Zay stopped in front of the door, she did not open it, but turned her body until she could look at Cell's face clearly. Zay answered Cell's question earlier in a normal tone, "I'm fine."
"Thanks, you've been helping me a lot lately," Zay said sincerely. She didn't hold any resentment towards Cell, after finishing the fight the emotion was over too.
Although Cell's initial attitude had bothered Zay, she didn't think about it. Zay only focused on Cell's kindness.
"Don't you think about it," Cell replied with a sigh of relief. He stood before Zay with a smile on his cold face.
Zay returned Cell's smile, then she turned and opened the door to the house. Zay also offered Cell a drink, "Would you prefer cold mineral water or soda?"
"Cold mineral water please and thank you," replied Cell, who was standing next to the door, not going in, if not allowed by Zay.