

Mazaya Lavina Palavi is forced to disguise herself as a man, because she is trapped in a traumatized past. She works as the family's preferred bodyguard Vlodostok family. For the last 7 years Zay worked as a bodyguard without any problems, but when he was recruited by the Vlodostok family his life became a mess. Even Mazaya's existence divides the heirs of the Vlodostok family heirs, including Vern Vandyke, Abercio Roderick and Daren Vlodostok. Why is the Vlodostok family divided? What past did Zay go through? Can she make peace with her gender? There are many exciting questions that you can look for in each chapter. Keep following Mazaya's story. Kind reviews and support are very welcome with pleasure. Thank you. Cover by Yozora designer

Vellyna_Yari09 · Urban
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77 Chs

Temporary Relief

Vern's words made the driver stare at Zay from head to toe. Zay froze in panic, she broke out in such a cold sweat that she couldn't move and respond.

Fucking shit!

Zay groaned in hed heart, she was confused when the sex had been hiding all this time must be revealed.

No, I can't let this happen!

Zay dodged, forcing her consciousness to control herself so as not to be carried away by Vern's statement. Whatever happened she had to be able to deny it. She stood still for the umpteenth minute clearing her throat for self-control.

"So you're a girl ..."

Plak! The sound of the slap was more dominant than Vern's statement. Zay's slap was so hard that Vern's body was thrown to the left, falling unconscious. Of course, the statement didn't finish well.

"Boss! What are you doing? He's the number one head of the country. What if we're imprisoned?" exclaimed the panicked driver, who was one of the Jack's bodyguard. He squatted down while holding his head to see Vern's condition.

The driver was scared, let alone Zay. Zay's own hands were still trembling after hitting a very influential person in Santara. She turned her anxiously. She took a breath to calm herself and then commanded, "Shut up! Take the young master into the car!"

"Fine, Boss," the driver replied hesitantly, as he could imagine how difficult it would be to lift a grown man's body by himself. He tried lifting half of Vern's body and sure enough, the result was futile.

It was impossible for the driver to drag the young master, if anyone had seen him, his face would have been famous throughout the country and could have gone to jail if the Vlodostok family did not accept. He saw that Zay was already walking away, so there was no choice to call out, "Boss! Please help me."

Instantly, Zay's steps halted. She tapped forehead at the complaint of her men. She turned around and saw that her subordinate's predicament caused her to sigh a long breath, because there was no other choice. Zay walked back to the driver to help him while grumbling, "Haishh, what a hassle!"

Vern arrived safely in the car, still unconscious and lying in the back seat. The driver was tired of lifting Vern, he grumbled, "Hah, Young Master's body is so heavy, even though he looks so thin."

Zay once again looked back, she saw the innocent face of Vern was in an unconscious state. Subconsciously making Zay feel sorry for him, she monologued.

This young master is weak and stupid. Perhaps he's too kind, huh? Until he didn't realize that Jack had been stabbing him in the back. Poor, how unfortunate for him.

The ringing of the cell phone from behind Zay's suit broke her reverie. She turned quickly to pick up the phone, "Hello, sir."

"Zay, take that stupid CEO to his apartment. Keep an eye on him for a full 24 hours and don't let him contact anyone else. Got it!" Jack's voice from the other side of the phone gave orders to Zay.

"I understand, sir," Zay replied as she motioned to the driver to start the car they were traveling in.

"I'll tell you how long to keep him locked up." Jack added the order as the last conversation they had over the phone.

Zay immediately put her cell phone back. She turned to the driver to tell him where they were going, "Orchid Apartments."

"Yes, Boss."

All the information about Vern, Zay mostly knows it because she was assigned by Jack to keep an eye on Vern from 3 months ago. She even knows the password to open Vern's apartment.

On the way to Vern's apartment, the driver is not calmly driving. He glances at Zay as he remembers what Vern said earlier.

Is it true that the bodyguard leader is a woman? The driver said while glancing at Zay's biceps with a Man bun haircut. He could see that Zay's face look like Bella Hadid with thick eyebrows.

"What are you looking at, that red light sign, stop!" Zay exclaimed, turning her head angrily towards the driver.

The startled driver turned his gaze quickly forward, he hurriedly hit the brake pedal and fortunately stopped right behind the zebra crossing.

"You're crazy, aren't you? What were you thinking? You didn't see the red light or are you deliberately trying to harm us all?" Zay snapped angrily at the incompetent work of her men. Fortunately the passenger wasn't Jack, otherwise she and her men would have gotten an absurd unreasonable punishment. One person makes a mistake, everyone gets the brunt of it.

"Forgive me, Boss. I have a lot on my mind," said the driver, his hands trembling with fear, as he swallowed his curiosity about the his Boss's gender.

"Shit, work properly! I'm going to beat you up for it!" snapped Zay growled while showing her clenched fist. She was very sensitive, for some causes had made her mood messy.

The driver nodded without daring to reply, he focusing on the road in front of him. Once the light turned green, turn right. He drove at a moderate speed, because there were only a few meters left to Vern's apartment.

"We have arrived, Boss. Uhmm ... excuse me, how do we bring this young master into the apartment? Do we have to carry him like before?" asked the driver glancing fearfully at Zay.

Zay sighed rudely, she wondered how she could have a stupid men like the driver. She turned around quickly with a growl, "Huh..."

"Huh, my head hurts. Where is this?" muttered Vern trying to open his eyes.

At that instant Zay clamped her mouth shut tightly, without a signal and the driver looked at Vern simultaneously. Zay, who did not want to be attacked with the same question, reflexively punched Vern in the chest.

"Oh my, Boss! Young Master fainted again, if he dies what will happen? No, I don't want to be in jail." The hysterical driver saw Vern lying back on the back seat.

"Noisy! Find a way to move him to the apartment without suspected by others!" ordered Zay who was very grateful when her punch was right on target. It would be a lie if Zay wasn't afraid of hitting Vern twice, but She was more scared when her identity was revealed.

"O-okay, Boss," the driver replied, hastily unfastening his seatbelt as if to make a quick getaway.

Zay sagged her shoulders, leaning back after the driver's departure from the car. She sighed as she muttered, "Huh, at least I'm safe for now. I should be able to think of a way to deal with that weak CEO."

While the driver grumbled incoherently at the order from Zay, "Oh my! That boss is weird, how can I think of a way to move Mr. Vern alone? He hit that young master, why is he mad at me?"

The chauffeur walked straight on while casting his eyes around, hoping to find a good idea in the midst of his feelings. He stopped step, suddenly his face lit up, exclaiming, "Yeah, I know!"

I wonder what idea the driver had come up with that made his face light up like that? Did the two of them manage to move Vern without suspected by others?