
I Am Bionic

Miles Jordan, a sixteen year old boy lives in a world now overruled by alien machine race called the Salvation, his life changes unexpectedly after his friend James sells him to be an experiment in a rebel town called the Outlands... Miles obtains a power even the Salvation don't have a power called Venom, the Freedom Fighters Army recruits him to train under them and be part of the secret government program called the Super Soldier Program in short SSP.

Yakusoku_Fantaji · Sci-fi
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23 Chs

7. A Negotiation With Mr. Slack

I know how it seems, it seems like everything has come to a long waited conclusion. Oh how I wish that were true... All alone I stand in a room full of bodies and blood all scattered on the floor, walls actually to put a pin on everywhere. Tired as I was my body's high steaming temperature was starting to decrease I'm not certain if that's a good or a bad thing, the room began to feel so small I wasn't sure what was happening to me. Was my body giving up on me now? I asked myself all the redness of the room lights flickered with ease, now no longer red the lights dimmed.

In exhaustion I tried to catch my breath after all the struggle of the survival, I was finally free and on my own the only thing I now needed was to escape this hellhole. A exit door was not far or even near me it was in a safe distance... I took a deep breath suddenly my body ached from everywhere every step I took I was in pain.

Even though I was walking slowly I was slowly getting to where I headed the red exit door, to my surprise someone else opened the door from the outside my vision blur I couldn't tell who it was, but I did see their clothes a little bit... Green-ish if I'm not mistaken.

"Where do you think you are going buddy?" That person said from that very moment I knew who it was.

"James?" I called out.

"You know you've cost me a lot of trouble in one day, man" said James.

"James help me" I cried out with a helpless voice.

Walking towards James I reached out my hand hoping he would catch me. When I fell James moved out of the way.

"There he is" a voice said.

I was out for a short period of time when I regained consciousness I found myself tied up to a chair in a strange room, not the one I destroyed this one was different it's style and taste was disturbing in a manmer.

It had that 60s bad mob boss taste, it was Black-ish, the floor carpet was what I hoped was a fake bear skin, the chairs were the ones from those forgotten night disco clubs. Not only that but the room was filled with smoke.

"Well well well... You are still alive huh?" a man said to me.

I had no idea who that guy was I couldn't really make out his voice, reason being it was so low he sounded like a Italian Mafia boss from those bad movies. This guy was way skinnier than anyone I've ever seen he wore a grey suit with a purple shirt and on his right fingers he had big gold Superbowl rings. As for his face he had bushy eyebrows and a bushy mustache... Worst thing of all he had chest hair which he didn't fear to show... Oh Lord the thing was so shiny looking at it made me gulp it was almost like I just tasted it.

"Hello Miles" the man said.

"Hi" I return the greet.

"My name is Rudolph Slack, but you can call me Mr. Slack.

I glanced at him for some time... So this was Slack I thought to my self. Sure he does look like a guy who needs to be cut slack.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Slack" I chuckled nervously.

"You destroyed my empire I built since I was your age, you killed my men, my doctors and my daughter Ramona" he told me.

"My bad" I responded.

"But most importantly you now possess what was meant for me... Venom" he said.

"What's Venom?" I asked in confusion.

"Venom is one of the rarest serum ever been created, it's so dangerously valuable it's the only thing that can end the Salvation race" James answered.

"Whoa" shocked I said.

"Now tell me what must we do?" Mr. Slack asked.

"Let me go and forget none of this ever happened" I said with enthusiasm.

"Or" said James behind me.

"Oooh I like the sound of Or" Mr. Slack excited.

"We could kill him and extract the Venom serum from his dead body and continue with our agreement" James impatiently suggested.

"No way nah-uh... No way jose', that's out of the question extract it in my alive, living body I've already died once and trust me it ain't fun" I protested.

"That's impossible you dumb dumb, the serum already is fusing with you as we speak we can't extract it while you are still alive we would all die" James said.

"Seems fair to me" I joked.

Seemed like I was pissing them of I mean for a guy who was tied to a chair and face to face with one of the baddest man in the world I was really holding my all here to be honest.