
Dark night

Lena runs towards her room.she was crying all her way.bubble was not aware of what happened because she was dancing with romie.she even didn't know Lena runs out from the party.

Zane was slowly walking,his heart feels ache and his eyes red and teary.he was feeling very upset.booba thinks it's better to give him and Lena some alone time so he didn't follow Zane but he decided to search bubble to tell what happened.

finally he saw bubble but she was dancing happily with someone,seeing her with someone really makes booba upset and he left the place without telling her.he goes out of the pavilion garden and sit in a bench near a water fountain.he don't know why but he really feels very sad.

While Lena was running towards her room Ronald saw her.he saw her crying badly but he didn't go her and ask what happened.he know as a professor he should treat her as other student and he should not leave other students and console her so he left towards the golden pavilion with disappointment of not consoling her.

Lena and Zane went to their room and lied in the bed and cried.

While here the party was about to start.all the professor in the Wizardry school were gathered in the party to introduce themselves.after hearing the welcoming music booba went inside the hall and stand near the door with sad face.he was not intrested in party.

all the professor eyes were eagerly searching,they all wants to know who is their queen and king but they can't find.they know George and Ronald won't tell them who are they.

George was searching for Lena and Zane but he couldn't find them.he saw booba standing with sad face and bubble with another guy but he can't see Lena and Zane.

Ronald whispered,"don't search for them,they are not here."he said without looking at George.

George was shocked and look at ronald,"what ! is they trying to violate the rules and get punishment again."he said with cold face.

Ronald look at him camly,"don't get anger,they actually come but something happened so they left."

"what happened how did you know.'geoege asked with cold voice.

"I don't know what happened but I saw Lena running towards her room with eyes full of tears."he said calmly.

"what why don't you console her and find the reason.then what about Zane where is he."he asked with sadness in his voice.

"it's a rules I can't treat them special and it's also for you so you can't left the party to see them."he said with cold face.

George exhaled slowly,"ok what about Zane."

"maybe they both fight with each other so they left."

"hmmm but it's our rules to punish them for not attending party without any information."he said with sad voice.

Ronald nodded his head sadly.

George get up from his place and announced,"My dear Children's its an welcoming party for you alL.lets enjoy together at this night."he said and waved the drums,piano to start playing.

All the students were happy and the dance,chat,some of them eat variety of food gathered there.they all were happy.even all the professor were happy and they talk to each student's while talking they observe whether they are their king and queen.

George and Ronald was quite disappointed and sit in their place.suddenly George take his wand.

"professor George what are you going to do."he asked.

"well I can't keep on waiting, atleast I need to check what are they doing."he whispered.

What"Ronald asked but he didn't reply instead her spelled with low voice

"abraca dabra ask fufay to be here."after he spelled a small letter fly towards the window.in 10 minutes fufay arrived there.

Fufay bowed towards George and ronald.he saw both of them seems to be upset.

"Hello professor how can I help you."

George with cold voice,"what did I tell you fufay,I told you to keep an eye on lena but you didn't.now she didn't come to party."

fufay was scared ,"professor no I did what you said.i only dressed her and take her here but I can't stay with her in the party so I left to do my other works."

"stop fufay I don't want any reason apart from our three no one knows who are king and queen exactly but we are not sure about this.what if leyana found and try to kill her."he said with cold voice.

"Sorry professor forgive me.i won't let that happen.she is not only queen but my one and only friend who takes care of me and talks nice to me."he said with voice full of sad.

"thats good fufay,I hope you will."he said with low voice and stared at fufay.

"ok professor I am going to check on her"he said and was about to left.

"no you dont need to.we need to give them some time."he said and asked fufay to continue his work.

fufay nodded his head and went.

Ronald look at George,"are you happy now you scolded fufay to get relief from your anger and sadness."

"no I am not expressing my anger and sadness to fufay I am just worried."

"what are you worring about"he asked"what if their seperation leds Zane to take evil side,what if his evil side gets more.if it happens then no one can save this world even Lena can't"he said with sad voice.

Ronald went into deep thoughts and they both sit sadly.

Zane was crying and thinking,"why did she didn't ask me about anything.why did she believes him more than me.what am I to her."he weeps.

"yeah that's right I am nothing to her.she knows me only one day.who am I to her.may be I should explain her about what happened so that we can make up again."he stand and start to walk towards Lena's room.

When he was about to knock the door,he hears a voice of rookie "it's ok don't cry"After hearing this Zane slowly opened the door.

He saw Lena was lying in bed and Rookie was sitting near her in bed.

Zane got even more anger to see rookie.Rookie saw Zane,he know Lena was really caring for Zane otherwise she won't cry like this inorder to make him hate Lena he slowly caressed her head.

Zane was very anger he clenched his fist and was about to beat him hard but he left the place without telling anything.

Rookie saw him going anger,he was very happy then he console lena

"Lena it's ok don't cry."Lena suddenly stands "no it was my mistake I didn't ask him anything,I need to apologise him."she said with her eyes full of tears and Sarrow.

Rookie gets anger.he said,"what are you thinking,do you he didn't care about you instead he was dancing with zomie and enjoying the party."

After hearing this Lena heart aches and he fells to the floor."ok rookie I need some alone time can you please leave."

Rookie with sad voice,"ok"he said and move towards the door.he turned around and look at Lena and smirked.

Lena was crying in the floor,she feels like she lost some thing that is more important to her.

While Zane with anger went to his bed." even if he tries to screw up everything why can't she come and have talk with me,she didn't believe me.no she can't be my sweetheart never she can't be her if she is her than she won't believe someones word and left me in pain and alone."

while in golden pavilion everyone are enjoying the party but booba left and sit near fountain and look at the dark sky and thunder storm.he also saw the moon that was hiden in dark sky and thunder.

George called kiki the little smurf,"kiki off all the lights and candel in the Wizardry school except in golden pavilion."he said with calm voice.

kiki nodded its head and went to off the lights and candel.

Ronald was confused,"why did you ask him to do that."

George with calm voice,"well I can't manage the salary and current bills at the same time so I decided to save current."

Ronald look at him with disguisting look.george look at him and smiled then he stands up

"students we are going to have party all the nights, tomorrow will be your holiday so enjoy this night without any thoughts."when he announced all the students were happy but professor were confused but they don't dare to ask George why.

Ronald look at George and George smiled at him,"Ronald come on lets have fun it's been long time we enjoyed."

Ronald was melted by his words and enjoy party with him.while George has something tricky on his mind.

kiki switched off all the lights and candel.booba look at the whole place was dark around him except golden pavilion.

"well I thinks it's gonna be a long night.i hope Zane and that girl will be safe."he talk to himself and sleep in the bench.

while in students dorm,lena was scared of darkness,she don't know what to do,she slowly moves to the corner of her room and tied her legs with hand and cried with scare and pain.

she was sweating,her heart beats very fast,she was thinking whether someone is there to help her.she thinks"will Zane come to me,will he? no he won't be is having a party with zomie then why should he care about me.will bubble help me,no she won't she even didn't notice I am missing in party.well I can't blame them it's me who came here by myself they didn't push me."

she thinks and cried.

Zane opened his eyes,he say the whole place was dark,"ohh no it was dark everywhere what if she gets scared."he stands up and goes near his door and extended his hand to open the door.

"no she won't she is with rookie the person who he likes the most,she won't need me."he thinks and hesitate to open.

"Zane stop what if she is alone and what if she is waiting for you to come, atleast I should go and check on her."he quickly opens the door and walk fast to Lena's room.

Lena was crying,she was scared,she heard the sound of opening the door,she also hears the sound of footsteps coming close to her room.her hearts beats very fast.

"May be it's him,no Lena he won't he is having fun with zomie then who is that maybe its a ghost."she thinks and closed her eyes,her whole body is trembling.

The footsteps cone closer to her door and someone is opening the room.lena was afraid to look.she was very scared.

Suddenly someone hand touch her,"Hey don't be scared it's me."it was zanes voice.She hugs him tightly and weeped.

her whole body is trembling.zane caressed her head,"it's ok I am here with you."

Lena hold him even stronger and stronger and cried,"come on are you going to kill me for making you anger."he said with soft voice.

After hearing this Lena loosed her hands and untie from him "sorry I am little bit scared."

Zane pulls her close to him and hugged her in his arm.Lena was shocked.the whole room and dorm is silent.she can hear the breathing sound of Zane and his heart beats.it beats very fast.

She slowly raised her hand and touched his chest,Zane was shocked he can't control himself he feels very hot.lena feels his heart beats,"are you too scared,your hearts beats fast."she asked with soft voice.