You have read Fanfics on how one lucky or unlucky guy would get picked by some random omnipotent being to relive his life in another world. Well what if you were that R.O.B only less omnipotent [For now] and more immortal. What happens when a man is reborn as Energy in the world of DC Capable of using said energy to do anything imaginable.
Somewhere within Sector 2814
A dash of green light could be seen in the scene, zooming past asteroids with incredible precision. The green beam of light, after passing through several asteroid fields, revealed what looked to be a humanoid figure.
Its body structure looked humanoid. Its features, however, were far from it.
Pitch-black skin, a rhino horn on its forehead sticking out like a thorn and spikes extending from its lower back.
With its massive body was three times that of a regular human, If placed on Earth, the looks of this creature could scare full-grown adults to tears. Yet, when placed within the vast universe, his features were considered good.
"Found you".
Tuk Rumon said in a voice as soft as an opera singer's. Massively contradicting when compared to its monstrous appearance.
As a Green lantern, Tuk's usual tasks were to patrol the neighboring area two sectors over. Unfortunately, his patrol had to be put on hold as he engaged in a high intensity chase across sectors to catch a rather dangerous individual.
Leading him all the way to sector 2814.
The green aura around him glowed in intensity as he blasted forward again, ignoring all obstacles in his path. A rather troublesome distance away was a spaceship travelling at full speed.
Well, it would be going at full speed if the engines of the space transport hadn't been damaged by Tuk's energy blasts.
[Energy thrusters 76% damaged. Power at 16% capacity. Energy shields offline. Weapons systems....]
The sound of an AI giving a full report on the ship's status update could be heard. And quite frankly, it was all that was needed to drive its pilot into a state of rage.
"Uck! Uck! For all the credits in the universe, I swear you won't have a peaceful death Lantern. My beautiful ship… All gone…". The alien creature that looked like a furry hairball with four legs and a massive build yelled in exasperation.
Spaceships weren't easy to afford. Especially one similar to the type he had, fully loaded with automated weapons systems, energy shields, advanced communication systems... Rizer had never felt worse in his one hundred and twenty-three years of existence.
He was a young, promising intergalactic criminal, and a rather skilled one at that. He was headed towards a certain designation in mind when he was unlucky enough to be spotted by a green lantern on his patrol.
Of course, he did what any other experienced criminal would do whenever they met the Space Police. Classic hit-and-run.
His race wasn't anything special in the universe that would give him capabilities to fight off a green lantern or possible kill one. So he used his ship's defense systems which he had swindled a certain sucker into installing in his regular spacecraft which was stolen from a certain high-end noble of a certain star sector... Where was he going with this?
Oh! yes. He used it to attack the pursuing Lantern while searching for opportunities to shake him off.
Sadly, it leads to the current situation he was in.
"Uck! I won't just sit here and wait to be captured!" He exclaimed and immediately headed to the ship's rear. The ship of a noble from a wealthy planet was particularly loaded.
Even if it wasn't the main one, it was actually equipped with six escape pods.
And luckily for him, there was a dead planet nearby. He had already set the ship's course for the dead planet while setting a timer for ejection of all pods.
This would leave the lantern to have to follow in seven different directions.
Either follow the escaping ship or one of the six escape pods. The chances of being captured had reduced from ninety-eight percent to a much better one seventh.
He didn't know if he could successfully escape, but those odds were certainly much better. He quickly hurried into the pods and the launch was initiated.
The Lantern was some distance away, but that distance could be covered in a matter of minutes. Hopefully, he could escape the Lantern's pursuit.
But after this, another headache arose.
There was a high chance that he would have to hide on a random planet. After all, he would be easily discovered if he tried to escape a free lantern in a space pod.
It was nowhere near ideal.
"That's something for future me to worry about. For now, I'll..."
His thoughts were interrupted as the pod shook fiercely, causing him to bash his head on the glass. He raised himself up and shook his head, only to see the escape pod giving off blaring blue lights.
If that didn't instill fear in his heart, the fact that the pod was no longer moving did.
"Looks like we've got somebody trying to pull a fast one". The sound of a male voice could be heard outside.
Rizer looked outside the glass with uncertainty, which was fully confirmed when he saw the aura of green surrounding the pod. He slumped into the seat as a figure appeared in his view.
It wasn't the gigantic Tuk Rumon that was chasing him through the Star Sectors but a human with a dark complexion.
Green Lantern of sector 2814 John Stewart.
Rizer laughed bitterly. He was so caught up in escaping his pursuing Lantern that he didn't think he would run into another green lantern in this region.
Minutes Later.
"Thank you, Lantern Stewart. You've made my job a lot easier". Tuk said with his soft voice, which John honestly found a little weird. Thankfully, he didn't let it show on his face.
"Pleasure to help, now if you'll excuse me". John didn't stay for small talk and blasted away. He still had duties after all. He had sensed the disturbance as well as received a request for help from a fellow lantern.
Now, he could get back to his patrol. Unfortunately, things didn't seem like they would go as he planned.
"This is Lantern Two". John's ring glowed, signalling an emergency message. He answered and heard cyborgs voice on the other end.
His face scrunched up to a frown before replying.
"I'm on my way". His course changed as he turned around towards the Milky Way solar system.
As he left however.....
Several spacecrafts using Warp technology appeared at the very edge of sector 2814. Some came in fleets, some came with warships, while most were individual.
They all came in different sizes, but what was sure for Earth was that something big was coming. The earthlings just didn't know it yet.
Gotham City.
Bat cave.
"You're not getting out of this so easily, Bruce. The rest of the league needs an explanation". Clark said with folded arms as he stated at Bruce, who was staring at the screen in front of him.
Otherwise, known as the Bat computer. It was late afternoon of the next day, and Bruce's eyes were perpetually glued to the broadcast playing on the screen, effectively ignoring Clark and whatever he had to say.
"- Cat Grant with GBS." A familiar television news personality was speaking over the live feed. "And today I'm reporting live directly from the Washington Square, where the United States Government has just released breaking news concerning the mysterious alien now popularly known to netizens as Deviant. It has been verified that said alien has undergone an altercation against the famous Green Lantern of the Justice league, leaving the latter seriously injured and the League potentially furious".
"It has been proved to be the case as the League members all arrived to apprehend this alien but were ultimately thwarted by the government. Which is why it is exceedingly shocking to report to you folks, that the mysterious alien now named by the government as AMARI has been granted citizenship and approved by governments all over the world, thereby gaining permission to live on earthen soil and walk freely among us just like any other human. A public official privilege being the first of its kind as such a declaration wasn't made available even for Superman....."
The feed soon switches to videos of the president of America making a public declaration approving said alien on permission to enjoy all the same privileges as the average American.
"..... How the League will respond to this is unknown as they have yet to make an official statement....."
Bruce continued to watch expressionlessly. His silence made Clark frown.
"I know Superman. The league needs an explanation, they will get one. But now, there are more important things at hand". Batman said in a low voice.
"Like what?"
"Like giving an explanation to the World Government. We have to be prepared for whatever those guys will throw at us. This whole thing has given them an edge, and I'm sure they won't let it go".
Bruce said solemnly. He had countless things affecting his mind at the moment.
"Stop stalling Bruce. I feel the meeting with the council can wait". Clark crossed his arms and said. The frown on his face was deepening by the second.
Batman sighed.
"You want to know why!" Bruce understood that Clark was pissed. Not just him, the rest of the league were. Bruce's actions proved that he was wary of all of them.
That wasn't even the issue. The issue was that he had kept such a thing secret from them and was studying their weaknesses.
No matter how you put it, it wouldn't sit right in anyone's stomach.
"It was a necessity, Clark".
"You can't be serious".
"I can and I am". Batman said solemnly. The news report was interrupted as a message appeared on the screen.
"Cyborg. He says the military's on our tail. They're using their satellites to analyze the Café incident. He says he's hacking their systems". Batman said curtly.
Clark just frowned and didn't say anything more. After taking one last deep looked at Bruce, he turned around and flew out of the Bat cave.
Seconds passed as Batman sat there with narrowed eyebrows.
A figure suddenly appeared from the same direction Superman left.
"Contingency plans for the League. I suppose my fear of fire is on the list as well, I presume?" It was the Martian Manhunter, John jonzz.
"I made plans for everyone, John". Bruce said lightly.
"Even myself".
John raised an eyebrow. His face didn't change much.
"Even him as well?" He asked, knowing that Bruce knew who exactly they were referring to.
"Boom tube tech or Zatara's magic. Creating a confined space to nullify his teleportation abilities. The rest, I can't be certain. We have too little information on the limits of his strength or if that dark red energy that broke through Hal's construct can damage Superman".
Bruce analyzed.
"Did you get anything from him". He asked.
"I'm afraid not. It's unfortunate, but it appears that I cannot read his mind. It's perplexing really". John replied with a frown on his face.
His frown elicited an even deeper frown from Bruce.
"Why would you say so"? Martian Manhunter was a calm entity. There were hardly any things that would make him change his expression outside a fight.
"His mind is..... Intriguing. In the sense that I can't seem to locate it".
"Do you mean a mental shield? Magical shield or an Android?" Bruce speculated. The possibility of Amari being an advanced race of machines crossed his mind.
"No, it's not like that. I can feel that his mind exists, as does his brain. He is a biological organism, but his thoughts are inaccessible. This is what stomps me. When I try to read even his surface thoughts, I get…. a veiled sense of nothingness".
"It's like he's always thinking, yet at the same time, not thinking at all". John's words made Bruce somewhat bewildered.
He didn't even know what to make of those words.
"So mind reading doesn't work. Diana's lasso might have a more positive effect".
"I suppose".
There was a bit of silence.
"Are you also here because of the contingency plan incident? I doubt that's why, since you haven't made a further statement on it".
"Your deductions are on point, Batman. I honestly couldn't care less for your contingencies. I'm here because of the alien".
"Amari? There's nothing much we can do about him now. But we will be ready to contain him if such happens". Bruce said thoughtfully.
"That is what concerns me, Bruce".
"I'm sorry?....." Batman was stunned. What was happening?
"The way you are targeting him, Bruce. Quite frankly, it's worrying. Not just for him, but for you as well. You may not realize it, but your paranoia is acting up like a rocket on steroids. You already look at him as a definite villain who will inevitably destroy the world, just like you once did, Clark".
John's words silenced Batman. The latter wanted to open his mouth and retort, but no words could escape to justify himself.
After a while of slight stuttering, he closed his lips and sighed.
"He's different from Clark..... he is willing to kill for one. I can see it within him, as for why he hasn't done so yet is beyond me. The way he crippled that youth clearly shows he has little empathy for humanity. He didn't even do it due to what the kid had done. It was just convenience... Convenient enough to get us to back off".
Bruce didn't stop there but continued.
"He's already quite powerful. Not to mention what his true purpose for Earth is. I just can't sit at ease".
"Does his purpose on Earth have to be sinister in your eyes?"
"What other reason would prompt him to come here?"
"I do not know, but earth has a special attraction to the supernatural, don't you agree?" John shot back calmly.
Bruce was stumped.
Yes, the earth alone had a kryptonian who was the last of his kind, an Amazonian who was the offspring of a God, A Martian who although wasn't the last of his kind, him being a protector of earth was quite out of place as well. Two thanagarians who keep on reincarnating every time they die. Two members of the Universal police force, an Atlantean king..... It even attracted a Czarnian who had murdered his species, a New God who enslaves planets as a side hustle, a group of kryptonians who wanted to terraform the earth….
What makes Amari so special? He hadn't shown off any plans to enslave the earth and its people. Was it truly all his prejudice?
Bruce stayed silent.
John didn't say anything more. His figure floated upwards before penetrating the roof of the cave.
Bruce right now needed some alone time.
United States.
A Certain Military Base.
"Have you found it yet?" General Lane stood in his uniform with a tight frown etched on his face.
In front of him, dozens of military personnel were working, typing, communicating, and moving their asses across the room.
"No sir, the satellite imaging from that specific time is ....." The soldier trailed off as he hesitated.
"Is what?" Lane's eyes sharpened.
"It's been tampered with, sir. Not just satellite imaging, security cameras, cell phone videos. We can't get a lock on what happened in that area in coast city". The man said.
"Cyborg!" Sam spat out one word through clenched teeth.
He knew it must be the doing of the half man, half machine member of the Justice league, effectively stopping all their attempts at discovering their true identities. That was fine what maddened him was that the league was brazenly hacking into military facilities at will.
What worsened it was that they could only sit by passively.
It made his teeth itch just thinking about it.
"Keep trying". Lane turned around and left the room with a gloomy expression. Everyone made way for him as they could see he was in a bad mood.
Sam walked out of the room towards a corridor. He turned on his phone and dialed a number.
The call connected, but the person on the other end didn't say a word.
"..... I need something". General Lane finally said.
"I know what you want". Amari said blankly.
Lane was not surprised.
"It's earlier than planned but sure. I don't mind a little Qid pro quo".
"What do you want?"
"Gotham city plains. The whole area, I want it legally under my possession".
"That's a lot of land".
"Compared to what I'll give you, it's worth less. I plan to open my base of operations there. Besides, there's something that will land there that I want. If your military wants your Next Gen Weapons, I suggest you comply".
Amari said with indifference.
"By tomorrow, not an hour later".
Amari cut the call from the other end.
"Kryptonians are quite valuable after". He said inwardly.
Hello readers, I'm back