
Chapter 163 Why Are You Looking At Me

[…. Is Amy Anderson LIVE from News Network. Over the past few days, the Internet has set off a storm due to the Viral video of The President of the United States' Live Execution. Alexander Joseph Lex Luthor, billionaire genius and CEO of Lex corporations was streamed Live from the Oval Office at the White House where he was seemingly erased out of existence by the alien Otherworlder the world has come to know as The Deviant himself. Amari. Before this was the shocking revelation that the United States President was a member of the Seven Infamous individuals who made up the Villain organization known as The Light. Known members alongside him are Ocean Master and Queen Bee. The ruler of Bialya who also had her secret identity revealed Yesterday makes it three whose executions have been made public. Analysts have gone through the execution footages word by word and have concluded based on the dialogues that at least Four Members of The Light have already been killed off, leaving three more potential members to face ….]

Mount Justice. ….

The lounge area was silent as the news played out for everyone to hear.

Miss Martian stood in place, mixing a bowl full of cookie batter.

Wally and Artemis sat on the edges of the table opposite each other. Aqualad rested against the sofa, Kara sat on that sofa.

Each one listened to the news with different expressions and inner thoughts.

"This guy isn't slowing down, is he?"


The depressing silence was broken by the sound of Wally chewing popcorn.

"Don't Wally …. Just don't". Artemis shot him a glare. How could someone be so insensitive?

"Humph! Well, forgive me for trying to liven up the dead atmosphere". The ginger haired speedster snorted and returned to his bowl of popcorn.

"How can you even eat at a time like this?"

"... I don't know. Guess I'm not as uptight as some people".

"What did you just say you grubbing …"?

"Stop it! Both of you," Aqualad said, stepping forward.

Both sides glared at each other before turning away.

It had been Three days had since their mission to the Negative Multiverse, and it was no exaggeration to say that the experience was their worst one yet.

Their mission was to follow Superman to the Negative Earth and help in any way they could. While Superman dealt with his alternate self, they would clean up any others who tried to get in the way.

Honestly, this shouldn't have been a problem. After all, they had already faced the Injustice League.

Parademons weren't a difficulty. Superman was the main force, the actual backup. They were just there to make up the numbers.

Unfortunately, they encountered something they shouldn't have and the complications that came with it was something they had no preparation for.

Superboy was lost. Possessed by some ancient being and hadn't been seen ever since.

Robin was injured and in a comatose state. The League hadn't commented on his condition since.

The Negative Earth was saved, but not by them. Ultimately, the mission wasn't a failure but no one considered it a success either.

With two members of the Team absent, the mood was at an all-time low. It hadn't been this bad since the Training Simulation incident where everyone had to watch each other die while facing impossible odds deliberately set against them.

But at least that was ultimately a simulation. This, on the other hand, had actually happened.

What followed their return to their universe didn't help things either. Falling right into an immediate battle of two powerful beings and dying in the process.

Kara was alright. It wasn't hard to process death as it wasn't her first time.

The others were different. The simulation had been a fake death. This …. This was real.

Point being, the current mood was the result of successive blows aimed at all the wrong places.

Kaldur sighed.

"Look, I know things turned out bad….". He said, sweeping his gaze across everyone.

"But Conner and Robin wouldn't want to see us here wallowing around like this. Robin would want us to push on until he wakes up, and Connor would want us to find him. We need to trust each other and stay strong to do that. Only then can we get through our difficult times".

"... Yeah?" Wally scoffed. "I think we all consciously skipped the finding part. For all we know, he could be in another dimension right now".

Kaldur remained silent, unable to give an answer.

However …

"That's easy".

Everyone's gaze turned to Artemis on the other end of the table. The blonde pursed her lips and spoke.

"Now, there's only one person that could know where Connor is. If we want to find Superboy, why not just find him?"

She said, her gaze fixed on the TV.

Everyone followed her gaze, then brought it back.

"Him?" Wally asked, stunned. "You're kidding right?"

Artemis raised an eyebrow. "No, I'm not".

The amusement on his face faded. "Hold on. You're serious?"

"What's wrong with that?"

"That's a terrible plan". Wally exclaimed immediately. "You can't be …. No way. There's no way we're doing that".

"The idea is feasible". Kaldur's words fell into his ears. The ginger haired speedster froze.

"I have considered this possibility for the past three days".

".... Kaldur …. What?" Wally turned to the Atlantean, bafflement written all over his face.

"He was the only one that was there". Aqualad answered solemnly. "If anyone has answers, it would be him". Then he looked at Wally's not very good expression and asked.

"Is there anything wrong?"

"Is there any … Is there any …"? The boy rushed his hand through his hair. "Yes there is something wrong. That's Amari, the alien maniac who just killed the President of the United States on LIVE TV".

It had barely been three days since their return from the Negative Earth. Barely three days since their world was destroyed and reformed.

However, the earth hadn't been peaceful.

Before, the world's focus was on the Earths destruction and reconstruction.

Amari may have reversed the Earth's state back to normal but peoples memories of The End Of The World weren't erased.

Everyone knew that the Earth had exploded, and they had all died once. The result could be imagined.

Citizens in many countries began to protest. Riots spread and people began to panic.

Fear spread like a plague.

Governments all over the world had been clamoring for the Justice League to drop an official statement clearly explaining what had happened.

For a time, it seemed like the world was about to end again. Until he reappeared.

Just like before. Every Phone, Laptop, Government radio, and TV station was taken over. All connected to display the single scene of Amari in the Arctic with the Ruler of Bialya, Queen Bee herself.

What happens when you drop a desert queen into an icy cold river flowing underneath solid ice?

The whole world saw the end result of the experiment. Then it was Lex Luthor the following day, being shown disintegrating out of existence.

Whatever chaos was previously brewing settled down quickly as people's minds shifted from one thing to another.

Wally had watched the LIVE Video. In his impression, Amari was a psychopath who could cause someone to explode into pieces if he was in a bad mood.

Such a person shouldn't be actively sought for but avoided at all costs.

The memory of Lex Luthor being erased from existence made Kidflash shudder on the spot.

At that moment, Artemis teased with a small smirk. "Is that fear I hear Wally?"

"I still stand by my opinion. Looking for Amari is a one-way ticket to commit suicide".

".... Perhaps not. But if we want to find Superboy, it seems like it's our only choice".

Wally looked depressed.

"Um … Great plan and all. But …". At that moment, Kara who hadn't spoken since the conversation started interrupted. "... I think you guys are missing one little detail. How are we going to find him?"


Silence flooded the lounge.

Under Kara's gaze, Wally, Kaldur, Megan and Artemis turned to look at each other.

Then ..... They all turned in the same direction, all four pairs falling on her.


"Why are you guys looking at me like that?"

