
I am an Uchiha

Taki Uchiha Everyone in the Uchiha clan has hatred towards this bastard as he claims to be the culprit of the Kyuubi Rebellion, the sinner who tried to subvert the family and the village. Fortunately, this guy has now been exposed and turned into a rogue ninja. Everyone in Konoha Village also knew that Uchiha Taki was not only the culprit of the Kyuubi Rebellion, but also tried to blow up the hokage mountain, and used this to blackmail Hiruzen. Overall, this person only cares about his well being will do what it takes to do it, especially since Uchiha Taki recently joined a rogue organization and helping them to catch the Tailed Beast's (This is a based on a novel I have read and have been translating and I have been changing in towards my preference it might be similar but if the author wants delete contact me or message me.)

PredatorDA2001 · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Uzumaki Village

Uzumaki Village.

After taking Akane and finding the Shinigami mask at the mask stall, Taki began to study the use of the mask.

He vaguely remembered that in order to borrow the power of the death reaper, he must sign a contract with the death reaper.

But he has no idea what to do.

"Your mother didn't tell you what to do?"

Akane scratched her head. "My mother only told me the story of Uzushiogakure Village. In fact, she didn't have the talent to become a ninja. For Akane, she only knew that these masks were very powerful."

"No wonder she was killed by a group of robbers." Taki.

"I found it hard, how could it be useless..." Taichi was a little lost.

Upon seeing this, Taki shook his head.

Before coming, he knew that the Shinigami mask would most likely be unusable.

"I can only try to find its use slowly first."

The most urgent thing is to teach Akane and Taichi how to refine Chakra. Let them have some self-protection.

At least, after learning the body flicker, facing thieves who are not ninjas, they can eaily escape if they don't come across a chakra user.

"Taki, are you really going to teach us ninjutsu?" Akan expressed very excited.

Before coming to Uzushiogakure Village, he saw Taki use his eyes to easily defeat two enemies and he can't help but want to get stronger.

"If I have that power, I won't have to be afraid of robbers anymore."

Seeing him showing jealousy to his eyes, Taki said helplessly: "Taichi you won't be able to get my eyes this a bloodline limit."


Hearing that he could not learn that powerful ninjutsu, Akane, like Taichi, was also in a sense of loss.

"Hey, two little ghosts, hurry up, I don't have any extra time to waste here." Taki knocked on their heads.


After arranging a place to rest, he started teaching.

"The first step, learning how to use chakra!"

"In simple terms, Chakra is a further combination of mental energy and physical energy. Chakra is the process of this combination."

With that, Taki slowed down the speed of his chakra circulation and showed them a basic chakra skill.

The two little ghosts learned everything.


After a few days, Taki taught them to refine chakras.

Among them, Akane who has the blood of the Uzumaki clan, has a natural affinity for ninjutsu.

She learned much faster than Taichi.

"It's not bad to learn the three basic jutsu in such a short time."

Aside, Taki embraced his arms and praised him.

Taichi was a little triumphant at once, while Akane sweated profusely, still working hard to learn the transformation jutsu.

"Transformation jutsu." Akane cautiously tried, but ultimately failed.

"Too slow! It will be need to be completed in five seconds." Taki said helplessly.

Akane nodded and tried the transformation hand sign again.

This time it was fast enough, but the Chakra was not well controlled.


The sound of a balloon explosion sounded, and a crooked clone appeared in the open space next to Akane.

"Damn it, I failed again. Really, it's so difficult, I won't learn it anymore." Akane simply rolled on the ground shamelessly.

"Hey, do you still want to get revenge on Orochimaru?" Taki could only use revenge to motivate them.

Akane lays on the grass, looking up at the sky: "We are not even his opponent, let alone us. Even if we learn all your skills, what's the use?"

"Forget it, Taki, don't care about this kind of unpromising guy, just leave it to me about revenge." Taichi stopped practicing, walked over and squatted aside, and glanced at Akane with contempt.

By the way, she shuddered out of the embarrassment of Taichi: "This guy was so lazy before."

"Forget it." Taki did not pursue their strength too much.

His real purpose is to awaken the kaleidoscope and write round eyes.

Perhaps, Akane and Taichi are weaker, but it is easier for him to achieve his goal.

After figuring this out, Taki smiled and said, "You are also very tired these past few days. Let's rest for a few days. I'll go out to check for information."

He wanted to see if there was an entrance to the black market in the Uzushiogakure Kingdom.

A public toilet in the Land of Fire seems to be one of the entrances.

And relatively speaking, the country of vortex, which is more chaotic, should also have it.

"Where are you going to find information?"

Hearing that he was leaving, Taichi and Akane were a little curious and uneasy.

"Is it because Akane is lazy? You are upset and want to leave the two of us?" Taichi asked with a dissatisfied look at Akane.

"Huh?" Akane quickly got up from the ground.

"It's not like this..." Taki sighed, "Next, I'm going to find the entrance to the black market. Bringing you two guys with weak strength will only increase the risk."

Besides, the relationship between him and these two little ghosts is not deep enough. If the two little ghosts die unexpectedly, he will have to find new candidates to waken his eyes to the next stage.

"Then you must come back!" Taichi said.

"Of course."

Nodded, Taki reminded them: "When I'm away, don't go out and cause trouble! If you see other people passing by, remember to hide."


When passing by the Ichiraku Ramen Restaurant, Naruto found that the eyes of people nearby looked at him more disgusted than ever.

"It was him. I saw clearly that night that that person died because he invited him to a bowl of noodles."

"Is this the curse of the demon fox?"

"It's really scary, why didn't Hokage-sama drive this dangerous guy out of the village?"

"It's really confusing..."

Perceiving the malice from the surroundings, Naruto placed his hands in his pockets, lowered his head, and walked on the street for himself.

In the past, when others saw him passing by, they would evade and dodge in disgust.

Now, seeing the front of their shop, some people picked up stones and threw them at him.

"Demon Fox, get out!"

"Don't come near here!"

Although it was not the first time to hear such a sound, Naruto couldn't help but wipe his eyes.

Suddenly, he remembered his elder brother who had invited himself to eat noodles at Ichiraku Ramen not long ago.

It seemed that that was the only stranger who shown kindness to him.

However, he died inexplicably later.

"Why do people die?" Naruto tried hard to remember, but only remembered that when he was eating noodles, his elder brother's blood splashed into the bowl.

"Did the silver-haired guy use his hand?" Naruto thought of the Anbu Ninja who appeared first.

Since that incident, he has been looking for the silver-haired ninja for a long time, but unfortunately there are not many clues.

Suddenly, Naruto patted his head fiercely, "If you want to do so much, you should go to school as soon as you can, I'm always late."

He trots all the way and hurried into the classroom.

Then the bell rang, and Iruka walked in.

Thinking of the entrustment of the third Hokage, Iruka sighed and stood on the podium, with a complicated expression saying: "Naruto Uzumaki, you are expelled from class."

The third Hokage asked him to take care of Naruto Uzumaki more, but Iruka knew that Kyuubi who killed his parents was sealed in Naruto's body.

He couldn't persuade himself to take more care of Naruto, so he had to ignore the troublemaker like other teachers.

This time, the third Hokage agreed to Ninja School's request to allow Naruto to be expelled. While Iruka breathed a sigh of relief, he felt a little complicated.

"That's it." He said in his heart.

On the surface, he clearly stated the polite remarks arranged by the Principal of Ninja Academy, and he expelled Naruto upright.

The classmates were very surprised. Even the students who were usually bored with Naruto looked at Naruto with some care.

"I was expelled," Naruto said, holding the back of his head with trembling hands, with a contemptuous smile on his face: "Hmph, I don't want to stay in such a boring place."

Seeing that he still had this attitude, the pity in Iruka's heart disappeared completely.

He arranged for Naruto to drop out of school in an official manner.

"You can leave now. Of course, if you want to say goodbye to your classmates, you can also wait until school is over before leaving." After all, Iruka was soft hearted, and especially allowed Naruto to say goodbye to your friends.

Iruka feels it's the best choice for Naruto to say goodbye but hopefully no problems occur, or I will get int rouble by letting him. If Naruto runs rampantly in the school during this period, it will be his fault and will be held accountable by Ninja School.

Naruto turned his head and looked at Sakura.

The other classmates followed his gaze. Sakura was watched by everyone, with a guilty conscience, and glanced at the other side.

Then, Naruto looked at Sasuke again.

Sasuke sat in the position with his hands supporting his chin, staring straight ahead with a cold expression, as if he hadn't noticed him at all.

"I don't like you all as well!" Naruto held back his tears, tore up the book he had brought, and then ran out of the classroom.

Hinata, who secretly noticed Naruto, was very entangled. She wanted to stand up and bravely catch up.

But her nerves told her that if she did this, her father would show her a bad attitude.

At this time, she did not have enough courage to face her strict father.

As Naruto left, the classroom became very quiet, and everyone was silent.

On the ground, Naruto's torn paper scraps were blown by a breeze and rolled on the ground.

After a long time, someone finally stood up and livened up the atmosphere: "The troublesome guy Naruto is gone, and finally no one will disturb the order of the classroom anymore."

"Yes!" someone agreed.

From the corner of Sasuke's eyes, he glanced at the door, vaguely seeing Naruto's disappearing back.