
I am an inferior being with the skill to seduce women. (Re-written.)

I was summoned as a hero along with 9 girls, in a world governed by women and men are treated as inferior. As I did not receive any divine power, they treated me as a loser and tried to take advantage of me. I escaped and now I must survive in a wild and dangerous world.... But thanks to a homeless man, I will be able to survive. I will study in a school of magic and become the best adventurer in the world. And I will use my power to get powerful companions. What does my power consist of? Basically, I can seduce women easily.

AngelPikas2 · Fantasy
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80 Chs

CHAPTER 6 - Kei, the best of the class.

CHAPTER 6 - Kei, the best of the class.

Since he was very little, Kei dedicated himself to studying and training. He knew it would not be easy to defeat demons and a Goddess. Since he was 11 months old, he started reading. At 2 years old, he could speak perfectly. From the age of 3, he began training. And thanks to his "Double Points" skill, he can improve quickly. Kei is powerful thanks to his great effort. But he knows not to be trusted. He must keep training and keep improving. Drin is considered a very weak demon, but she is just as powerful as Kei. Knowing that further inspired Kei and he decided to train twice as hard. Currently, heroes are 3 or 4 times more powerful than him, as they receive specialized training and their divine powers help them improve faster.

Kei, compared to them, is still too weak despite all the years of training.

Kei wants to avoid meeting them. If they find out about his existence, they will kill him. He doesn't hate them, but if they try to kill him, he will defend himself and show no mercy.

His personality changed a bit, but he's still shy. He acts great in front of others, but when no one sees him, he starts shaking and dies of embarrassment.

Kei could be considered a powerful warrior, but the truth is that Kei is the weakest hero and a demon could defeat him.

"I hate you, brother!"

Well, even his sister could defeat him.

Mei is throwing fire spheres at Kei, but he destroys it using his fists, and although Kei makes it look easy, the truth is that it's hurting him quite a bit to destroy it, because Mei is still a Molfer, and not only that, she's a woman, so she doesn't have the weaknesses that men have. Mei is powerful and has received the same training as Kei, which is why Kei doesn't trust Mei's power too much.

They're in the classroom. Mei is furious because Kei abandoned her and left her with the princess and her cousins, because he didn't want to get involved with them anymore.

"Why did you leave me alone?!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Kei loves his sister, but his sister is a little… weird. She loves him... Maybe too much.

Kei doesn't know it, but she loves him, and it's not sibling love, it's love, love.

Maybe Kei has a curse or something like that. Nia, his cousin, loved him too. And now Mei, his sister, loves him.

Kei is an idiot who doesn't understand the signs. He didn't know that his cousin loved him that way ... Although it was very obvious, even his aunt knew it. His aunt would support their relationship, knowing that her daughter really loved him.

Of course, Kei is not a weird guy. If Kei's sister says to him: "Brother, I love you! Marry me!" He would say to her: "Are you crazy?"

Although he retains memories of a past life, Kei considers her a true sister, he would never look at her with lust or romance, quite contrary to the dreams Mei commonly has about Kei.

"Please stop, the teacher will be here soon ... I'll buy you cake and make it better with my magic if you stop."

Hearing those words, Mei stops and starts salivating.

"It's a deal!!"

Using fairy magic, Kei can enhance the taste of food ... Although he doesn't like to use it... Mei begins to moan when Kei improves her food. She says something like: "I-It's so delicious." Kei-enhancing food is so delicious, it brings pleasure. Sexual pleasure in women over 18 years of age, and relaxing pleasure in minors, compared to eating something mega delicious or receiving massages, and in older women causes orgasms. It's because of his [Seduce Women] skill, he can't help but cause that, for cooking is part of one of the charms that [Seduce Women] enhances, to conquer women. Having that skill not only allows him to make women fall in love with him, it also allows him to make them happy and give them pleasure of all kinds.

His father and mother sometimes ask him to use his magic on food and they eat it in their room, alone, and mysteriously stay in the room for hours. Kei knows what they do with food and so he prefers not to use his magic so much, as he finds it quite uncomfortable.

After convincing her with food, Kei and Mei sit together.

Kei pulled an apple out of [Magic Storage], while Mei clutches her index fingers and makes a small pout. Pout that doesn't see Kei, for being distracted devouring his apple.

"By the way, brother, the princess took an interest in you."

"Did she take an interest in me?"- He said with food in his mouth.

He swallowed what he had.

"Wow, wow... I guess that's good. That the princess owes me a favor might come in handy in the future."

"And her cousins too ... You're lucky with women, bro."- Mei said. She is clearly jealous. She is clenching her fists tightly, but Kei doesn't notice, as he pulled out another apple and is eating it.

"Really? Well, I guess it's true ... Although I prefer older women."

For having memories of a past life, Kei is not attracted to little girls, he is attracted to adult women.

"By the way, what did they say about me? I don't want the queen to think I'm a demon."

" "Oh, Kei is very handsome." "Kei is very strong and cool." "Kei is amazing." When they asked me about you and I told them about your accomplishments, they said that... And then they started arguing again."

"W-wow, wow... I-I guess it's good."

Kei reached his limit. He is turning red and shaking, so he averted his gaze and shut his eyes tightly.

"This is uncomfortable! Why did I ask ?!"- Kei thought, as his head got hot with shame and discomfort.

The door opened and Kei regained his composure, returning to his cool, not at all shy boy act, but his face was still red.

A 60-year-old woman entered the classroom. Her appearance is elegant and she wears a typical witch hat. She is wearing a black dress ... Despite being an older woman, she is beautiful. Her figure is enviable, any young girl would like to have her body.

Her hair is gray and her eyes are blue.

"Good morning. My name is "Filio Niro". I am the new teacher. I will be in charge of teaching them how to use their magic and I will be the teacher in charge of this class."

Grisia raises her hand.

"What happened to the other teacher?"

"She resigned yesterday."

Yes, Drin resigned.

In fact, Kei forced her to resign.

It was dangerous for her to keep working, they might find her out. Also, at the time of joining Kei's team, Drin betrayed her race. If she was still a teacher, her life would be in more danger. Kei told her to resign to keep her safe from both humans and demons.

"Well, we'll get started. Does anyone know how to control their magic freely?"

Magic control in the body is different from magic control by means of magic formulas. Those who can use their magic power freely, can give the shape they want to their magic energy, without the need for a magic formula, which spends time and effort. Kei continues to use magic formulas simply to train his mind, but he doesn't need it much.

Kei and Mei raise their hands ... In fact, they are the only ones who do. Both have been trained in the same way, so both Mei and Kei can use their magic power freely.

"Come forward, please."

Kei and Mei get up and walk over to her. They stand beside her and Mei crosses her arms, while a smile appears on her face. Meanwhile, Kei puts his hands in his pockets, to hide how nervous he is about being seen by so many people.

"What attributes can you use?"

"All attributes."- They both said, as if what they said was the most normal thing in the world, but it's the opposite.

"All?!!"- said all the students frightened and surprised.

It is very rare that someone can use all the magic attributes. Mei can use all attributes because Kei's magic was combined with her magic when they were together before they were born.

"I-I see ... The rumors were true ... You really are Sei Molfer's children... Could you give us a demonstration of your magic?"

"Of course."

"With pleasure."

Fire completely surrounds Mei's body. Mei is an expert in the control of fire magic.

The left half of Kei's body is surrounded by ice and his right half is surrounded by fire.

"I can better use my fire magic."- Mei said.

"I prefer fire and ice."

The teacher was surprised. High-ranking adventurers and nobles in general manage to perfectly control their magical energy, but they do so with years of training, more than 30 on average, but Mei and Kei control it perfectly despite their young age, something impossible to imagine, but it is a reality. There are other similar cases, but Kei and Mei are the only ones registered in that country.

"A-amazing ... Kei, your control is perfect ... Mei, your control is almost perfect ... They are both amazing."

They return to normal and Mei puffs up her chest with pride.

"Thanks teacher."

"Our mother trained us since we were little."

In fact, Kei is a little scared of his mother. From the time they were young kids, she taught them how to use their magic and fight. On several occasions, their mother almost killed them, but fortunately, she is an expert at using healing magic, which saved them from death on more than one occasion.

Kei feels chills remembering that hard training she gave them.

Running for hours, dodging her magic attacks, being used as punching bags, being dumped in dungeons and being forced to clear it. Sei Molfer is known for her hellish training, and since her older children are useless, she didn't want Kei and Mei to be useless as well. That is why she devised an even more painful training method. Of course, Kei and Mei were on the verge of dying several times, but thanks to that, they became experts in the use of magic and their physical abilities are very high.

Mei and Kei, remembering their horrible childhood, began to tremble and Mei took him by the hand.

"Brother, I think my fear returned."

"Mine too... Our mother really is sadistic."

After a long day at school, Kei lies on his bed, ready to enjoy a good night's sleep.

He is too tired, as he has not slept at all. He spent more than 16 hours in the dungeon, and when he finished clearing it, he went to school. In addition, after school, he trained with Mei, which left him even more exhausted than he already was.

"Drin, massage my back, please… I'll do the same for you tomorrow... And please let me use your lap as a pillow."

Drin is in her human form, sitting in bed, stroking Kei's head.

"Of course, darling."

Kei settles onto Drin's lap and closes his eyes.

Drin is wearing only underwear, but Kei is too tired to feel shy.

"Your thighs are soft ... Very... soft... Tan... suaves..."

Kei falls asleep and Drin caresses his cheek.

"He's very cute when he sleeps."


Mei starts knocking loudly on the door of Kei's room.

"Brother, the queen invited us to a party tomorrow! Hero Charlotte will be at the party!"

Kei wakes up frightened immediately upon hearing the latter and gets out of bed nervous.

"Charlotte?! A hero?!"

"Darling, this is bad. They'll probably try to take your ring off."- Drin said in a low voice.

"Brother, are you awake?!"

"Drin, Charlotte knows me. I'm dead!"- He said in a low voice.

Kei took a breath and tried to calm down.

"Okay... Kei, no es para tanto... I-I need to calm down and think of something."

"Brother, our mother wants to talk to you about the party!"

"I will not go to the party!"

"Huh?! What are you talking about?!"

"I won't go! She won't force me!"

"It's a queen's party! We must go!"

"I don't want to and no one will force me!"

"Mother, Kei says he doesn't want to go to the party !!"

"What?!!"- Sei Molfer yelled angrily, a yell that shook the furniture in the house and shattered the windows.

His mother's yell made him more nervous than he was.

"Drin, return to your animal form."

Drin transforms into a cat and Sei Molfer destroys his room door with a kick.

"You don't want to go?!"

She's furious, and the fire surrounding her body makes her look scarier.

Kei is shaking in fear. He knows it's dangerous to go, he doesn't want to risk it. He's terribly afraid of his mother, but he's more afraid of being found out.

"I-I don't want to!"

"The queen told me her daughter wants to talk to you! You will go!"

"I'm sorry, but for secret and personal reasons, I've decided not to go! There's nothing you can do!"

"I'll tell your sister about your secret!"


"Secret? What secret, mother ?! Tell me!"- Mei said excitedly.

One day, when Kei was training with his mother, they once faced a pack of demonic wolves. One of the wolves, jumping on Kei, the wolf urinated on him. And since his mouth was open, urine entered his mouth.

That was one of Kei's grossest experiences.

"That's playing dirty, mother!"

"You will go?!"

Kei really doesn't want his sister to find out his dirty secret, besides, he trained a little bit his new ability, ability that he wants to test.

"A-Alright... I will go... Please get out of my room, I need to think of something."

"Tomorrow will be the party. Get new clothes."


Sei leaves his room and Mei walks over to him.

"Tell me your secret, brother!"

"I won't tell you, it's a painful secret ... Please come out. If you go, I'll go to school with you."

"It's a deal, brother!"

Mei leaves his room and Kei sighs.

"Drin, can you transform into me?"

"Yes, darling."

"Okay, listen, I have a plan."