
I Am Cured From Being Zombie

I used to be a Zombie, moving mindless corpse. but now i am cured and become a human. what should i do now? -_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_-- thank you for reading this novel. it will be quite annoying at first but bear with it because there is a reason for everything. please leave comment and idea as this book will not be a good one without you in it.

Northsouth · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Hello Human

- POV Cured Zombie -

black sky has turned blue again. morning has come.

warm sky light hit my body and refresh me new.

I've been walking to the location where i see human but there is no human.

hello human, where are you?

maybe human afraid to see me?

i used to be zombie so maybe they think i am zombie.

human, i am also a human you know.

i am cured from being a zombie.

maybe the human is already moving out from this place. but where did they go?

this way? or that way?

i don't know.

well sooner or later i will find human.

for now..

okay this is time for thinking.

I've just eat.

i tried to meet human but human is nowhere to be found.

what i need now is water.

i need to drink and to spray dirt from my body.

what else do i need?


okay i made decision.

i will find water near here. maybe human just afraid of seeing me and choose to hide. if i am near, then i will soon find human.

good i am smart.

and i still don't know what is smart.


- POV Rage Zombie -

blinded by rage. i destroy any building nearby.

there is only sand, dust and rubble in distance around me.

i also kill every zombies that i found.

mindless zombie, kill!

smart zombie, kill!

bounded zombie, kill!

nothing move anymore, nothing stand anymore.

i am satisfied.

but i know there is more to destroy.

there is human out there that must die.

animal and plants that live also must die.

i will ensure everything will cease to exist.

i walk in one direction where i think there is human.

and if i do see human. i will kill!


- POV Catherina -

inspection log # 5

Chaterina log.

date 14 Februari 2501

this is my fifth years of observation.

researcher Chaterina find something unusual in Testing Site City Alpha.

1. zombie population is decreasing. reason unknown. will send team to re scan the zombie population.

2. found some ruined house have turned to rubble. reason unknown.

3. found a paper with written message stating that a zombie is cured and have become human. analysis and further research is needed to ensure the message is real. and will send team to find the healed subject.

4. live drone found an area where houses and zombies are all destroyed. reason unknown. need further investigation to asses the cause and danger level.

5. this is my wild imagination. if there are a zombie that is healed, there might also zombie who get worse. it will be a joy to find healed zombie, but something worse that zombie might spell us doom.

conclusion is researcher will send team to Testing Site City Alpha to do search and count. but due to limited resources, researcher Chaterina will go by herself to search and count.

proposal for list of equipment will be be send right away and researcher Chaterina will go as soon as possible.

- end of log -