

Short stories krilin was suppose to be Support Character in Dragon Ball. How about make a twist. Do you think Krilin is OP character in Naruto world. PLEASE READ IT MY LATEST FUNNY STORY TQ FOR SUPPORT

master1983 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

chapter 1

My previous name is Kagami Shino, I was dropped dead by damn banana skin. I was also Krilin in past lives, reborn before Goku using summon Shenron. I was death twice in dragon ball world, once at KNB world & currently reborn again at Naruto World. I was born bald with unlimited Ki without chakra coil. Therefore I was recognised as useless baby because for Konoha village without chakra, you can't become Ninja.

Fortunately there is Mighty Dai Families.This family accepted & adopted the baby named him Mighty Aizen. Unlike other Fanfic protagonist, I have Krilin skill was Destructo Disc, Flying skill, Tenshihan Sun Flash & triple clone. I was still 5 month old at this time. Mighty Dai having good luck & fortune ever since he adopted me when I was a baby..All of their families has semi regeneration physique & found a scroll contained ¥80 Million at my baby crib with letter thanks you with bloody hand writing. Mighty Dai suspect that my parents was dead sacrifice for my safety. He didn't care what clan I was from because in his eye, I was hopeless baby abandoned nowhere at the jungle near his house..All his hidden injuries was fully cure, Mighty Dai never stopped practice & left with Mighty Dai wife Yuhi Kimi. She was an orphan before married with Dai. Due to gaining semi regeneration physique, she was healthy & has sufficient breast milk. Mighty Gai was 1 years old. Mighty Dai only can do simple blacksmith. He originally has thin chakra coil due to his regeneration physique his chakra coil become normal. His chakra reserve was Jounin level due to his strong physique. He was originally Taijutsu specialist but now after new transformation all his family has normal chakra coil except Aizen. Mighty Dai was originally Chinoike Clan but he was defected physique before his eye was not awaken. Now his eye was fully awakened called Ketsuryūgan. Mighty Dai had own inheritance scroll from his great ancestor & Mighty Dai doesn't know whether his clan survive or not because they were hunted by Uchiha Clan since Sengoku Period. Since he can used chakra with Jounin chakra reserve, Mighty Dai can do gravity & storage scroll. It can stabilise his family financial problems..Yuhi Kimi also can used her clan genjutsu now. Currently this husband & wife can become normal ninja. However Kimi is not interested in Ninja career because she didn't like killing. Mighty Dai have to become Ninja according to Konoha law & he was still Genin rank.. Nobody know that Mighty Dai families have become most deathly families. Practically Genjutsu was related to mind control & Dai was taijutsu specialist. Yuhi Kimi has pure Yuhi clan bloodline & her families was original & strongest patriarch in Yuhi clan but it was unknown to her why her parents death. Yuhi Kurenai families take over her family patriarch seat. Yuhi Kimi doesn't like them because they abandoned her to orphanage home because she has defective physique similar to her husband. It was fate or blessings in disguise that they meet each other.

Aizen has immune to Illusion & Poison & there is unknown energy beside ki in his body not yet awaken still dormant state. Aizen can only practice in his mindscape because he is still baby. After 6 mth, Aizen will start his first baby walking. Gai already 1-1/2 yrs old. Both of them have similar height 1 metre tall. They have sufficient food so they grow up faster. Mighty Gai haven't awakened his Ketsuryūgan yet. Mighty Dai have domestically 100 wild mountain goats & boars as his main farm yard. The goat are for dairy products milk & cheese & boar for meat & cooking oil. As nomadic families bloodline Mighty Dai has this knowledge from childhood memories. He barely remember his parents looklike..

Aizen & Gai help their dad on daily milking extraction. Dai create a lot of pot for making Cheese. Kimi was in charge of milk, cheese & meat supplies to Konoha supermarket. Aizen have modern knowledge about new fast food concept such as burger patties, buns & cheese slice. There is a variety of spices can be found in Konoha & as ninja they are more focus medicate herb instead focus on flavor part. All this herbs & spices are neglected & sold dirt cheap almost free. Aizen told his mother Kimi to purchased all this unwanted herb in bulk & cultivated it as main ingredient for their daily food. The wild potato & tapioca was simply baked & roasted direct cook with fire. For Aizen this type of cuisine simply backward & wasted a God given food . This potato can be make french fries, potato sauces & etc. Tapioca flour or starch can make a famous Boba. If there is milk tea sure need bubble milk with variety of delicious flavor. Konoha can make KFC or McDonald or White Castle for Goat 🐐 Sake. Aizen haven't start on insect Aburame clan yet. 🤔🤔🤔🤔 They can cultivated a lot of honey instead of poison.. Anyhow Aizen still 1 yrs kids, so he just go with the flow. His dad Mighty Dai is currently prefer business than Ninja Genin dah 😏😏 what to do? Goat damn faggot Hokage rules... The business need to pay 20% taxes to Konoha. Are they really free shareholder? So they are Hiruzen, Danzo & 2 goons. 5% each. 😩😫😵 They don't even pay us.

Dai families have cooperation with Akamichi families on fast food concept. This business really booming because it is available 24hrs & simply handy eating anywhere they like. As ninja they love it & store it fresh in the scroll. They sometimes buy 100 burger each with fries per person. In order word Dai families & Akamichi families make money printing business. They also hot selling bubble milk tea. It was addiction above traditional Teuchi Ramen or Dango stall. The 4 stooges can't took advantage on increasing taxes because this involved on Akamichi families. They have relatively closed to Nara & Yamanaka families. Since the fast food have been established. All main ingredient such as meat, milk & so on materials from Dai families are only available for the franchise only. No more available to supermarket. The franchise are open in Fire Country territories only. Not other 3 village. Unless there is diplomatic involved or investment from other village. So far there is none because other ninja could buy at the branch franchises. Dai Goat farm increased from 100 to 100,000 goats & boars. Times goes fast 4 yrs.

There is also chicken poultry industry that domestically cultivated at Nara, Yamanaka & Akamichi compound.. They have joined venture on this project. The lettuce , tomato & chili hydroponics indoor farm are also included. Aizen have make this drawing plan & proposal to his dad on developing chain fast food expansion after 4 yrs ago.

Gai & Aizen was eligible attend to elementary Ninja Academy. Both of them height 1.4 metre tall age of 5-1/2 yrs old & 5 yrs old. The only thing Aizen was bold. 😵😫😩😏🤔😁😱😇 It was in the blood Yoo... Curse hohoho. Krilin reincarnation or inheritance who knows... There is something that Aizen can't do was Sage Roshi ultimate move Kamekameha. It was invalid. Maybe it was null due to OVERPOWERED SKILL CAN DESTROYED MOON OR PLANET. FOR EXAMPLE DESTRUCTO DISC CAN SLICE MOUNTAIN. NARUTO WORLD CHAKRA ANIMAL CAN ONLY DO THIS STUFF NOT NORMAL HUMAN.

So Aizen was lucky to have this killer move. Hokage, Raikage or other Kage can suck Frog sage butt.. 😇😱🤔🤔😏😩 OMG OMG

To be continued Naruto Z