
I am Batman: (Chapter-2) Investigation of Hannibal

It's raining, nice time for an investigation. With the help of Alfred I hacked the prison surveillance, i made the entire prison dark. Darkness is my strength and I moved like a shadow. I managed to get inside his cell, nobody could see me even if I stood infront of them thanks to one of my grandpa's cape technique that covers even the front of my body, I did some improvements to camouflage. I stood behind him in silent, I knew he would sense my presence so I waited. he growled " welcome back Bat! who's dead now?". I knew he would get inside my head so I held my anger. I started interrogating him, " why the mayor?". he laughed like a maniac and answered " why not?". that's it I lost my cool , I grabbed his neck with both of my hands and lifted him above the floor and slammed him on the wall behind me and yelled at him " Tell me why ? you psycho! or I'll rip your throat off". he was silent for a second started thinking and said, " Ripping throats seems fun , I'll remember that next time ". I threw him across the room he slammed on the floor unable to get up with his hands cuffed. I had a sudden thought, why not kill him? but i needed to know how he did all this murders undetected. I lifted him up and asked him again. he said " the answer to all that murders are inside you, impress me". I knew he was upto something and he won't tell me anymore so I came home. I'm glad that he didn't hypnotize me or made me kill myself. holy shit! I found it, what if was hypnotised this whole time? it all makes sense now. when I was inside his cell he said " welcome back Bat" that means I visited him before and he erased that memory or made me forget about it. ofcourse, I got him arrested but I never visited him in prison or he made me think that. so he must also stopped my mind from finding any clue about the murders. now I must Undo what he did to me,

Me:"Alfred find me someone to un-hypnotise me"

Alfred: 10 results found,sir

me: who's the nearest one?

Alfred: Dr.michael Gerard. best psychologist. currently in London.

me: London? what happened to the experts in America?

Alfred: they've all migrated to other countries recently sir, after Hannibal murdered one of the psychogist, they must've known, sir.

me: then it's time to visit one of them. get my jet ready and I need a device to stop Hannibal from hypnotizing me. tell jack about what happened and I want that device when I return.

( Jack is my tech guy from Wayne research institute)

I returned from London after a day and gathered some information about hypnotizing. and I also remember lot of things happened after the Hannibal hypnotised me. there's not enough time before Hannibal strikes again, I must act quick.

A sudden streak of yellow lightning hit me and I was thrown across the hall. I was on the floor and I can sense someone in here.

Me: Alfred! activate intruder lock down procedure..

Alfred: Activated, your suit is ready sir.

I stood up and there is a man standing infront of me, I have seen him somewhere , it took me a second to recognise him. That's Flash!. how is he alive?. the laser canon in my house targeted him and before I could stop it started firing. he evaded and ripped it off the wall. but I have dozen more of this. every canon started firing at him , he is evading his best but I also had heat seeking laser blasters. I called it off very close..

Flash: we need your help!

Me: we ?

This is the second chapter. If you are reading this first . you must start with the first chapter.

ahamedkncreators' thoughts