was the way someone react when watching a movie. He saw them as..... Movie characters?
Kara seriously doubted her absurd thoughts at that moment.
But how else could she explain it?
Seeing her go silent, Amari didn't say anything else.
In the past two weeks, Kara had undergone noticeable changes in character.
"She's truly changed a lot. Transformed from a sad little kryptonian to a quirky earth teenager". Amari thought with a bit of amusement.
"Just a little stronger than you'd expect".
However, when it came to her character, he had to let out a slight sigh. Kara Zor-El, was, in many ways, similar to her cousin Superman.
Their sense of Justice and their will to do good, made him wonder if the entire House Of EL had been infected by some kind of nice guy virus.
Hopefully, it wasn't contagious. At least, it didn't work on Lex Luthor.
He understood what she was trying to imply, and he couldn't care less.
The little Kryptonian was enjoyable to talk to every once in a while, but that was it.
The earth, and all the people within, meant nothing to him and the fact that he had no interest in destroying it yet was a miracle on its own.
He came here, simple to satisfy his curiosity and now, it was far from being satisfied.
He could analyze some things, but that just added a lot more questions.
What was Zoom doing in this universe? Why was he chasing Wally West? Why was wally west The Flash instead of Kidflash? How did he even get here?
He felt like a row of dominoes were falling upon each other. One by one.
With countless thoughts in his head, his gaze focused on Kara, wanting to say something. Seeing her gloomy expression, he couldn't help but add.
"You do know you're overreacting, right? He might look a lot like him, but he is not your cousin".
His words seemed to hit. Kara had a complicated expression on her face.
She turned to look at Conner. From the outline of his features, he looked exactly like Kal-El in the pictures and videos. Just way younger.
"It doesn't matter". Kara said after a moment of silence.
"He was made from Kal'El's DNA. He has the blood of the House Of EL, so he's practically family". Unlike Superman, who found it a bit difficult to accept, Kara didn't find the concept strange in the slightest.
The way babies were created on Krypton was no secret. And recreating life through DNA was quite normal.
"Okay, where are you going with this?" Amari couldn't help but ask.
His curiosity was seriously stoked at the moment.
".... Can you bring him back?" The words uttered from her mouth were shocking to anyone who heard it.
A moment later, Kara realized what she was saying and regretted even asking.
Bringing someone back?
"You want me to resurrect the dead?" The incredulity in his voice was a bit overwhelming.
"..... I mean... There has to be a way, right? He isn't a regular human after all...".
Her voice grew softer by the second.
Thinking about it, was such a thing even possible?
Even if it was, why was she asking?
However, the next word turned her worldview around.
"Why should I?"
She didn't know how to respond anymore.