
I Am Energy In Dc

You have read Fanfics on how one lucky or unlucky guy would get picked by some random omnipotent being to relive his life in another world. Well what if you were that R.O.B only less omnipotent [For now] and more immortal. What happens when a man is reborn as Energy in the world of DC Capable of using said energy to do anything imaginable.

PcaNovels · Anime & Comics
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154 Chs

Chapter 15 I'm A Citizen Now


The sound of heavy impact resounded, causing coast city residents to flee further away from the area.

Many took their phones, immediately, dialing 911 while others ran for cover.

At Ferris Aircraft.....

A tall middle-aged man with a dark complexion and a bald head touched his ears with an attentive expression.

"A leaguer has appeared.... Understood. Commencing operations now, Sir". The man wore a dark green army uniform and turned around.

His stern face was on full display for the group of soldiers behind him who were waiting for his command.

"Alright everyone, the target has appeared. Everybody move out". He yelled at the top of his voice while stretching his arm forward.

Dozens of soldiers quickly rushed towards their armored vehicles, each one of them were fully geared with weapons.

"Go, Go, Go!"


Artemis, who had moved quite a distance with her body, still facing the battle scene, looked upward to see someone that was all too familiar.

Decked in a Green uniform with a mask on his face, Hal Jordan A.K.A. Green lantern levitated in the air.

A beam of light extended out of his ring and at the end of it was a giant hammer materialized from the power of will.

Upon arriving, he immediately performed a quick assessment of the situation, and seeing his target alongside the damaged surroundings, he attacked without a second thought.

This guy was going to be brought in any way. It didn't matter if he was a bit bruised.

Seeing a member of the League, Artemis subconsciously let out a sigh of relief. Just the few seconds that Amari stared at her put a heavy pressure on her being.

Now that Green Lantern was here, it meant the rest of the League would soon appear as well. The danger was taken care of.

Artemis thought this way. Hal, however, was having.... difficulties.

His face suddenly scrunched up as he felt his hammer construct meet with immense resistance. The dust cleared up as Amari's perfect features appeared.

His head was tilted upwards, and his right hand was pushing against a green hammer five times his size.

He raised an eyebrow at the scene in front of him and figured out the identity of his attacker.

"Nice hammer. Unfortunately for you, I'm not a nail". He said as he resisted the pressing weight on him with one hand.

Hal looked at the scene and narrowed his eyebrows. Seeing that he was unable to drill him into the earth, the light from the ring glowed brighter as he immersed more power into his construct in an attempt to take down Amari.

"Looks like Super Strength can be confirmed on his power list. Seriously, why does every alien we encounter always have some form of enhanced strength?" Hal complained inwardly while marveling about the strength of this guy.

There are powerful races in the universe, but few have the strength capable of going head on with the wielder of a lantern ring.

The ring's capabilities would instantly transform an average life form into a cosmic powerhouse. If all aliens had strength capable of matching a green lantern, the work of the Green Lantern Corps would definitely be significantly harder.

Hal had a dark face as he increased his output, yet his opponent was still going one-handed.

Dammit! This feels just like Clark.

Hal cursed inwardly as he sent a message.

"Lantern to all Leaguers. Requesting immediate backup....."

Amari, on the other hand, could hardly feel a thing.

The hammer had come to a halt the moment it came in contact with him. All the kinetic energy had been absorbed upon contact.

As for the follow-up increase in force, it was withstood through pure physical power.

There was a saying that the stronger the willpower of the Lantern, the greater the strength of the construct created by the ring. To be able to defeat parallax, Hal, was certainly one of the most willful existences alive.

But even with his will, he was incapable of making Clark battle him seriously. In front of absolute power, even astonishing willpower would be unable to overcome.

"Hal would stand a chance if his willpower was multiplied five times on the original foundation". Unfortunately, willpower couldn't be increased through external forces.

It was innate and would mostly increase after scaling a life-threatening situation. How much life-threatening situations could Hal safely undergo before he became a dead man?

And even if he could possess that much willpower, it would only grant him the ability to withstand his strength. With his other abilities, the chances of winning were still almost non-existent.

"Kid, get your teammates out of here, now!" Hal shouted at Artemis, who finally noticed that things weren't playing out as they usually would.

Drops of sweat had begun to accumulate on his forehead as he continued to push without gaining a single inch.

"Leave? Hehe, you're funny". Amari chuckled lightly as his hand holding the construct suddenly turned dark red.

The aura of destruction quickly spread on the green hammer like wildfire, and the construct began to crumble and disintegrate.

"Holy mother of…. fuck!" Hal let out an exclamation as he hurriedly cut off the connection to the construct. But the sight of a figure flying towards him at fast speed made him curse.

What in heaven's name was that? This was totally not part of the script.

Amari, on the other hand, who had no intent to prolong their battle, shot forward at super speed, leaving a sonic boom and cracked asphalt in his wake.

His dark red fist slammed into a will barrier that Hal subconsciously activated around himself. This was instinctive training he had undertaken to deal with fast attacks from the likes of flash and Superman.

Too bad, that didn't matter.

The punch hit the energy barrier. The dark red aura around his fist instantly shattered the barrier to pieces, leaving poor Hal Jordan's chest on the receiving end of a punch that could destroy the exterior of steel.

Hal was sent flying like a housefly getting swatted away with a fly swatter. His flying figure looked like a broken kite as he crossed a mile in the blink of an eye.

Blood escaped his mouth in the air before he slammed into a car, utterly pulverizing it. The citizens in the area all let out screams of fear as they looked at the destroyed car before running every which way.

Hal's mouth was practically a blood spring by now, as mouthfuls of blood escaped his mouth without his approval. His chest felt like it was destroyed. The bones in his chest area were definitely broken and if not for the passive defense in the form of full-body glow that was attached to him whenever the ring was on, he would practically be a dead man.

"That honestly was too easy. I haven't estimated the current strength of the league, but is your group's overall power around this level?" Amari appeared in the air above him.

His casual and relaxed posture didn't depict that he just flattened a Lantern with one move. Of course, what made it possible was cataclysms decay effect that was quite similar to something Hal Jordan had experienced.

Red Lantern Corp.

Their energy lamp could practically destroy Green Will constructs at a moment's touch.

But how? He didn't have the uniform or the ring. So how was it possible, was he a red Lantern or wasn't he?

Hal was shocked and confused but mostly in pain. Now he remembered what Batman had said at the League's meeting when they had assembled a few days ago.

"Treat with extreme caution. Our lack of knowledge of him and what he can do can prove deadly".

So this was what he meant?


Amari POV

Come to think of it, he was probably the worst matchup for someone like Hal, right?

I mean, the Red Lantern Corp was a massive threat to green lanterns, as their plasma like blood was weaponized and could cut, melt, practically destroy Green lantern constructs can. But they didn't have his speed and strength.

So he was, practically, Hal's perfect restraint.

"I don't know a lot of medical knowledge but judging by the fact that you aren't dead, I suppose your sternum hasn't caved in yet. You're in a lot of pain".

He said with a neutral expression.

Hal was a little bewildered. The guy just put him in this state, and now he was what? Giving out words of concern?

"I could kill you to end your pain if you'd like". Amari shrugged his shoulders as he pitched a suggestion.

The air froze as Hal looked at the flying figure with disbelief on his face, even temporarily forgetting the pain and the screams of civilians.

Was he being serious? Or was he teasing him?

It sounded like something a gloating villain would say, but his serious expression made it feel extremely weird.

Hal didn't reply and shot out with what willpower he could muster to form... a giant boxing glove? I mean, come on.

He didn't react and let the punch hit him.


His body stayed motionless as he swung his arm in retaliation. A lot more force was infused into this one.

The glove shattered, but Amari realized that Hal, who was lying in the rubble, was far from done. Chains materialized behind him and extended rapidly in an attempt to put him in a bind.

To this, he didn't react, either.

His eyes just glowed and the chains that had wrapped around him lost their focal point.

"Seriously? I know you aren't the strongest in your group, but seriously? I'm contemplating killing you right now".

Amari said in a bland tone as his eyes showed annoyance. There was no look of amusement, which was the only trace of emotion that usually appeared on his expressionless face.

Hal was numb.

What the hell? Seeing all his attacks end up ineffective, Hal felt his scalp to tingle.

"Then goodbye". His figure moved with extreme speed as he aimed a punch at Hal Jordan with full intent to end his life.

Unfortunately or fortunately, someone faster got there first. A red blur followed by orange lightning reached the pummeled green lantern before his figure could get obliterated.


Pieces of debris flew everywhere as he slammed into the ground. The dust gradually cleared as Amari looked at the empty hole he had created, no surprise on his face.

He already expected the flash to arrive in time to save Hal Jordan's ass. He had seen it already. However, there were many possibilities and the chances he died were always present.

Amari decided against narrowing down the outcome and leaving it for fate to decide whether the Lantern would live or die. If he lived, so be it. If he died, then oh well.

But Barry Allen was much more cautious than the reckless lantern. He ran with Hal's body and didn't come back to fight. He had to take the young justice team away as well.

Quite synonymous with the League's one man clean-up crew.

It didn't surprise him however, as he knew why.

The air tore apart with a sonic boom as a figure crashing towards coast city descended with powerful force.

The classic red and blue tights appeared in his vision again as a fully powered Superman floated in the air above him, like a God among mortals. His face was frowning heavily as he looked at the deep pit that had formed.

Amari looked at him indifferently.

He didn't doubt one second that Clark already knew everything that went down in the past few minutes. Starting from the Junior team to the Lantern.

His visible glare just about said it all.

"I had hoped we could find you peacefully, and you weren't like other Invaders". Superman said, his tone stern with a hint of disappointment mixed in it for an edge.

"Now it seems like I hoped for too much. Your actions clearly show that you have nefarious purposes here on Earth". With narrowed eyes that glowed red, his palms clenched into fists as his straightened back bent forward a little.

"Now will you come quietly or will I have to make you come the hard way?" There was silence after he spoke. Clark's eyes were fixed on the motionless figure who had his two hands in his pocket at some point with high intensity.

Facing this man he knew nothing about, Clark didn't dare to be careless. He knew the situation, Hal, who possessed above-average strength in the league, had been beaten to this point in less than thirty seconds.

Paired alongside his other abilities, this alien was extremely dangerous. More deadly than Stepphenwolf.

Although he was confident that he could still solve the opponent, it would take a very long time to decide the outcome. The battle would definitely leave numerous cities destroyed. Plus, there would always be some possible variables.

Clark didn't want that to happen. Luckily for him, the alien was alone. But he had friends.

"Come quietly? To where?" Amari asked with a puzzled expression. His eyebrows raised as he lightly examined the man of steel.

"No need to worry where. You'll find it more cozy than the good old prison cells at Belle Reve". Clark's solemn voice answered.

Both their eyes picked up a rapidly approaching figure coming from their side.

The red blur appeared as flash zoomed into the field, his eyes glaring daggers at Amari.

"Let me put it in simple terms even aliens can understand. You mister are under arrest".

Lightning flashed around his body menacingly, showing how pissed he was. If he hadn't arrived on time, Hal would have died.

The mere thought of it irked him to no end with anger.

"Arrest? I don't feel under arrest one bit". Amari said as his eyebrows suddenly scrunched as if he was in deep thought.

Three seconds later, he shook his head with an expression of clarification and said.

"Not even a little bit".

Flash and Superman frowned.

A beam of orange light appeared in the distance, followed by a Portal. Several figures walked out with steady footsteps.

"Oh give it a minute, it'll eventually sink in". Victor Stone said with a deep voice. Walking beside him was Wonder Woman, Batman, Martian Manhunter, Giovanni Zatara, Shazam and Hawkman.

Batman increased his steps and stood at the forefront of the group.

"You're surrounded, and outnumbered one to too many. Surrender quietly and this won't have to get ugly, or else". Batman said. Cyborgs hand transformed into a plasma gun as he aimed with the intent to fire.

Diana held her lasso and it glowed golden.

"Or else? What if I don't?"

"You're misunderstanding the situation if you think you have a choice". Batman replied.

"Hehehe, I think it's you who doesn't understand the situation, Mr. Wayne. I regret to inform you that I'll be going nowhere with you today". Amari chuckled.

Silence reigned as the air seemed to freeze. All the Leaguers had their eyebrows narrow.

Batman's face turned ugly. It was visible even with his cowl covering his features.

The danger level of this extraterrestrial just went up by another level. Batman didn't even know what to use to define it anymore.

"Congratulations. You just pushed our determination to apprehend you even further". The gloomy aura surrounding him was as intense as the atmosphere.

Everyone was ready for a fierce battle to erupt.

Unfortunately, at that moment. They received some unexpected guests.

Superman turned his head to the side.

"What is it, Superman?"

"Vehicles". Clark answered as dozens of military trucks came into view. Everyone's attention was momentarily taken by the appearance of the army.

The trucks parked a dozen meters away from the confrontation, and numerous soldiers began to pour out of their vehicles in a well-disciplined fashion.

Numerous helicopters had appeared at some point over the skies, making the scene all the more lively.

Some were military choppers, while there were few news helicopters among them.

The Cameras were rolling, effectively displaying this confrontation to the whole world.

"All this fanfare just for me? Can't say I'm not flattered". Amari said with amusement. His attention was no longer on the members of the league at this point.

Batman frowned deeply, feeling something was wrong. His gut was tumbling, telling him something just didn't sit right.

Why did the military and the news suddenly appear at this point?

"Just surrender Alien. We will give you a fair trial for your actions. See this, it all shows that your presence here on Earth is not welcome. Your fate if you battle us will not be pleasant". Diana stepped forward, her body emanating an aura of dignity and battle intent.

Amari suddenly smiled brightly. Three words appeared in his head and he resisted the urge to utter them.

Lights, Camera, Action!

"Attention Justice league Members. This is Brigadier General Phillip Colson of the United States Army, you are unlawfully attacking an American citizen and are under orders to cease your actions".

At that moment, the loud voice of a man with thin yet still receding hairline on his front head shouted through a megaphone.

Diana froze in her actions, her bold and heroic posture stiffening.

The rest of the Justice league had similar situations as they sported dumbfounded looks.

Batman looked at Amari, who still had a wide smile on his face.

"What did you do?" He growled loudly. He was right, something was horribly wrong.

"Oh! I thought you would know since…. Well, you're Batman and all. But I guess even you can't keep up with everything, can ya"? His smile slowly receded, but the amused look in his eyes shone brighter than ever.

He placed his hand into his pocket, took out a wallet, fumbled with it for a few seconds and pulled out an identity card.

"Guess what! I'm a citizen now".


I want to thank you all for the support you have shown so far. I appreciate the comments and the powerstones.

Recently, I got a review stating that my book wasn't all that great because The concept of the MC being able to do anything with enough energy was too overpowered and some other reasons I couldn't understand.

So for all my readers who feel the MC is too strong at the start, that's an Overpowered MC novel for you whether you like it or not. If you think the MC is rather nerfed when you consider what he is, then sorry but I can't do anything about that either.

Well I can, but more like I won't.

I never really thought i would receive all these reactions and comments from people as I had nothing in mind other than to attempt to create a DC fanfic since I couldn't find any that interest me recently.

I never expected to come this far as I have written failed attempts at novels years back with the best not even exceeding 300 collections and 23 chapters. Though I admit I had very little ability to write then.

I am literally just making this fanfic up everyday when I pick up my phone to write and I admit that there are some concepts I didn't think through when I started this. It was your reactions and support that made me decide to even exceed the third chapter.

So for those reading my novel and not finding it to your taste, please cut me some slack and not give me a bad review when you haven't even properly read it yet.

Anway, see ya next time. I stopped at 19th again on the Powerstone monthly rankings. Hope for more support so I can exceed that this week.

I mean, I have 2.5k collections. One from each reader would probably put me on top.🙌🔥🤣