
I Am Commander in Marvel

Captain America: "Commander! The Howling Commandos are in position! "Iron Man:" You're my godfather? "Wolverine: "…" Night Legend, Avatar, Elysium, Transcendence Hacker … Shuttling through the worlds of sci-fi movies, at the same time quietly changing the real world. A pitch-black mecha slowly landed on the platform. "Boss, the press conference is about to begin."

Sudhir_Chaudhary_2513 · Urban
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15 Chs

Chapter 6: Red Dragonfly

Inside the sarcophagus was a decaying skeleton.

There was a long sword on its body and a transparent crystal cube in its hand.

Suddenly, the officer's eyes shrank. In addition to these, the sarcophagus was also filled with explosives!

The officer had just pushed open the sarcophagus, and his body was lying on the sarcophagus. Before he could react, the explosives exploded.

"Boom –" With a loud noise, the whole church shook violently, and strong flames and smoke spewed out of the church.

No matter how hard he tried to dodge, he was still hit by the explosion. The sarcophagus instantly exploded, and the flames of the explosion engulfed him. His stiff face was shattered by the flames, revealing the red skin underneath. Then, the powerful shockwave sent him flying, and at the same time, the mask was completely torn apart. A blood-red skull face was completely revealed. It was the biggest villain boss in the movie, the leader of the mysterious organization Hydra, "Red Skull" John Schmidt.

Red Skull fell heavily to the ground. The power of the explosion carried the fragments of the sarcophagus, and his body was blown into a mess. Blood continued to gush out of the wounds, and soon gathered into a pool of blood under his body.

As soon as the flames dissipated, a figure suddenly fell from above the church. "Swish, swish", two flying knives made of fine steel shot towards Red Skull's eyes and throat.

Red Skull, who was originally blown away by the explosion and lying motionless on the ground, suddenly rolled to avoid the fatal attack, but perhaps he was too seriously injured in the explosion. Although he avoided the vital parts, he was still shot in the neck by a flying knife, and blood gurgled out.

Red Skull, who was barely supporting himself, felt his brain dizziness even more. The strong dizziness and weakness caused by the massive loss of blood and the explosion made him unable to stand up. He was lying on the ground with both hands supporting him. A ferocious bloody skull face looked fiercely at the figure standing in front of him. It was this person who set the trap to kill him, and he was about to succeed.

At this glance, Red Skull was shocked. The person in front of him was wearing the same clothes as him, a black military uniform, a trench coat, and high leather boots. The most terrifying thing was that even his face was exactly the same as his previous appearance.

Red Skull immediately reacted. The person in front of him wanted to kill him and replace him.

Unfortunately, even if he understood, it was useless. Chen Mo, who was disguised as Red Skull, threw two more flying knives at him.

Chen Mo had planned for this for a long time. How could he give him a chance to turn the tables?

Red Skull was already an arrow at the end of its flight. In the face of the flying daggers that were rapidly flying towards it, it wanted to dodge, but there was a strong dizziness in its brain. Under the delay of its movements, two flying daggers instantly shot into its eye sockets. Nearly half of the twenty-centimeter-long flying daggers entered its brain directly.

The world's biggest villain boss had just appeared and hadn't even said a few words before he was killed by Chen Mo so easily. In fact, it wasn't that Red Skull was too weak, but that Chen Mo relied on his knowledge of the plot and set up a fatal trap.

Schmidt had never expected that in the remote church where the Magic Cube was hidden, he had tried his best to find it, there would be a bomb trap specially set for him. Even so, he couldn't be killed directly. It was Chen Mo who took advantage of his serious injury and used two rounds of flying daggers to kill him.

With deep unwillingness and resentment, Red Skull's body fell heavily to the ground, stirring up a cloud of dust. A hero of a generation had come to an end, and the future would be written by Chen Mo for him.

As early as Chen Mo found that the image of Howard Stark in the newspaper was exactly the same as the image in the movie, he boldly speculated that other main characters should be the same. Chen Mo, who clearly understood the plot, came up with this bold idea to directly kill Red Skull and replace him.

Chen Mo made full preparations for this. He drew sketches according to his memory, custom-made clothes, learned German, imitated the voice, and made masks. Even if the appearance was different, Chen Mo could also wear the "Red Skull" mask prepared separately.

In a short period of time, Chen Mo hid upstairs and quietly observed. He had already grasped Schmidt's voice and tone. Who would have thought that the leader they worshipped like a god would be killed and replaced in such a short period of time. In contrast, they were more willing to believe in his skeleton face.

After putting Red Skull's body into the space, Chen Mo checked again one by one. Everyone in the church was dead, and no one would know what had just happened.

The smoke and dust of the explosion gradually dispersed, and a group of Hydra soldiers quickly rushed in.

Seeing Chen Mo standing in the field, they immediately stood up and saluted, and no one asked what had just happened. Red Skull was very powerful in "Hydra". If he didn't say anything, no one dared to ask. They just needed to carry out the order.

Chen Mo nodded with satisfaction. Schmidt trained the Hydra very well, and it saved him a lot of trouble.

Ignoring these soldiers, Chen Mo turned around and looked at the church. The violent explosion made the church a mess, and the murals on the wall were cracked.

For fear that the Red Skull strengthened by the serum could not be killed, Chen Mo put all the explosives stolen from the nearby German barracks a few days ago into the sarcophagus. It turned out that Chen Mo's caution was not wrong. Such a violent explosion only seriously injured him, and he could still avoid Chen Mo's throwing knives. It had to be said that the serum's strengthening of the body was really powerful. Chen Mo was looking forward to the serum even more.

Coming to the murals of the World Tree, Chen Mo found the giant snake Nidhogg entrenched in the roots of the tree. He pressed its eyes, and with a click, a wooden box popped out

Chen Mo slowly opened the box, and a dazzling blue light shot out from the box.

Inside the box was a blue cube. The dazzling light came from it. The inside of the cube was resplendent, as if it contained an endless starry sky. It was beautiful and dazzling, but it also seemed to contain endless mysteries. It was so mesmerizing that people couldn't bear to look away.

This was the Tesseract that contained endless energy and the power of space. Chen Mo recovered from the shock. Seeing it in person, it was far more shocking than seeing it in the movies. It was worthy of being the treasure of the gods in the legends.

Putting away the box, Chen Mo turned around and walked out. Suddenly, a silver light flashed in the corner of his eyes.

Chen Mo turned around and saw that in the corner, a silver sword was deeply inserted into a stone pillar. The tip of the sword pierced through the stone pillar and came out from the back, reflecting the silver light under the fire.

Walking in front of the stone pillar, Chen Mo gripped the hilt of the sword and pulled it out with force. With a "shua" sound, the sword was pulled out of the stone pillar. The sword hummed in the air, crisp and long.

If Chen Mo remembered correctly, this sword should be the king's sword that was buried with the sarcophagus. However, its originally rusty exterior had fallen off in the explosion, revealing its true appearance. It was a shiny and sharp sword.

This was a two-handed broadsword. The blade was nearly one meter long, and the hilt was more than twenty centimeters long. It had a cross-shaped guard, a circular carved weight, and a wide and sharp blade. He didn't know what material it was made of, but it was much heavier than an ordinary two-handed sword. However, it was very easy for Chen Mo to wield.

Chen Mo held the sword with one hand and slashed at the stone pillar. The silver sword slashed through the grey stone pillar and easily cut it in half.

It seemed that this king's sword was not an ordinary burial object. It should have an extraordinary origin. He had to study it carefully when he had time.

After successfully replacing Red Skull and obtaining the Tesseract, as well as an unexpected gain, Chen Mo walked out of the messy church with satisfaction.

Looking at the huge war tank in front of him, Chen Mo couldn't help but admire the technological level of the Hydra. It was really far beyond this era. In many aspects, it was difficult for the modern era to reach. But now, all of this will belong to me.

In the past, Chen Mo put all his energy into improving his own strength and ignored the role of power. It was not until Chen Jingde seriously injured Chen Mo that he realized this.

It was true that one's own strength was the foundation, but when one was not strong enough to do as he pleased and intimidate everyone, power and influence could help him achieve this goal better. If Chen Mo had a certain amount of power, Zhou Tianhao would not have dared to do that.

Therefore, the idea of forming his own power had been rooted in Chen Mo's mind for a long time. This was also the main reason why Chen Mo could come up with the idea of replacing the Red Skull.