
Boyfriend's place

Poking her chest, she added, "I'm still deeply hurt from what he did to me. He never cared, he never called, he never visited. What is there to forgive?"

Taking a deep breath, he remarked with a low tone, "Petra, I understand but at least let go of things because of certain things untold."

Raising her brows, she nodded her head in agreement and smirk, "Of course you're right, I guess those certain things untold are what I said earlier, am I right?"

Without waiting for his reply, she added, "Collins, you're a nice man. Sometimes I wonder if you came out from the same womb as Grayson because you never behaved like him. Not one day. You're quite different from his way of life and personality. But just because he is your biological brother doesn't give you the audacity to plead on his behalf."

"No one is above mistakes Petra. We all have sinned. If lies didn't exist there wouldn't have been truth and if wrong didn't exist there wouldn't have been right. Grayson has done a lot of sarcastic things in the past and he is ready to make amendments for all." He stated.

"Let him make amendments for his life, his socalled family, and the rest of himself I don't care to know." She snapped with tears rolling down her cheeks. Gritting her teeths, she poked his chest, "Tell him, I said he is my greatest enemy and I hate him with passion."

"But Petra–"

"I know he sent you to me, so you can get a reply from me, right? Now deliver my message to him successfully. I will never forgive him for everything he did to me. For the pains he caused I and my kids in the past. I hate him, I hate Grayson Flynn." Without waiting for him to say anything, she ran away in tears.

Helplessly shaking his head, he sighed in dejection.

Wrapping her hands around his waist, Laura placed her head on his chest, "Honey, could you talk to her?"

Kissing the top of her head, he sighed, "I tried but–" Helplessly shaking his head, "She's still upset."

"It's alright, I'll talk to her."

"Be careful, I don't want her to hate you for consolation. You two are good friends and I don't want anything to come in between your friendship." He stated.

"Nothing will come in between our friendship." Pecking his lips, she smiled, "The party is still ongoing, let's join the fun."


In a distance

"What! How could you guys keep this from me?"

Slightly patting his chest, Jin-joo took a deep breath, "Please breath a bit."

"Stop telling me that shit, how could you hide something like this from me, and mom too. I bet Nelly knew about this too." He yelled. Even the veins on his neck and forehead could be boldly seen by anyone.

"Nelly has no idea about this. Don't drag her into this, aunt Petra and I are the only ones who knew about this stuff because we witness it on that day." She defended.

Clenching his hands into a fist, he gritted his teeths, "I swear to God, am going to crush somebody's child into pieces."
