

The Peace talk between Konoha and Cloud Shinobi fell apart because of Kinkaku and Ginkaku, and Second Raikage died, and the Second Hokage got seriously Injurt and had to flee with his team. The person Transmigratted Shimura Danzō's Body already knew about plot and realized that Senond Hokage is going to pick Konoha's next leader. On the battlefield, Senju Tobirama scanned the crowd and asked, "Who's brave enough to stay and hold off while we escape?" [SUPERCHOICE System lalallaalala... activated] [Choice 1: Pause briefly, give up the Hokage Position to Sarutobi Hiruzen, and let events unfold; reward: Master-level Wind Style skills] [Choice 2:Go for the Hokage position and block Sarutobi Hiruzen's path; reward: Access to the dormant Uzumaki clan] Shimura Danzō said, "Sensei! You and other's Go ! I'll hold them off even if it costs me my life!"

The_SaadKhan · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

NTR'd Hiruzen ,orochimaru and 3rd Raikage(very little 18+)

For power stones, if I get 10 power stones, I will publish 500 more words. If I get 100 power stones, I will post two 1,500-word chapters a day.

Please join my Discord server: https://discord.gg/XfSy6kWS

[I have Recived 27 Powerstone so 2150 words]


Sorry got deleted i was maintaining draft

In the next two days,

Uzumaki Kasumi made the scouting crystal using her Fuinjutsu knowledge. This meant Shimura Danzo now owed her a favor.

"Well, when the Land of Whirlpools will be under attack, I'll repay this favor," Danzo thought, looking at the scouting crystal in his hand.

[Land of Whirpool is land where Uzumaki lives like land of fire,Land of water etc...]

First, Danzo planned to let the Land of Whirlpools handle its own problems, but meeting Kasumi made him reconsider. She could be a good wife candidate for him , but he dismissed the thought quickly, focusing on more important matters.

Danzo needed to stabilize his power and watch out for the Uchiha clan's possible internal fight. They might be eyeing his Hokage position, especially after his sensei's death. 

As for marriage, Danzo hadn't given it much thought, although he did have little crush on Uchiha Naori and Kasumi. Or maybe he could wait for Tsunade to grow up?

no no no He shook his head,

"I am not loli-con" while dismissing such inappropriate thoughts.

"Alright, let's see how effective this scouting crystal is," Danzo said, lightly touching it and injecting his chakra.

Kasumi had taught Danzo how to use the crystal, and now he could see many parts of Konoha clearly. He was surprised by Konoha's vast land area.

"Why are there people here?" Danzo frowned and focused on a hidden spot in the Konoha Forest which part was owned by hamura his friend . He had spotted two shadows moving quickly but couldn't escape his sharp eyes.

"What in the holy Hagoromo name is this.....?" Danzo exclaimed when he zoomed in and saw Mitokado Homura with Sarutobi Hiruzen's fiancée, Biwako Harumora.

Danzo couldn't believe it. Watching the two of them together, he realized they were betraying Sarutobi Hiruzen. This will be a massive scandal in Konoha.

In the woods, Biwako was in Homura's arms, while Hamura removing her clothe's their relationship is clearly intimate. 

"aah hmm,I miss you too..., Homura-kun," Biwako said while kissing him.

"I miss you too, but Danzo made me the new Anbu commander, and I've been busy," Homura replied, while kissing and gropping her her breast while using his finger to pinch her nipple's.

"yeaah aaah hmmm,L...let's hahaahaaah ... hurry. We don't have....have much time, and we can't risk being cau....caught," Biwako urged while moaning.

They continued their Secret Training , oblivious to Danzo watching through the crystal while calming His little danzo down who was ready to go for War and destroy some puss****cough**.

"Sarutobi, Sarutobi... what bad luck you have here...," Danzo thought, shaking his head. Without the scouting crystal, he would never have known about Homura and Biwako's affair. 

Seeing their actions, it was clear they had done this many times before. Danzo sighed, turning off the crystal. Though intrigued, he had seen enough. 

Danzo leaned back in his chair, contemplating. Biwako had just gotten engaged to Sarutobi Hiruzen, and now this? Clearly, it wasn't their first time, and they were quite skilled at it. 

"Interesting, very interesting," Danzo mused. He now had a plan forming in his mind. Since Sarutobi Hiruzen had been eyeing his Hokage position, it was time to apply some pressure or revenge. Perhaps this scandal could be useful hehehe...hahahahaha.

All Danzo needed to do was wait until Hiruzen's wedding.

[First time 18+,pls don't judge] 


"Homura, I feel like someone is watching us," Biwako said, putting on her clothes after their "Hard Training".

"That's impossible. You're just being paranoid. We've been here many times without any issues," Homura reassured her.

Mitokado Homura was confident that this spot was his private territory and well-hidden, with a small enchantment to alert him of any intruders.

"Okay, I'll head back now. We don't want hiruzen to suspect anything," Biwako said, quickly leaving the woods. Homura watched her go, confident no one had seen them.

What they didn't know was that Danzo, with his scouting crystal, had witnessed everything.

It's been a few days since the incident with Mitokado Homura and Biwako Harumora. Shimura Danzo didn't follow up on what happened with them. However, he knew it was the perfect way to strike at Sarutobi Hiruzen since it would be devastating for anyone to discover such betrayal.

Danzo figured that Biwako didn't genuinely like Sarutobi Hiruzen; otherwise, she wouldn't have done such things with Homura.

While inspecting Konoha, Danzo passed by the cemetery and noticed a boy with long purple hair. The boy looked familiar. After a moment, Danzo realized it was Orochimaru, who was still quite young then.

**God-level choice**

*Option 1: Approach Orochimaru and accept him as an Student; task reward: Fire Style Grandmaster full level, immortal body activation rate 10%.*

*Option 2: Ignore him and leave, allowing Sarutobi Hiruzen to accept him as a Student; task reward: release Wind Style without seals, receive a trace of Ashura's original Chakra.*

A cold female voice echoed in Danzo's head again. This time, Danzo hesitated because both rewards were very tempting. However, he knew he couldn't have both.

"I choose number one," Danzo decided silently.

*The selection is successful, and the reward will be issued after the Host executes the selection.*

Danzo slowly walked over to Orochimaru. When he stopped beside him, Orochimaru turned and looked up in surprise.

"lord Hokage?!"

Young Orochimaru's eyes widened in shock, and he semmed nervous. He had realized that the person standing next to him was the Third Hokage. Although they had never interacted before, Orochimaru had heard about Danzo and his good reputation in konoha.

"Child, what's your name?" Danzo asked with a gentle smile.

"My name is Orochimaru," he replied Calmly, looking up at Danzo.

"I'm sorry about your parents," Danzo said, rubbing Orochimaru's head and looking at the two tombstones before them with a tone full of Sadness

"Lord Hokage, don't blame yourself. War is cruel. My parents told me this before they died. Life is too fragile," Orochimaru said, shaking his head.

Danzo's heart Break at Orochimaru's words. 

"Orochimaru, do you want revenge?" Danzo asked suddenly, curious if there was any hatred in Orochimaru's heart.

"Revenge? There's no end to such things. Besides, war is cruel, and the ninja who killed my parents might have also died in the chaos," Orochimaru replied.

Danzo nodded, impressed. Orochimaru's maturity was evident, a stark contrast to his age. Danzo knew he had to guide Orochimaru before he became obsessed with immortality, as in the Canon 

"I'm pleased with your understanding," Danzo said with a satisfied glance and a light smile.

"Thank you, Hokage-sama. Most of what I know was taught by my parents," Orochimaru said Calmly.

"Would you like to be my Student, Orochimaru?" Danzo asked, staring at the tombstones.

Orochimaru was taken aback, looking at Danzo in disbelief.

"Lord Hokage... you...and...i.....I"

Known for his calmness, Orochimaru was now stuttering in shock. Danzo didn't answer, just kept smiling kindly at Orochimaru.

For the first time in his life Orochimaru don't know what to say.

Orochimaru was too shocked by Danzō's words to even say a thing . He didn't expect such an offer and felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. His pale face turned red from the tension, making him look more human and less snake.

"What? Don't you want to?" Danzō's eyes dimmed, his tone filled with disappointment. This sudden shift made Orochimaru panic, unsure of what to say.

"lord ..Hokage... You... you caught me off guard. This is a bit sudden," Orochimaru stammered, his usually calm demeanor gone.

Danzō was taken aback by Orochimaru's response but quickly understood. After all, becoming a student of the Third Hokage was a huge deal, even for someone as Orochimaru.

"Think it over. If you decide you want to, come find me at the Hokage's office," Danzō said slowly, knowing this decision couldn't be rushed. Orochimaru needed time to weigh the pros and cons.

For Danzō, it would be great if Orochimaru became his disciple, it will strengthen his side. The Shimura clan had some status in Konoha, but not as much as the top clans. If Danzō hadn't become Hokage, the Shimura clan might have remained second-rate clan.

Danzō believed in nurturing talent for the Hokage faction, unlike Sarutobi Hiruzen, who seemed power-hungry. He remembered how in canon, Namikaze Minato struggled to fully use power as Hokage, with Hiruzen pulling strings from behind.

"Thank you, Hokage-sama. I will think about it carefully. I'll take my leave now," Orochimaru said, taking a deep breath. He had feared his hesitation might anger Danzō, but the Hokage seemed good-natured and approachable.

"Very well, you may go," Danzō replied, making way for Orochimaru to leave.

As Orochimaru went away, Danzō couldn't help but smile at the young genius. Orochimaru at this stage was quite interesting and endearing, unlike the his future self

"What should I teach him?" Danzō pondered. Orochimaru was a genius, mastering techniques that could change the ninja world. Danzō needed to think carefully about what knowledge to impart.

"lord Hokage! lord Hokage!!" A sudden shout snapped Danzō out of his thoughts. An Anbu ninja approached quickly, clearly in a hurry.

"What's the matter?is something happened kinu?" Danzō asked with a frown.

"Cloud Shinobi... Cloud Shinobi is here! Third Raikage came in person, with only two people," the Anbu Kinu said.

"Tsk, I thought the Third Raikage wouldn't come. Seems he's still interested in the Six Paths ninja tools," Danzō amused, a sinister smile forming on his face.

Thankfully, the deaths of the Second Raikage and Second Hokage were public knowledge. Otherwise, the Cloud Shinobi would have been intercepted at the Fire Nation's border. Danzō had ensured their safe passage by notifying the border ninjas and the daimyo's forces.

"Where are they?" Danzō asked calmly, stretching.

"Commander Homura is leading them to the Hokage office," the Anbu ninja replied quickly.

"Go to the Uchiha clan and inform Uchiha Kagami and Uchiha Naori to position themselves around the Hokage office, in case negotiations fail. Also, tell Sarutobi Hiruzen to take five Jōnin and ten Chūnin to search for hidden Cloud Shinobi within ten kilometers of Konoha. If they find any, they are allowed to kill them ," Danzō ordered, voice filled with killing intent.

"As you said lord Hokage, the plan is so thorough!" the Anbu ninja thought to himself, 

"Yes! I'll do it now," the ninja said, turning into a blur as he disappeared.

"If you're here to talk about a truce, Third Raikage Aye, you're going to bleed for it. As for the Six Paths ninja tools naah ? Forget it!" Danzō murmured.

He had no intention of returning the Six Paths Ninja Tools, regardless of the conditions. If the Third Raikage wanted fight, Danzō was confident he could be defeated them in Konoha. The village was at its peak in terms of combat power, with Danzō, Uchiha Naori Uchiha Kagami, and Uzumaki Kasumi, a seal master, all shinobi are present.

If needed, he could even call on Uzumaki Mito to see if she could truly control the Nine Tails within her.

Shimura Danzō didn't rush straight to the Hokage's office. Instead, he went home to put on his Hokage robes. After all, this was an important meeting, and he wanted to look as Hokage.

Soon, he arrived at the Hokage office building.

"Master Hokage, you're finally here," several high-ranking councel member's of Konoha greeted him with a mix of relief and surprise. Finding Danzō was always a challenge, and even with extra Anbu, his whereabouts were often unpredictable.

"Are the Third Raikage and his guards waiting upstairs?" Danzō asked with a nod.

"Yes, they are already waiting for you, Lord Hokage," one of the council men replied 

"JKagami,Naori, I need you two to act as my guards this time," Danzō said with a small smile, turning his head toward corner.

"You really know how to call people...fast huh," came the reply as two figures stepped forward. They were Uchiha Kagami and Uchiha Naori, brother and sister.

"Seems like the Third Hokage wants to give the Third Raikage a proper welcome?" Naori smiled .

"But Hokage-sama... they are Uchiha...." one of the senior council member stated, only to be cut off by Danzō's sudden icy glare. His deep black eyes held a hint of Killing intent.

The others quickly hushed him and apologized to Danzō. 

"What about the Uchiha? They are villagers of Konoha. Do you want to treat them differently? Or are you questioning the Second Hokage's judgment in trusting Uchiha Kagami?" Danzō's words made the man freeze with fear.

He had forgotten that Uchiha Kagami was a trusted bodyguard and Student of the Second Hokage. By questioning them, he was indirectly questioning the Second Hokage's decisions.