
I am an inferior being with the skill to seduce women. (Re-written.)

I was summoned as a hero along with 9 girls, in a world governed by women and men are treated as inferior. As I did not receive any divine power, they treated me as a loser and tried to take advantage of me. I escaped and now I must survive in a wild and dangerous world.... But thanks to a homeless man, I will be able to survive. I will study in a school of magic and become the best adventurer in the world. And I will use my power to get powerful companions. What does my power consist of? Basically, I can seduce women easily.

AngelPikas2 · Fantasy
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80 Chs

CHAPTER 8- Kei is a coward?

CHAPTER 8- Kei is a coward?

"Ah, I was hoping our reunion would be more dramatic and epic. But, hey, it's good to see you again! How are you?! Did life treat you well? I do not complain, although it is a bit painful. By the way, you've become very adorable and pretty. If I didn't already have a pretty, beautiful, adorable girlfriend, I'd try to woo you. Nah, I'm kidding! Did you fall in love with me at first sight? I'm sorry, I must reject your feelings, my heart already belongs to another woman."

"I-is it really you?"- Said Charlotte.

He started laughing and put his two fingers making the sign of peace on his face.

"Yes. Don't I look great? The mask is cliché, but I don't care. Now I look like a real hero!"

Kei boy looks at Kei adult with bright eyes, though he really isn't Kei.

"I don't know what's going on, but darling, you are amazing! I think I fell in love with you again!"- Kei thought. Or rather, Drin.

They are both in a situation they had planned, but what they had not planned, was the appearance of a new demon.

A few minutes earlier, Kei and Drin hid in the garden, to agree. Fortunately, there was no one in the garden, besides, they were hidden behind a huge tree, they could hardly be seen from a distance. It's rude not to be present at the party, so Kei didn't bother to get caught in that place so far away from the main hall.

He was seen entering the garden by several women, but knowing the temperament of the Molfer family, they preferred not to ask him anything and not to get involved. Kei knew that, so he went on with his plan without fear of being caught.

"Well, you know what to do."

"Yes, darling!"

Drin began to grow and transformed into Kei. A perfect transformation.

She can also create clothes, so she's dressed just like Kei.

"Ready, darling!"

"Good, good... My turn."

Steam began to surround Kei.

"I hope it works..."

He grew in size and his clothes were destroyed.

He reached out his right hand and a set of clothes appeared in front of him.

The steam disappeared and Drin blushed at the sight of him, for he was completely naked. Due to the emergency situation he is in, Kei is not embarrassed, as his mind is busy thinking about how to get away with it and not get caught.

His perfect body and his uncovered member was quite a delicious sight for an inexperienced girl like Drin, making her quite horny.

"Darling, after this, I want a reward."

It is obvious what she wants.

"Sure, I'll give you a reward ... Do you want cake or a jewel? I think a red necklace would look good on you. I'd give you a ring, but I think that would be too soon."

But, of course, Kei is an idiot.

"That's not what I meant."- Drin said, puffing out her cheeks.

Kei doesn't understand the hints. In his past life, at school, some girls would approach him and ask him for advice to improve as swimmers. Of course, they wanted to ask him to go out with them, but he believed they really needed help, so he asked his coach to help them.

Some girls were bolder and said: "You're cute." "Seriously, do not you have a girlfriend?" "Your muscles are great." But he thought they were just kind to him, because he was kind to them... In short, he is a complete idiot. Only when he puts his mind to it, he understands the hints.

After putting on his clothes, Kei posed in front of Drin, who watched excitedly.

"You look great, darling!"

"Thank you. It's very, very cliché, but I don't care."

"I have a question. Why do you wear a mask?"

"It has two purposes. I can hide my face, that means no one will know what I look like, and if no one knows what I look like, I can continue to be Kei Molfer and continue to grow without being suspected because of my physique."

"Yes... That makes sense."

"And most importantly... I look great!"

"Yes, darling, you're great as always!"

"T-thank you… Well, let's get started."

After separating, Kei ran away from the Queen's castle, with the purpose of destroying a part of the territory on the pretext that he was fighting a demon, thus distracting the hero so that her interest in Kei Molfer disappears and haunts him.

By the way, the castle is located near the Capital, right next to it, contrary to what one would think, that it would be in the center of the city.

The capital is a huge city. There is a guild of adventurers, inns, restaurants, brothels (Although only men work, because men are not perverts.), Among other things. Kei lives a bit far from the capital, but thanks to his wings, he can visit the capital in minutes. And his teleportation, which only works once every 12 hours, is also very useful.

"Okay... It is time... Huh?"

As he was about to launch his plan, he realized the presence of a certain person.

He observed a demon woman running toward the castle. Her skin is literally black, completely white eyes, horns on her forehead, long white hair, and she wears light armor.

A demon woman.

Kei immediately changed his plans and focused on her.

"Shit… Debí imaginar que esto pasaría. Tan cliché. (I should have known this would happen. So cliché.) Change of plans."

He ran quickly to her and reached out his right hand.

"Ground magic: Wall of ground."

A huge wall comes out of the ground in front of her, preventing her from running. She could cross the wall and destroy it with her body, but only as a precaution, she stopped, giving Kei the advantage.

"What is this?"

"Didn't she detect me? I was running after her. Another weak demon?"- Kei thought.

Yes, indeed, she is, she is a weak demon.

She is a demon who was watching Charlotte, to know her weaknesses and her strengths. When she gathered enough information, her superiors ordered her to kill Charlotte immediately, before it's too late. That means they already knew how to kill her.

Kei unknowingly saved Charlotte's life.

"Her skin is tough ... I can feel it… My swords won't hurt her ... I will use my fists."- He thought.

By strengthening his fists with magic, his strength increases and causes more damage than a sword.

She heard his footsteps and turned to see him, but it was too late.

He was too close to her, it was impossible for her to react in time.

"Hello."- He said smiling, smile that captivated her heart.

She couldn't see his face, but she could feel his smile.

She blushed and Kei gave her a big punch in the face with his right fist.


Kei used "Seduce women" to distract her. When girls fall in love with him, they do not want to hurt him, but if he hurts them, its effectiveness decreases, causing girls to no longer love him. Kei can't use his skill twice on the same girl.

She bumped into the wall and destroyed it. Kei reached for her and grabbed her leg.

"Change of plans, Drin."

He jumped to a great height and began to spin. The demon girl tried to defend herself, but Kei's speed kept her from moving.

"I hope it works... If it doesn't work, I'm dead."

He threw the demon and she headed for the castle.

"The Queen, my mother and a hero. This will definitely save me for a while. I hope it works."

And that happened.


She jumped and tried to attack Kei, but he dodges her attacks quickly and without much difficulty.

"You are more powerful than me, I accept it ... But I won."

"Not yet...! Huh?"

She begins to vomit blood and her legs begin to shake.

"Yes... You lose."

She falls to her knees and doesn't know why. All her energy is fading away.

"W-what did you do to me?"

"Well, I'll explain it to you. Demons have a great weakness, the attribute of angel. The magic that angels possess. When I hit you, I used 98% of my magic power to give you angel magic. And since your demon magic is rejecting the magic I gave you, your body will take damage ... And since my magic is more powerful, and you are a demon, that means you will die ... A smart move, don't you think? It has its flaws, as it only works with weak enemies ... And you are weak, but I had to use 98% of my magic power, and I barely managed to defeat you ... That was close."

Kei can give people magic power. He learned it because someday he would need it to heal his adventurous companions. His magic can heal wounds, but he must be careful. If he gives fire magic to a person who has no affinity for that attribute, that person will suffer damage to the body, depending on the amount of magical power.

"C-coward ... Fight with honor, you damn coward!"

"Coward? Yes, maybe I am ... But I prefer to win and survive."

He bends down and places the palm of his left hand on her face.

"A coward defeated you ... That is very pathetic ... You'd better die."

Kei looks into her lifeless eyes ... She died, leaving Kei quite confused, as he didn't think that would really work, he had planned for the hero or his mother to deliver the coup de grace to her, and he would take the opportunity to escape, but the result was different than expected.

"Eh? D-did it really work ...? Shit, it worked!"

Kei began to jump for joy.

Kei wasn't 100% sure that would work, but fortunately, he managed it. Although he has little magic power left, enough for one more spell.

"Yes, yes, yes! I did it!!! I defeated my first demon!! I wish I had a camera to record this moment!"


Charlotte walks over to him.

"A-are you okay?"

Drin, who is using Kei's body, approaches him.

"Sir, you are incredible! You are very powerful! How did you do it?!"

"Thanks child… I know, I know, I'm great... Huh?! Y-you look like me when I was a little kid!"

"Isn't it?! He is even named Kei."- Said Charlotte.

And so, the hero was deceived very easily.

"It's a great coincidence ... By the way, how old are you?"

"I'm 12 years old, sir."- Said Drin.

"I see... It is impossible that you are my son. That little adventure I had with that villager was 5 years ago ... And I lost my virginity to her ... It is impossible that you are my son... But hey, it's an incredible coincidence ... Well, I'm leaving, sorry to interrupt. Espero que me inviten a la próxima fiesta. (I hope to be invited to the next party.) Don't worry, keep dancing, I'll go get drunk in some bar! Or so I would, but I think I'll just go home and wait for my pretty girlfriend."

"Wait, Kei, don't go! Come back to us! You became powerful! I'm sure the Queen will accept you!"

"Let me think about it..."

Kei runs away at great speed.


Kei disappears. He used "Teleportation."

"He-he's amazing... Mei, we must train more!"

"Yes brother!! We will become strong together! I want to defeat a demon too!"

Kei, in his normal form, is lying on his bed.

He is completely red and is smiling nervously, because he achieved something incredible, besides, everything turned out well for him.

"I-I did it... Shit, I really did it! The information I received from Drin was very valuable! Thanks to her, I defeated a demon! Great!"- He thought, because he can't speak, because the servants also live in this house and he doesn't want to be discovered.

He can use a soundproofing field, but he doesn't have enough magic energy to use it.

After the party, Drin, in her Kei form, entered Kei's room and closed the door.

Kei is sitting on the bed, smiling.


Drin returns to her normal form. The shape she uses as a human.

"Do you feel all right?"

"Yes... Drin ... I did it... I defeated her ... I defeated her ... The inferior defeated her... I can not stop smiling… Thank you very much, Drin ... Thanks to you, I defeated her ... I really defeated her."

She blushes and smiles sweetly.

"I'm glad to be of help to my darling."

"I've recovered some magical energy…"

Steam surrounds Kei's body.

"Well, I guess we should celebrate."

The steam disappears. He transformed into an 18-year-old boy.

"For our first victory."

"F-for our first victory."

Kei begins to kiss Drin passionately. The great happiness he feels is suppressing his shy side.

"Let's not make so much noise, they can discover us. I only have enough magic energy to use this transformation."

"Y-yes, darling."

He lays Drin on the bed and caresses her breasts while kissing her.

And so, they had a long night of passion. Both are equally inexperienced when it comes to sex, but for them it's enough to be hugging and kissing, while their private parts do its part.

"D-darling ..."

"Drin ..."

The sweet and silent moans of both were barely heard.

Of course, they were silent, they did not want to be discovered.

They stayed that way for 5 hours.

A demon addicted to Kei + A Kei excited by the thrill of victory = A night of passion.

(Extra- +18.)

They were both inexperienced in the matter of sex. Kei died a virgin and, although in his new life he lost his virginity at a very young age, he does not count it or want to remember it, so his "first time", for him, was with Drin, although the real one was much earlier.

Drin's first sexual experience was with Kei, very recently, so she doesn't know anything about what is actually done either.

So, since they're both inexperienced, they're just getting carried away and imitating the basics. The in-and-out.

Drin had orgasms with only a few of Kei's movements, so she felt quite sorry, as she couldn't go on and Kei stopped.

"I-I'm sorry, darling."

"Eh? Why?"

"I'm not able to satisfy you."

"Eh? Well... Although I don't really care about that. Besides, it's a good thing!"

"A good thing?"

"Fufu. I am a man capable of satisfying his beautiful girlfriend. I don't think all men are capable of saying the same thing. As long as you're satisfied, I'll be satisfied. My own pleasure is to make you happy. Sounds pretty corny, huh?"


Drin pounced against Kei and kissed him, while her right hand massaged Kei's erect member.

"Women have other ways of satisfying a man. Fufu."

She slowly descended toward Kei's crotch and licked Kei's member from the base to the tip, then shoved it into her mouth.

"T-this feels weird. You know, Drin, in my world, I had a friend with a very active sex life, and he told me that felt amazing. He was sleeping with prostitutes and some other easy girl he knew at parties, but I doubt enough that he ever felt the way I'm feeling right now."

She removed the member from her mouth immediately upon hearing the latter.

"Am I really doing so good?!"

Kei crouched down and stroked her cheek.

"It's not that you're doing it good or bad, it's how you feel. Doing it with a person you do not love would only be sexual pleasure, a pleasure that lasts very short, but doing it with the person you love, is a much more pleasant feeling, because it is a way to feel more united. I think that's why it's called "making love" and not sex."


Kei started kissing her, surprising Drin.

"W-wait, darling, I just gave you a...!"

"I don't care."

"Darling... I love you, my love!"

She jumped on top of him and caressed Kei's member with her private part, while wiggling her ass and licking Kei's chest.

"It's gonna be a long night, huh?"

"Fufu. Of course, darling."

And this would just be the beginning of what was to come.