
keep your words

Lena and Zane walked towards the room and Lena was thinking about how it all happened.

"Zane how it happened and why grandpa asked me to water together with you?"she asked with soft voice and keep on thinking.

"well maybe the tree gets bored by an old man watering it daily.when a beautiful girl and handsome boy watered it,it feels very happy and gifted this to professor inorder to thank him"he said and stared at Lena's eyes.

"Your story seems to be true and real"she stop and laughed at him.they both laughed.

"come on lena baby,don't ruin our romantic night by thinking about this"he said with flirty voice and goes near her lips with eyes full of loves.

"you pervert, always thinking about doing that"she blushed and look at the floor.

"ok ok don't waste time by blushing"he said and hold her hand.then he walked fast towards their room.

when they reach their room.they saw bubble going inside boobas room.

"when did they end up their fight and get mated"she asked with surprise and look at Zane.

"I too don't know about it,let's not disturb their romantic night instead let's prepare for our romantic night"he said with smile and stare at her.

"ok zane I see you after bathing"she said with very soft and sexy voice.she was about to open the door.

Zane opened his door and pulled her inside.Then he closed the door and carry her in his arm.

"Zane what are you doing,I am tierd let's do that after I bath"she murmured and struggled in his arm.

"Stop struggling baby"he said with sexy voice and start to walk.

"but I need to shower"she keeps on telling him but he didn't listen to her and went inside the bathroom.

"let's shower together"he murmured in her ears and put her down.then he pressed her in the wall and start to undress her.He slowly touch her and caressed her sensitive parts.Lena Stared at him and start to undress him.they both stared at each other.

Zane hugged her tightly and feel their naked body touch and pressed her in wall and swirl the shower.water falls on them.

Zane bent and was about to kiss lena.she poured the body wash in his face and rubbed it with her hand.He was trying to stop her and she keeps on rubbing and laughing.

"aaaahhh my eyes are hurting"he said with soft voice.lena laughed hard.Zane remove the body wash from his eyes and hold Lena's hand tightly then he rubbed the body wash in his face with Lena's face.they both laughed hard.

Then zane poured the whole shampoo bottle in Lena's head and laughed.lena hitted him with her hands,then she rubbed her head in Zanes body.Zane stopped her but she slipped and wall down.

"ouch aaaahh"she murmured,zane laughing and gave her hands to get up.She pulled him and he falls in the floor with her,then she sit on his and poured the whole body wash in his face.he struggled with her and laughed.

"lena wait I will make you repay for all this in bed"he said with sexy voice and laughed.they both fighted and rolled in floor and laughed.

Zane tickled Lena's sensitive part and make her laugh

"Zane sorry haa haah haa don't do that hhahahha my stomach is paining,I laughed too much"she shouted and they both laughed and stared at each other.

"it was the most happiest day,I wish we will be like this without getting apart"zane think to himself and stare at her.

They both finished showering and tied themselves with towel.zane carry lena in his arms and make her sit and dried her hair with towel.then lena tried to dry his hair but she can't reach his head even after standing in her toe.

Zane laughed,"hahahaaaa little girl".Lena hitted him and stand on the chair and start to dry his hair with towel

"what hahaha, what is fun on this.now look I am heighter than you"she said with soft voice and dried his hair gently.

Lena's breast cleavage was right infront of zanes eyes.Water drop from her neck slides and went deep inside the clevage.zane gulped the saliva and look at the knot of the towel.

He slowly untie the knot and holded the end of the towel in his both hand and start to suck her breasts.lena stopped drying his hair and dropped the towel from her hand.she pressed his head with her breast.Zane was erected

he slightly bited and gently sucked her breast which gives her pleasure.she moved her body with pleasure and closed the eyes.

suddenly someone knocked the door.lena opened her eyes and she was scared.

"Zane someone is knocking the door"she murmured and try to push him but he sucked her hard and bited her tilts then he stared at Lena.

"don't be scared.it must be booba"he said calmly but she was in hurry and take the towel and covered her.then she searched a better place to hide.

the door was knocking fast.Zane knocked his head with hand

"go and hide in closet.i don't want him to see my baby naked"he murmured and went to open the door.

when he opened the door.he was shocked

"zomie why are you here at this time"he asked very calming.he was actually very angry on her, because of her lena gone mad and stop trusting and believing him but he didn't want to show his anger to someone third person so he talk calmly.

Zomie look at his half naked body and the nail and bite marks In his chest, shoulder.it was not freash wound but it's red and she saw him being erected.

"well you seem to be came from shower"she said with sexy voice and walk inside the room without his permission.

"what brings you here zomie"he asked calmly.lena was angry on seeing her and she was also afraid of getting caught.

"oh my god what if she found me naked"she thinks and staring at them from behind the clothes.

"well zane I just want to talk to you"she said with sexy voice and turned around.then she unbuttoned her first button and look at zane again.

lena got more and more angry.

"haaaaa why is she here at this late night.well lena she is one of his mistress so she can come anytime"she thinks and thinked about their kissing.she stared at them.

"Zomie you should go and sleep early orelse you can't atten our class tomorrow.its not good idea to be sleepy on first day of class"he said calmly and stared at the closet.

"shit why is she here and ruining my romance.i need to get rid of her"he think to himself.

"but zane i have something important to talk"she said and stared at zane.

suddenly Zane eyes falled on her breast cleavage and he turned around.he was actually not wanted to see that but he saw that when he try to avoid eye contact with her.

"But zomie I....I..."he was anger but trying to talk calm but he can't.so he was blabbering.

She start to come close to him and he keeps on moving back.suddenly zomie faked her slip and fall onto zane.they both fall on bed and zomie lie above zane touching his chest.her button on dress get break and her breast exposed and touched zanes body.

lena got more angry

"haaaa this bitch faked her slip.i saw that myself.zomie stand up from him"she think to herself and buried her nail inside her hand and it was bleeding.

Zane pushed her hard and sit in bed

"Zomie I feel sleepy and I talk to you tomorrow and plz hide that with pins"he said coldly and stared at the closet.

"haaaa why is she making things hard for me.i need to get rid of her"he thinked himself and get angry.

suddenly zomie sit near him and runned her hand in his abs,"Zane can we do that today night"she asked with sexy voice.

lena losed her temper and holded herself.

Zane also lost his temper but managed to talk camly,"but I dont like doing adultery.i feel very sleepy zomie plz leave"he said coldly.

"But when I entered inside the room I saw you were erected zane and those marks makes me want to have you"she said with sexy voice and hold his hand.then she keep them on her breast but Zane pulled his hand immediately.

"I don't care even if she saw me,I can't see those sluty things"Lena thinked and pushed the cloth from closet.

when Zane was about to scold her,cloth from closet fall.zomie look at their.

"oh my god what if this bitch saw lena.no I should do something"he thinked.

He suddenly grabbed her hand.

"zomie I love to masturbate and those marks are made by me.when I have the mood for dual play,I will call you"he said softly and pulled her clothes together and hided her breast.

"ok zane dont forget"zomie said with disappointed voice before she talk zane pushed her towards the door and closed the door and zomie moved.

"Lena come out"zane called her with exhausted voice but she didn't comes out.

"lena come out I can't wait anymore"he said with sexy voice and walked towards the closet.

he opened the closet and saw Lena sitting like an angry child.

He exhaled slowly and carry her in his arm.she struggled in his arm

"mr zane fan call zomie for your dual play.please let me go"she said coldly and struggled.

Zane throw her in the bed and the knot get losed at her one breast exposed.zane look at her breast and start to stable his mood after being anger.

his eyes fall on her hand bleeding.he lied above her on bed and take hand and licked her bleeding.

she look at him with cold face and pulled her hand.

"lena baby I said that to save you.i don't want anyone other than you for dual play"he said with sexy Voice and start to suck her breast.

Lena's anger start to come down."stay away from her,she is trying to seduce you"she said coldy.

"are you feeling jealous"zane asked her and again start to suck.

"no I am not,it's your wish.if you want you can sleep with her"she said coldly and stared at him sucking her breast.

"she is angry,I should make lose her control then she will forget about this"he talked to himself and sucking her breast.

he slowly rubbed his one in between her thighs and caressed the most sensitive part of her body.

Lena body start to shake in pleasure.she pressed him with her breast.

"aaaaaahhhhh you know very well to make me lose my control"she murmured and holded him tightly.

zane goes into her and start to move gentle and gentle.

"ahhhhhhh haaaaaa hmmmm aaaahhh zaannee dooont cum inside"she mouned and murmured.

"don't worry baby I will surely cum inside you"he said slowly and goes deep and deep into her.

she felt weird everywhere and moved her body and runned her hand in his body.

Zane cummed inside lena.

"well I need to do this all the night"zane said with sexy voice and touched her nipples

"Zane I give you myself"lena Murmured and hugged him.

they both had a pleasure filled night.

"I was really happy all the day.we both had a lot of good memories.should I really need to stay away from him from today.well why can't I give him one more chance and believe him."lena was thinking.zane stared at her and holding her in his arm.

"what are you thinking"zane asked with soft voice and caressed her head.lena stare at him slowly

"I am not thinking.i am just tierd"she said with confused voice and closed her eyes.

Zane smirked and hold her gently in his arm.

"lena I wish you will be in my arm forever.i wish we will be happy like today.i wish to tie you with me in a magic thread that can't be cut by anything.But I am afraid what if you are not my child hood sweetheart,will I stop loving you and avoid you?.no I won't even if you are not her I won't let another man to have you.you are only mine and mine forever"he thinked and stare at the moon.

They both went to a deep sleep.lena waked up before zane.she left the room without disturbing him and went to her room.

She look at the sunrise from her room window.it was the first time,she is seeing sun rise.clearly after coming to wizadry school.

"I need to find out why it happened yesterday.i need to"she thinks and starred at the window.

Lena starr to fresh up.she felt like this is her new day.She was ready to accept zane with full heart.she dressed herself beautifully and brushed her hair and keep on smiling all the time thinking about Zane.

Zane was in deep sleep after two restless night.Booba freshup and came inside zane room to see what he is doing.

booba was shocked to see him sleep.he was half naked and was in deep sleep.his dress was in thrown in the floor and the bed was a complete mess.even clothes from his cupboard are messed.

"it seems like he had a Romantic night and sleeping now without getting ready for his first day of class"he smiled and goes near him.

"play boy zane...zane....mr Romeo plz wake up"he called him with funny voice and tap him to wake up.

Zane slowly walked up and stare at person sleeping near him.it was booba instead of lena.he pushed him

"Idiot why are you sleeping in my bed"he said in tierd sore throat and looked around.

Booba laughed."don't search her,she was not here when I came in"he said and starred at him.

"whom you are taking about,no one is here before and I am not searching for anyone"he said and didn't look at him.

Booba laughed,"then why your room is this mess.Its really surprised to see mr clean keeping his room mess then why are you sleeping in half naked and what are those bite marks and nail marks in your body"he asked with funny voice and stared at him.

"Stop kidding"zane said and blushed.

"well you both seem to have reached another level,are you sure she is your childhood sweetheart"he asked with smile and stared at him.

"hmmm I am not but I feel like she is her.i have the same feeling when I saw her at 5.Lena also afraid of dark like her and cry at everything like her and those innocent smile and golden eyes are exactly hers. daisy smell from her body is the only thing new in lena and I don't remember my child hood sweetheart smell beacuse her mom filled her with Baby powder"he said and stared at him.

Booba laughed"hahahaa I am sure it's lena only,if lena was your sweetheart what will you do "he asked with excitement and stared at him.

"She is my childhood sweetheart.i will give her the most beautiful life.i will hold her hand and won't let it go.even if I was surrounded by many women,my heart and body will surely be only hers.She will be the wife of mine and mom of my children"he said with romantic voice and keep on smiling.

Lena was standing outside the zanes room and she heared him.her eyes filled with tears and she go into her room.she went there happily to wake him up but unfortunately she heared his romantic words.

"Zane have childhood sweetheart,who is she.Well it doesn't matter to me.as usual I was being cheated by him and lost myself in him"she weeped hard silently.she feel like her heart is broken completely.

"well lena you are about take a wrong decision,it's your goodluck you heard him.its time for you to stay away from him and start a new life"she talked to herself and wiped her tears.

She look at herself in mirror and pushed a smile.then she make her heart stone and walk towards bubble room.

"bubble come on,I am hungry let's go to have breakfast"lena called bubble with smile and soft voice.

Bubble look at her eyes,it was red.

"lena did you cry.why is your eyes red"bubble asked with care and pulled her and make her sit with her.

Lena hugged bubble and cried hard but silently without making noise.

"lena what happened,why are you crying"she was shocked and caressed her head.

"bubble I was cheated by zane again.I feel very painful.i can't accept the fact he cheated me.i can't think of staying away from him"she said with crying voice and cried.

"what did he do "bubble hold her head in her hands and look at her in eyes and asked.

"Do you know bubble,he had a childhood sweetheart.he said he will be only hers even if he is surrounded by women's.then why he is showing affection towards him.i don't want to be his mistress"she cried silently.

Bubble eyes teared on seeing lena crying,she wiped her tears and holded her tightly,"lena I am with you.you know him for only 3 days just throw him out of mind.i am with you"she said and consoled her.

Lena saw bubble crying,she make herself strong and wiped her tears then she wiped bubble eyes.

"well tell me what's happening between you and booba,how did you guys end up your fight"she asked with smile and stared at her and laugh.

bubble understand that she is trying to change the topic so she go with her.

"we are just friends.when I was cheated by wuchen,he came to me and give me hope and start to treat me well"she said and blushed.

"wuchen don't worry I will hit him hard"lena said with determined voice and laughed.

they both laughed hard.

"well let's go I am hungry"lena said with soft voice.

"ok"bubble smiled at her and holded her hand then walk towards the door and opened the door.

At the same time booba and Zane was also ready to go for breakfast.They stared at each other.

"Girls are you going for breakfast,come on lets go together"booba said happily and stared at bubble and Lena.

Bubble stared at booba and laughed,then he look at lena.lena smiled at him at stared at him.

Zane was happy to see Lena and he stared at her but she didn't look at him.

"ok let's go"bubble said happily and hold booba with one hand and pulled Lena at another hand.

They four walk towards the dinning room.Bubble and booba holded their hand and walk happily.Zane look at Lena but she didn't see him for even one time.Zane walked slowly, bubble and booba walked before lena and Lena walked just few meter away from them.

Zane pulled Lena's hand and Pulled her towards the tree near them.

lena struggled hard,"Plz leave my hand"she said softly and look at booba and bubble but they walked far away from them.

"lena baby why are you avoiding me"he asked softly and goes near her lips.lena pushed him away.zane was shocked.lena look at him coldly

"Mr.zane fan,did you forget what you said.I keep my words and you don't forget to keep your words"she said with cold face and didn't look at him.Zane was shocked by her behaviour.

"lena,did you have any problem in your brain.you were like my wife yesterday and today you behave like nothing.why are you killing me by changing your behaviour"he asked very coldly and look at Lena with killing blue eyes.But lena didn't look at him,she was standing very cold without any emotions in her face.

"I done what I said,it's your time to keep your words and don't pull me like this or talk to me like this.everything between us is over"she said and start to walk towards the dinning room.

Zane was very anger.he lost his temper.

"hmmm who the hell are you to keep playing with my emotions.as I said you are mine even if you hate me I wont let you go.wait and see Lena,you will back and beg me yourself"he thinked and look at her coldly.then he walk to the dinning room.

In dinning room,booba and bubble waiting for Zane and lena.bubble was very nervous

"bubble why are you looking weird,don't worry lena will come with zane"he said softly and comfort her.

bubble look at him,"no booba.you don't know what happened today morning,lena said she don't want to be with zane and she cried hard.its takes me more time to console her.i am afraid what if she gone mad like that day"she said with fear and look at booba.

Booba was shocked to hear,"Hmm I don't know whats happening between them"he said sadly and console bubble.

They saw Lena coming fast with smile on her face.she looks like nothing happened.she searched booba and bubble.

"Lena we are here"booba shouted.she saw them and goes near them and sit with them.

Zane followed her and sit along with them but he look very cold and angry.

Booba look at him.

"well I can't ask him anything before lena,then there will be a big fight here"he thinked.

Everyone had their breakfast.Lena eat half plate and stand.

"Lena you are not eating properly"bubble look at her cold.

Lena smiled at her,"I am full bubble.i need to go"lena said softly.

"where are you going,we have introduction meeting and our classes will start today,you can't be late"booba said with care.

"hmm booba don't worry I will be on time.before that I have some work.see you at meeting bye booba and bubble"she said in hurry and left in hurry.

Zane didn't eat anything and left in angry.booba called him but he didn't respond and walked very fast.

Lena walk very fast towards the room.she go there and took a contraceptive pill,then she closed her room and go towards meeting room.