

Short stories krilin was suppose to be Support Character in Dragon Ball. How about make a twist. Do you think Krilin is OP character in Naruto world. PLEASE READ IT MY LATEST FUNNY STORY TQ FOR SUPPORT

master1983 · Anime & Comics
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chapter 2

School life.

Aizen was in highschool in his previous life but now he started elementary school. It was a bit weird because it has Taijutsu, Genjutsu & Ninjutsu subject on the list. The main language & writing was Japanese language. History is all about 1st to 2nd Hokage however the most powerful among them 3rd Hokage also known Ninja Professor. 😏🤔🤔🤔🤔 There is something about Will of fire & Hokage contribution. So All those newbies might impressed on 3rd Hokage but Aizen felt a bit weird because what he ever done change Konoha? There is no history about him just created thousand new Ninjutsu. If he was that strong why other village attack Konoha without fear him? Something fishy about Will of Fire because it was mentioned on every boor cover in Library provided by 3rd Hokage.

Aizen wasn't interested in this 3rd Rate Scam because he want to study Jutsu & other fighting moves. He also meet Yuhi Kurenai, Uzuki Yugao, Mitarei Anko, Sarutobi Asuma, Hatake Kakashi, Uchiha Obito, Uchiha Shisui, Inuzuka Hana & Hayate Gekko in his class. There is also other schools bullies who Aizen ignore those loser. Just because his bold doesn't mean his not charming. His manly voice with muscular expose chest the main attraction for the married or single ladies.

Mighty Gai was excited about his eternal rival Kakashi but he was ignored by Kakashi. Aizen didn't bother about it because it was healthy rivalry. There is no much things attractive in Aizen mind. He can't use any Jutsu but he can create similar effect according to the description with hand sign.

It was simple because he only create & imagine in his mindscape. Aizen was looking for kendo expert because he already learned all basic Jutsu & Genjutsu. Aizen know about his cousin Yuhi Kurenai families have feud with his mother but Aizen doesn't bother about it. She was his classmates after all. Aizen have kendo spar with Hayate & Uzuki dojo by a week later after challenge both Yugao & Gekko. Mighty Gai feel blood rushing & shout It was so Youthful challenge. Kakashi sighed & also interested in Kendo spar. His dad was Hatake Sakumo famous White Fang. It was cool name. 😁 Mitarei Anko got secret crush on Aizen though. Aizen look like Dominic Toretto Aka Vin Diesel 😘😏😎 cool hunk.

Mitarei Anko was his loyal fan. Kurenai sighed deeply look at her best friends stalking her cousin. Aizen was similar age with Kurenai. 5 yrs old. It just that Kimi doesn't like Kurenai or her families at all. Kimi has similar eye with Kurenai red eye but Kimi look more like Vampire. Dai doesn't go mission often he does completed 100 missions rank D & 2 missions rank C . Nobody complaint or bother him because he can't do ninjutsu. Mighty Dai didn't care about Mission anymore because he was successful business man. Previously he was desperate because he was poor but now he didn't know how much is his wealth. All his account manage by his wife Kimi since married. Dai was simple person & trust his wife fully. Kimi satisfied on Dai & she love him as a person not his money. Kimi & Dai has produced a lot of storage food scroll with unique label like happy meal , white castle & so on. There is also manual picture printer for oil food wrap paper & paper cup. This was Aizen contribution as well..

Aizen was proficient on Calligraphy & Drawing. Dai was a blacksmith so it was nice combo. Gai was labor guy for logistics & store. Kimi was managing financial as well organized food supplies & material. Akamichi, Nara & Yamanaka families incharge of labor, sale, distribution & safety. All materials like vegetables & poultry was divided 3 clans equally. They fully aware that by working together can expand larger business. There is about 10-20 fast food franchise around Fire Country. It was endless demand. They have cultivated more than million material supplies to fullfil customer demand. Hamburger was very hot demand with Bubble Milk Tea. It was very delicious. Dai Dairy farm has increased to 5 million goat & boars includes duck. Aizen though of fresh fish & sea food. But he didn't do it because it might attract a lot of unwanted guest. There is also Chinese Roasted Duck in his future menu. Aizen has taught a lot of chicken recipe too. KFC Spicy Fried Chicken. This is crazy hot food in the current menu other than Burger. The Dango stall has joint venture with Bubble Milk Tea Franchise. Aizen recommend Halo Halo drink fusion of Dango with Bubble Milk Tea. All refugees from Yuki clan was recruited for making Ice crush & cube. They are now permanent worker contract with Dai families.. Yuki Clan was immigration to Konoha secretly by Nara , Yamanaka & Yamanaka families. They are civilian workers not shinobi. They were hunt due to bloodline but not yet registered as Kiri Ninja at all. So they are legal. Aizen give a thumbs up Nara Shikaku for his wise decision.. There is about 10 Uzumaki Refugees too. Aizen has a lot of harvest & introduced ice food storage Fuinjutsu.. Now all franchise has Cold storage on their own. It was contribution by Yuki & Uzumaki clan. Aizen also told his parents that they need a road for transportation. This save a lot of time traveling..Aizen drew a bicycle & steam carriage. Let his dad do the spare part & assembled with Gai. None of his families asked where his idea came from.. Aizen feel that his previous life was wasted of a lot opportunity but he is glad know Basic Modern Engineering & Agriculture Technology.

Japanese is hardworking culture & they were good in agriculture such as rice farming & etc. They eat a lot Tuna such Sushi & drink Sake. 😏😘😁 Similar to Chinese culture too. That's why they developed faster than other Asian countries. Konoha technology was backward & their Jutsu are all for killing & destruction.. Aizen thought that it was barbaric way of life not civilised at all. Sighed he can't comment on this because he also has to adapt this life as well. Dragon Ball world also the same thing when Aizen think about it because they were invaded by seriously a lot dipshit fighting maniacs Alien. 🤔

To be continued Naruto Z