
I am chasing a rough man in the 80s

【Soft and Cute Female Lead VS Gentle and Rough Male Lead】 The new book "Hey, The Ancestors Are Coming" has been uploaded Neither cherished by her father nor loved by her mother, from a poor family and overweight, married to a man who is not a good catch, Chen Hansui thought she was dealt a bad hand in life. Only after she died did she find out that her mother was a woman of power and her husband, a future local tyrant, loved her madly. Seeing the world from a different perspective changed everything... Upon her rebirth at the age of 20, Hansui decided to turn the bad cards she was dealt into a winning hand. However, facing the village's most notorious mother-in-law, a weird and wacky sister-in-law, and a husband who isn't exactly a catch... The soft and adorable Hansui cries out, "I can't do this." The male lead: "I think you still have a fighting chance. Here, let me give you a little 'mouth-to-mouth resuscitation'." Minefield: The male lead in this story is not much of a catch, with his only redeeming quality being that he treats the female lead well. The female lead is a sticky and adorable little thing. Even the outrageous mother-in-law and the sharp-tongued sister-in-law adore her. There's really not much to fight about. Villains who encounter such an adorable female lead automatically have 99% of their IQ blocked. Being the darling of the group means only sweetness lies ahead. Zhalang: Written by sweet-stylized Niuniu Mi Goose flock: 346251814

Niu Niu Mi · Urban
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757 Chs

Chapter 105: Blessing or Curse

Translator: 549690339

"Stop shaking, or your head will fall off."

Wang Cuihua couldn't stand seeing Jiaojiao preening in front of the mirror for so long.

Jiaojiao was shaking her head mainly to make the two little cherries on top of her head jounce around, something she never got tired of watching.

"Mother, do you think my hair ribbon looks good?" Because of this, Jiaojiao had become the prettiest girl in the class.

She had already flaunted it to her classmates, and after school, she adored herself in the mirror.

"It's beautiful! So beautiful, it's bubbly! Your sister-in-law shouldn't have made this for you. Look, she's made the child so whimsical."

It wasn't just Jiaojiao showing off, several people had come to the house in the meantime, all asking about Suizi's cherry crochet pattern, saying many children were asking for it after school.

Suizi was sitting in the West Room, explaining in detail. It wasn't a complicated thing, anyone who knew how to crochet could remember it easily and make one.