
I AM Elden the Sword Master

Fresh from the kingdom of Inaba to this borderland, standing at the forefront of the King's guard of Carya, behind me the august Moon Princess Tine. Yet as the Sword Wolf, how have I come to apprentice in sorcery? Some time later, Daon comprehended: the Inaba style is not such an inconvenient thing, swordsmanship and magic are still techniques of the blade, Inaba style is unbeatable

DaoistY7Nyr3 · Fantasy
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16 Chs

How great! Kalia!

In the flickering firelight, two hideous, ugly, and familiar heads were displayed before the eyes of more than twenty Cuckoo soldiers. Many of them still maintained the posture of rushing to support, and for a moment, stopped as if under a freeze spell.


With frozen thoughts and rigid brains, when they didn't know what to do, the blood-soaked warrior had already thrown the two heads into the dirt, directly drawing his curved sword.

"Escape or die!?"

The blade was of dark red, soaked with unknown amounts of blood already this night. At this moment, the surrounding aged and weakened had also reacted. Arno held his abdominal wound to prevent his intestines from falling out, his veins throbbing in throbbing pain.

"Escape or die!"

More and more people drew their swords and moved forward, their roars combining into one.

"Escape or die!!!"


A Cuckoo soldier dropped his straight sword and turned to run. They had been fighting all night, tired and sleepy. With the death of the knights, their tense nerves also snapped. These Calians were maddened dogs with no regard for their lives, their roars making the frozen brains begin to function.

Escape, escape quickly!

The line of battle collapsed, shields and weapons were scattered all around, and the Calian soldiers didn't miss a beat. The tremor of bowstrings followed, arrows accurately shot in their backs, just like hunting, knocking one soldier after another to the ground.

Daon turned his head and saw Karin, the tomboy, standing on the roof. The manly face was covered in blood. You could even see her gum bed through the cut wound.

True Iron-Blooded Warrior!

He put down the heads and also used the radiant stone magic debris to pick up the heads, until his magic power was exhausted. Outside the manor was a road of flesh and blood, all the Cuckoo soldiers lay on the ground.

Arrows and magic suddenly stopped, everyone looked towards the center where Daon stood. Because he changed his equipment, most people didn't recognize him. In the somewhat awkward atmosphere, Daon turned to look at them and slowly raised his curved sword.

"Great is Calia!"

His voice was not loud, but it was filled with a hearty spirit. With the background of bodies scattered around, this sentence seemed more persuasive than usual.

"Great is Calia!!"

A wild and powerful cheer came, like a storm sweeping over the manor of blood and fire, suppressing all the shouts of killing.

Perhaps it was an illusion, the manor, noisy for half the day, quieted for a moment. Both enemy and ally were attracted by this cheer, their gazes turning this way.

"Those who can't walk, stay to finish off the others." Daon felt those shocked or ecstatic eyes, his curved sword lowered, "Those who can walk, follow me, we'll wipe out the despicable Cuckoos completely!"

The battle was not over yet, their bodies exhausted, the soldiers watched the lone brave man walking forward, they didn't know where they got the strength from their legs, they followed him.

The depletion of strength caused his limbs to tremble slightly, but Daon's steps were still firm. He walked at the very front, stepping on the mud soaked with blood, like a banner gathering scattered soldiers from across the battlefield.

Fifty men, eighty men, a hundred men...

Under the glow of the flames, a wave of iron rolled in from the interior of the manor. Their clothes were worn, and armor was shattered, but they were like an adrenaline injection to the weary Calian soldiers, like a hammer directly hitting the head of the Cuckoo army.

"Captain, look!"

"I see it!"

Above the city wall, Matthews's face was tight, the anger and unwillingness in his eyes ignited into a raging fire.

The walls above and below were covered with bodies, Yaren was cornered, surrounded by several knights. The troll Bols, covered with iron chains, is roaring continuously, but it is of no use. Once his strength is exhausted, the Cuckoos might be able to capture him alive.

So close!

As long as they can capture this manor, he could immediately deploy the reserve team, following behind the defeated soldiers to attack the Calian camp. With those people supporting, they might even be able to directly seize the camp, and then attract soldiers and horses with the treasure of Calia, the magical academy would eventually belong to them!

Even if they can't capture it, he would still tear down this manor, especially this annoying wall, he would pull it down from the root. Then Calia, trapped in the isolated city, would find it as difficult as climbing to heaven to get out.

But he was just so close, he couldn't even figure out how the elite assault teams led by the two Cuckoo knights were defeated by a group of remnant soldiers. All he understood was that these remnants were useless, yet tremendously significant!

The Calians were counterattacking. They were rushing madly to the side of the trolls, trying to cut off their chains, while the Cuckoo soldiers guarding them were retreating in panic. They could see that Bols was about to break free.

After a night of intense battling, both sides were exhausted. Now it was a competition of courage. Apparently, the Calians had the upper hand.

Thump, thump, thump...

Heavy footsteps were heard, several large trolls appeared in sight. One even had his lower leg chopped off and was crawling like a ghoul. Matthews' gaze fell on the bloodied man in the front, his hand tightening on the great sword.

"Just who is this man!?"

He couldn't see the man's face or gauge how strong he could be, but this man's leadership was definitely among the top ranks. As he was hesitating, the knight next to him spoke urgently:

"Sir, make a decision quickly!"

A dazzling light appeared on the wall. Yaren conjured a giant Calian sword nearly ten meters long and swept it around, sending all the Cuckoo knights flying. A halberdier who couldn't dodge in time was even cut into two, along with his halberd.


The giant sword dissipated, and Yaren stomped on the writhing knight's head, crushing it. His handsome face was full of ferocity: "I told you, you can't take it!"

Matthews didn't have the mood to argue with him, he quickly looked back at the big camp behind him. The place was still quiet, with only three to five hundred reserve soldiers whispering to each other. The expression on the knight's face was growing uglier.

These damned magicians!

He glanced at the Calian knights in front of him, jumped down the city wall first, and his roar came from afar.


The real ruthless ones even make their escapes decisive. The Cuckoo army had abundant experience in retreat, watching their leader jump down the city wall, others followed suit.

"Retreat quickly!"

People fell from the city wall like dumplings falling into a pot. Thankfully, due to the strong physical fitness of humans in ambiguous territories, it was not problematic to jump down the wall five to six meters high. Those who had rushed into the manor slipped away from the gap as quickly as possible, wishing they had been blessed with a couple more legs by their parents.

"Stop chasing, hold your ground here!" Knight Yaren yelled on the wall, but the Calian soldiers who had switched from defense to offense could not be called back. They chased after the retreating army, leaving a field of corpses behind.

Just having charged out a hundred steps, there came a sudden roaring whistle from the lightening sky. The catapults and crossbows were shooting, nailing dozens of Calian soldiers to the ground, also sobering them up.

The Cuckoos were retreating not breaking. As a veteran military organization, how could they be pursued back to the big camp?

Caught between a rock and a hard place, the troll knight Bols voluntarily rushed to the front, the door-like giant sword swinging back and forth. Finally, the soldiers who had chased out of the city were protected and pulled back.

Seeing this, Knight Yaren seemed to have been drained of all his strength. He slid down and sat on the wet wall, his chest heaving. After a few seconds, he struggled to pull himself up, his gaze meeting with a swordsman in the manor.

Both were covered in blood, both were exhausted, the swordsman was so real that Yaren completely forgot that he had been scolding this coward just a few days ago.

Regardless of what had happened in between, Don Light, who had fought to the death, obviously earned respect. Knight Yaren slowly and formally saluted him, and the swordsman smiled back.

After a moment of eye contact, the strong smell of blood invigorated the knight. He and Don simultaneously raised their swords.

"Ever victorious! Calia!!"

"Ever victorious!! Calia!!!"

Cheers rose and fell, as if brightening the Golden Tree, shaking out the sun.

The light shining down illuminated the distorted bodies, the houses billowing with black smoke. The broken swords and shattered shields reflected light, while the living looked around in bewilderment, only then realizing the night was—

So incredibly long!