
I am an inferior being with the skill to seduce women. (Re-written.)

I was summoned as a hero along with 9 girls, in a world governed by women and men are treated as inferior. As I did not receive any divine power, they treated me as a loser and tried to take advantage of me. I escaped and now I must survive in a wild and dangerous world.... But thanks to a homeless man, I will be able to survive. I will study in a school of magic and become the best adventurer in the world. And I will use my power to get powerful companions. What does my power consist of? Basically, I can seduce women easily.

AngelPikas2 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
80 Chs

CHAPTER 57 - Auction. Part 3

(Uncensored drawing of Nirkat and Terniak on my twitter: @HectorAngelAlv2)

CHAPTER 57 - Auction. Part 3

The Supreme God made a grave mistake.

A big and enormous mistake.

If you can see the future, it's inevitable that it won't change. "What if I do this? Will the future change if I do this?" The future changes very easily, even a simple decision like "What will I have for dinner today?" can prevent a war that would happen 1,000 years in the future... or provoke it.

You question whether the actions you take will affect the future. For example, if you know a student who spends all their time studying, it's easy to say that they will always have excellent grades, but that will depend on their effort. If they let their guard down and stop studying, their grades won't be excellent. "Hehe. I always get excellent grades, I'm a prodigy. I can study less this time." And they end up with a "good" grade, but not "excellent," because they assumed something that depended entirely on them.

It's better to just think about the present and not the future.

The Supreme God was peacefully eating at a table, watching his favorite show: Kei's life. But as the sex scene was about to start and he found it unnecessary filler for the plot, he decided to change the channel and watch Drin, who... Well... Was taking out her frustration and anger on some monsters, hitting them with her fists until they turned into minced meat.

He smiled as he watched that and took a sip of his drink.

"Eris and Nerka, the cheerful girls. Terkiana, the mature and motherly woman. Mio, the... serious and intelligent girl? Something like that. Nem, the adorable glutton. Mia... well... The boring girl? So far her personality is... simple, nothing stands out. I bet she'll be the next to die. And Drin, my second favorite character, and my favorite of Kei's girlfriends, the bipolar girl. She acts all lovey-dovey and romantic with Kei, but when he's not around, she's a true bloodthirsty monster hungry for blood and others' suffering. I love it."

Drin stopped hitting the remains of the monster to start hitting herself mercilessly, destroying her pretty face with her own fists, mixing her blood with... her tears.

She cried and cried, not stopping her attacks, making the Supreme God quite pensive.

"She still feels guilty for falling asleep while Kei watched Treka die right in front of his eyes. Drin and Kei think that Fravi or Gabrielku had something to do with it, because it was impossible for Drin to fall asleep and not notice the danger, but even knowing that, Drin feels just as guilty, whether it's because she couldn't prevent someone from making her fall asleep or because seeing Kei's fake smile reminds her how much he sacrifices for them."

Drin can't control her negative emotions and explodes in anger, and the only way she has to try to calm her fury is through others' suffering, but if that doesn't work... she hurts herself, trying to distract herself and not continue suffering because of those feelings... But it doesn't work.

"She lets herself be influenced a lot by her feelings. That's one of her biggest flaws, although..."

Small red, blue, and black sparks started coming out of her body, but they were very small. And they disappeared after two seconds, before Drin lost her strength and fell to the ground, where she continued crying and hitting her face against the ground over and over again, screaming, "I'm useless!!"

"It took Kei 10 years to control that power, and Drin is already starting to control it. I'd say she needs about 2 more months to control it perfectly, the same amount of time for her confrontation with the Queen. So cliché and obvious, but since it's about Drin, I like it."

The scene changed and showed Nem rolling on the floor, waiting for Mio to finish cooking.

She rolled and rolled all over the floor, putting a smile on the Supreme God's face.

"So childish. I hope she ends up as a daughter to Kei and not as his girlfriend. That would be uncomfortable."


A sinister voice interrupted him, making the Supreme God sigh, and he stood up and crossed his arms.


"Yes, yes, I heard you, father."

Everything turned black, and the Supreme God sighed again because he knows that if his father speaks to him, it only means bad news, and if there are bad news, he must set aside entertainment to start working.

"What's the matter, father?"

"I'll only give you a warning. The future has changed."


He remained silent, perplexed, trying to process what he heard.

He knew perfectly well what that meant, but he refused to believe it. After all, his future self was the one who forced him to change the future. He thought he could trust himself, but if his father informed him about it, it only meant that he messed it up.


"You shouldn't have seen it."

"This doesn't make sense. He would never come to the past if he wasn't 100% sure it would work. The timeline... Wait, does that mean the organization 'FK' exists because the original timeline disappeared and this became the original one? Yes, it makes sense. No wonder I couldn't find any anomalies. I thought my future self had allowed them to travel through different timelines for fun, but now I see it's because they took advantage of the disappearance of the main timeline to contact the roots of time... Why don't you eliminate them?"

"It doesn't affect the Gods, only humans."

"Well, after all, they are him. They know who to mess with and who not to, although I still wonder what they want to achieve. If they don't want to be more powerful than the Gods, or destroy the human worlds or humans, what do they want?"

"Your question will be answered later."

"How serious is it?"

"Kei's death changed. The whole future changed. Everything you assumed, changed."

"What can I do?"

"Don't look into the future anymore. I can fix your mistake, but the future will be different. Maybe Kei will survive. Maybe Kei will die earlier. Maybe he will even die by accident while training. That will depend on him, not you. Don't help anymore. Clues about the objects will be the only help he will receive."

Everything returned to normal and the Supreme God hit his chest.

"Tsk. I'm an idiot... At least the 'FK' organization seems interesting."

The 'FK' organization. What exactly is it? Something only the Supreme God knows, and only the basics, like its main members.

Members capable of traveling to different realities with a certain purpose in mind.

And their purpose is...

[^#&#(#^@@ @&&@(@(^#@ ^@%@&@#(]

"Hmmmh?" - said the Supreme God, seeing a message appear in front of him.

[¿^*? ¿72922? ¿HSKWJA? ¿•▪︎•••▪︎▪︎▪︎•? ¿Now? 29k...]


"Well, finally. You know, communicating is very difficult when the language changes with each travel. Do we have enough credits? We have 1,800,000,000."

"Oh, I see..." - he said, without paying much attention.

A lollipop appeared in front of him and he licked it.

"Credits for what?"

"For authorization to have a copy of all existing worlds."

"I see..." - he responded, uninterested and with much disinterest.

He licked it again.

"No. Keep trying." - he said, yawning.

"You will reject us again, huh? We're tired of your attitude. We warned you. We won't be your fucking toys anymore, God of..."


The message disappeared and the Supreme God sat back down.

"You've lost all my interest."

(Pov- Kei.)

Oh, the people around me look at me suspiciously. I know they didn't see me because we were surrounded by walls, but the fact that Nerka is hugging my arm, with her legs trembling, is clearly very suspicious.

I told her not to do it, but she didn't care! I-if my mother hears strange rumors about Crisfa, she's going to kill me. And worse, if my fiancées find out, they'll investigate Nerka and try to kill her...! Or worse, they'll want proof of my love for them!

I-in this world, it's very common for men to have sex with their partners when they start dating, to confirm that they really love them, because men only get erections when they love a woman. They will ask me for that proof!

I-if that happens, I'll have to give up being an adventurer. I refuse to have sex with them! My family will never forgive me.

"It's definitely much better than a fight." - Nerka said, referring to "that".

Will it really feel good?

How does a female orgasm feel? The male one lasts a few seconds, but I think the female one lasts like 20 seconds, or that's what I remember reading on the internet. Does it feel different?

Well... I think men have their G-spot in the anus, maybe... Ahhhhhh! N-no, no, no! Definitely not! Damn ability, you won't turn me into a pervert! I'd rather remain an anal virgin, thanks... Huh?

I glanced at Nerka's bust. H-her erect nipples are brushing against my arm. Why doesn't she wear a bra?!

"H-h-how much longer?" - I said, to stop thinking about it.

"I think it's about to start." - Terkiana said.


Well... Hmmmh?

I feel several malicious looks on me. I glanced around.

They're looking at me like an easy prey. Maybe they're planning to kidnap me and rape me. I see... They're idiots. It's not worth worrying about them.

... They're all women. I expected to see J-R, the second male member of the generation of fake heroes, but I guess he hasn't started his journey yet. I understand he's 15 years old.

... No, he's not here. It's a shame, I wanted to meet him and be his friend. I've only heard rumors about him, but just that, rumors, nothing confirmed. So mysterious, and mysterious things are always dangerous or cool.

They say he's an ugly, fat, and smelly boy, but it's impossible for that to be true, unless he's cursed. No one would be so stupid as to waste their potential, especially not a man who has the possibility of being powerful. If he trains, it's impossible for him to be fat. Even I, who eat a lot, never gain weight because I spend my time training.

And smelly... Well, that's possible, as being powerful doesn't make us immune to smell, just like ugliness, as magic doesn't define appearance. I'm a clear example, I'm very ugly even though I'm powerful. Don't worry, bro, I understand your pain. That's why I want to be your friend! We'll form the duo of the ugly! Not a team, because I won't allow you to be close to my girlfriends. I know the fat ugly cliché very well. I know it's rude of me, but I'd rather avoid taking risks. Maybe you have a unique ability similar to mine. They have the right to love whoever they want, but I won't risk having you close to them.

The demons or Fravi drugged Drin without me realizing, so I wouldn't be surprised if the demons manipulate a man with those characteristics, as they're the ones who fare the worst in life, as they suffer the most. The handsome ones are raped or used as mere accessories, but the ugly ones are mistreated mercilessly because they're not seen as humans. After all, beauty is very important in this world. They don't do anything to me because I'm powerful, but if I were weak... Well, they wouldn't do anything to me either, because I'm a Molfer. But if I were weak and orphaned, I would be chained in some woman's basement right now, being raped by dogs and then eaten alive by them, if I'm lucky, because if I'm unlucky, my suffering would be prolonged for mere amusement.




Ugliness in a world that appreciates beauty.

A man in a world ruled by women.

Smelly in... Well, that's wrong in every possible way.

... Yes, I definitely have to be careful with him.

["Thought communication" activated. From now on, everyone, be extremely careful with J-R! Don't approach him or even watch him, keep your distance.]

"Eh? Why do you say that, Kei? What happened?" - Terkiana said.

"I'd rather avoid taking risks."

A man and ugly. The demons will take advantage of his hatred for this world.

It's extremely rare for a man to be powerful. My father is one of the few exceptions that have existed, and I don't count because I'm a reincarnated being. My father is handsome, Fravi was very generous to him for some reason. She appreciates beauty, she would never give power to someone ugly. She even preferred to remain without a hero because she didn't want to give me power. At first, I thought she didn't want to give power to a man, but over time, I realized she didn't want to give power to an ugly man.

J-R, did Fravi really give you power? Or rather, did you receive your power from the demons?

Drin worked with Akane, the leading scientist of the demons, and helped her create artificial demons capable of becoming as powerful as a commander in a short time. It wouldn't surprise me if they were capable of giving power to a human to infiltrate among humans.

But why did they make him ugly? Why didn't they change his appearance...?

Ah, too much to think about, and I'm only based on rumors.

Well, I'll think about that later, it's about to start.

I said goodbye to Mio and Eris, who were talking to me through [Thought Communication], while I thought about the situation with [Double Thought].

J-R added to my enemies, along with Fravi, Cris, the demons who try to kill me, Fleip the raping bitch... Tsk. And Rose... Oh, and the Queen of Turger, the kidnapper of children.

Ah, it's about to start.

A handsome man is walking to the center of the arena and... he's wearing... a thong... and... his thing is very visible... I think I'll wash my eyes with bleach.

"I would like to see Kei dressed like that." - Nerka said.

... No, never. And don't give me those puppy eyes, it won't work!

"Apologies for the wait! We will begin the auction!" - The man shouted, with a microphone.

A man, the auction organizer, positioned himself in the middle of the arena.

He's using a magical microphone that makes his voice sound louder.


"We will start with the sex slaves!"

The applause of the perverts flooded the coliseum, and I held my head to keep from screaming. Ahhhhhh! I forgot that the sex slaves come first!

Ah... Damn it, this is the long part of the auction... Huh?


W-why are you suddenly stroking my head? M-me tomó con la guardia baja (She caught me off guard).

"Rest, we know this makes you uncomfortable," she said, patting her lap.

Oh, Terkiana, you're an angel! Thank you so much. I really don't want to see naked men who will soon be raped to death as a result of their future owners' disgusting fetishes.

I rested my head on Terkiana's lap.

"Thank you very much. Due to stress, I forgot that women are very perverted in this world. Wake me up when this part is over."

Terkiana smiled and continued stroking my head.

"Yes, that's fine."

I'm so lucky to have you, Terkiana. I don't regret choosing you... Oh, that sounded wrong.

After three hours, the sex slave auction ended. Three hours! Fortunately, I slept through most of that time.

Soon, what we came for will begin.

"So, shall we buy the Undead and the Fairy? I heard amazing things about them. They have tremendous potential," Terkiana said.

"Why were they turned into slaves? Were they bandits?"

She... she looked sad?

She lowered her gaze. Oh no. Please, let it not be what I'm thinking.

"For... pedophilia."





Take a deep breath, Kei... Take a deep breath and stay in control!


"... Yes."

"B-both of them?"

"... Y-yes."

Ahhhhhhh! This keeps getting worse!

"And I think there are more than 150..."

"Don't say more, Nerka. D-don't say it. I don't want to hear it."

"Neither do I," Terkiana said.

She sighed and looked into my eyes, sadness in her gaze, but forcing a smile.

You hate them for their crimes more than I do, after all. You love children, children are your life. You've worked with orphans for hundreds of years.

But despite your hatred, you told me about them because you want to protect this world at all costs, even if it means working alongside two sick individuals.

"But if you buy them, you can order them to do whatever you want. If they disobey, they'll die. I know it's wrong to give a second chance to beings who don't deserve it, but they are powerful, they could be of great help."

... You're forcing yourself to say that... If having more help means living with pain in your heart, I'd rather not have them.

I can't compare Drin's sins to theirs. They have committed equally grave sins. It would be hypocritical of me to say that I wouldn't give any of those sick individuals a second chance at life when I gave one to Drin, who, although she didn't rape any minors, tortured and murdered them, thousands of them. Drin has caused more pain and harm than those two, but Drin has a small justification, as she grew up in hell, a place where humans are seen as worthless trash, and her mind was corrupted to hate humans (for a justifiable reason, honestly). That's why Terkiana doesn't hate her despite knowing what she has done, because for Drin, it's as if she killed enemies who have done a lot of harm to her kind.

But those women have no justification, they did it purely for pleasure. I don't know their stories, but no sane person would do something as sick as that.

If making the team more powerful means that Terkiana will no longer be happy and will hate being around them, I prefer Terkiana to be comfortable with us.

Morale and confidence is vital to improve as a team, and having those two sick would only hurt us.

"Tell me about the Dark Elves."

"They're weak, not worth it, but the Fairy..."

"I'm not interested in the Fairy or the Undead. I won't sacrifice your comfort for two strangers."

"Kei... I know you care about me, but..."

"No means no. Besides, if they become more powerful, they could break the slavery spell and escape. I won't take that risk."

"Huh? Is that possible?"

"My grandmother did it in the past to confirm her theory, that's why the Molfer family stopped buying slaves to train them."

"I see... Thank you... Seriously, thank you."

She... is caressing my hand with her fingers.

"You're not good at lying," she said, smiling.

Ah, I-I've been caught. I thought I was getting better at acting.

"I'm sorry... But I also don't want to have them around."


"Ah... I'm sorry, but I've made my decision."

"Thank you very much, but are you really sure about this?"

"I'd rather maintain the happiness of someone as pure as you. The happiness of someone whom... I-I love."

"Huh? What did you say? I didn't hear you," Nerka said.

Ahhhhhhh! Don't make me repeat it! It's embarrassing!

"Nerka, don't tease him."

"Come on, Grandma, I'm sure you didn't hear it either. Come on, Kei, repeat what you said," she said, smiling, teasing me.

Come on, Kei, do it! ¡Son solo palabras, no seas cobarde! (They're just words, don't be a coward!)

Don't be a coward and say what you feel!

"I-I love you two! Oh, look, it's about to start!"

I averted my gaze and focused on the sand, feeling my face burning hot like a teenager with internet access.

"Oh, how cute," said Nerka.

"Totally agree," said Terkiana.

S-stop laughing! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! I still can't get used to this! Why the hell haven't I gotten used to it yet?! I hate being so weak-minded!

F-fortunately, the auction is about to begin.

"W-why are Dark Elves slaves?"

"For stealing food, that's all. Simple theft," said Terkiana.

"Just that?"

"Yes. And murder and rape of a minor, but that's false, they were framed for that to turn them into slaves."

"Discrimination, huh?"

"Yes. Their race is almost extinct and they want to get rid of them because they belong to such a useless race," said Nerka.


"Sorry, grandma, but it's the truth."

Yes, it sounds very unfair, but it's true. Dark Elves are the weakest race, even Dark Elf women are just as weak as the men. There are many legends that try to justify this, like a Dark Elf betraying Fravi in the past, or simply being descendants of cursed Elves, a curse that their descendants inherited.

The only advantage Dark Elf women have is that they become three times more powerful at night, as the attribute of Darkness is their best suit. But even though their magic becomes more powerful, they can't use it for long because their magical power doesn't increase.

And unlike Elves, Dark Elves only live for 100 years if they're lucky, much less than humans, who can live up to 150 years if they're powerful.

Light magic in Elves, Dark magic in Dark Elves. Long life and short life. Beautiful and ugly. Loved and repudiated. Dark Elves are the complete opposite of Elves, as Elves are one of the two most powerful races: Elves and humans. And Dark Elves are the weakest race, with the second weakest being the race of half-humans with characteristics of small animals, like mouse-type half-humans, whose only talent is their speed, and snail-type half-humans, whose only talent is creating super glue with their bodies.

... So underestimated... Mmm...

"A very weak race, the mockery of all races... Well, well. Sounds promising."

"Promising?" said Nerka.

"A race that has never been powerful, there has never been a powerful Dark Elf in history, because even though they are Elves, they only live for 100 years. Can you imagine how powerful they could become thanks to my ability [Double Points] and Drin's and my healing magic? Maybe they can unlock extinct abilities that only they possess, like... I don't know, something related to soul control, shadow magic, or something like that."

"You're too optimistic, cute husband. But if it turns out they can't become powerful even with your help, we would just waste valuable time."

"Hope is all we have left, Nerka, don't be pessimistic. Besides, Kei is right, there has never been a powerful Dark Elf. It's worth a try," said Terkiana.

Dark Elfs, I will place my hope in you.

According to Terkiana, today they are going to auction off 67 criminal slaves, and they have only presented 2 and they are already taking the Dark Elves to the center.

The first two were elderly humans, so they didn't have much value, and now it's the Dark Elves' turn.

At least they are worth more than the elderly ones, even though those elderly ones were in wheelchairs and were over 100 years old... Ah, this world has no mercy on anyone.

"They belong to the most useless race, but at least they can carry luggage! Two Dark Elves! Huh?! What?! Dark Elves are in danger of extinction and we shouldn't sell them?! Oh, what a tragedy, right?! But, to be honest, no one cares if they disappear! Or am I wrong?!"

People started laughing.

Tsk. Idiots. And your joke wasn't funny, they're only laughing because they want to fuck you.

"Just because they are considered inferior... Damn, this world is really weird."

A magical screen appeared over the sand with their information.

Let's see... Well, they're not ugly, but not beautiful either. A 6 out of 10. They don't stand out in anything... Or at least that's what most people think. They're perfect! Yes, they're so weak that it's a pity to see them, but if [Double Points] can make an Elf like Terkiana more powerful, who was impossible to increase her power even a little bit, it can make them powerful.

"Terniak is 14 years old and Nirkat is 15!"

Their expressions are so different. Sisters with completely different personalities.

So... cliché...

"Terniak seems like a shy girl, and Nirkat seems like an aggressive girl... Perfect!"

Terniak has a sad expression, and Nirkat seemed angry.

Terniak has short, white hair and blue eyes.

Nirkat has long, white hair and red eyes.

"Cliché appearances... They're perfect."

Clichés are always welcome... Well, only the good ones. They look like important characters! One shy and one aggressive. Cliché characters! They definitely have the potential to become powerful! Maybe they have some secret magic or a unique ability. It's worth the risk!

"We have a gold coin! Does anyone offer more?!"

"Tsk. One gold coin for two lives. This world really needs more rules."

Everyone continues laughing, even Nerka!

"Nerka!" scolded Terkiana.

"I'm sorry, grandma, but... Pffff! Hahahahahaha! What a pathetic status!"

"A status comparable to that of a baby."

Magical power: 10/10

Strength: 45

Intelligence: 30

Agility: 54

Hit points (hp): 50/50

So... low... One mistake in training and they'll die... Is it worth risking their lives for a very risky bet?

... Yes... It's worth a try. After all, they'll die if someone else buys them, and they'll die if I set them free.

It sounds cruel of me, but it's the reality.

Amidst the laughter of the audience, I stand up and throw a bag of coins with great force at that pretty-faced idiot, and one of his bodyguards catches it before it hits him in the face. Tsk. Close call.

People stopped laughing at my action and turned to look at me.

Come on, act like Crisfa.

"Hahahahahaha! Wow, an almost extinct species! I love it! I offer 3,000 gold coins for both!"

"C-Crisfa, the slaves are worth less than 10 coins! You're offering too much!" said Terkiana, very scared, because 3,000 gold coins is an amount that nobody would pay even for a high-ranking slave, as it's like 51,000 dollars in my world!

I'm already regretting it a little, but it's a price to pay to draw attention. This way, Crisfa's fame will spread faster, and I'll catch the attention of powerful adventurers from all over the world.


You rushed to prevent me from changing my mind, huh? You're not that stupid, pretty face.

"I'm sorry, babies, but Crisfa doesn't buy cheap things."

Ahhhhhhh! Why did I design it this way....?! Huh?

Someone grabbed my arm. Seriously? Things were going so well.

I turned to look at the woman who is about to regret doing this.

"Hey, pretty boy, who do you work for? Work for me, I'll pay you well."

... She's caressing my butt... Normally, I would get very shy, but her action just disgusts me, mainly because of her repulsive expression. That psychopathic smile while she licks my cheek just makes me feel secondhand embarrassment. Even Terkiana and Nerka know how pathetic this woman is, and that's why they don't help me, because they know I'll enjoy seeing her suffer. I'm a Molfer, after all.

"I don't work for anyone. I'm my own boss and a Class B adventurer."

"Class B? Pffff. Hahahahahaha!"

The woman started laughing at me. You don't believe me, huh? Better for me, that will make what I'm going to do to you more satisfying.

"How funny you are!"

"You amuse me, huh? Your face amuses me too."


She grabbed me by the neck and choked me... Nah, not even a hint of fear. How pathetic.

"Violence is prohibited at the auction!" said the pretty face.

Don't worry, bro, this will end soon.

The woman stomped the ground with force and slightly destroyed it... But very little. Pffff. Was I supposed to be scared by that? A crack in the ground? Oh no, I'm so scared. Hahahahahaha!

"I'm not in the mood for your jokes, inferior!"

"Oh, are you trying to threaten me with that? How inexperienced."

I raised my hand and smiled at her.

"That's how you threaten someone."

I created a very small fireball, which made everyone laugh.

"Hahahahahaha! What? Was I supposed to be scared by that?"

"No, but this will scare you."

Quickly, the fireball began to grow at an incredible rate, casting its shadow over a quarter of the coliseum, and this woman let go of me trembling, as the heat she feels is real, not just some illusion magic.

The woman started shaking and fell to the ground.



I threw the fireball into the air, and as it reached a certain height, it began to fall.

I glanced at Terkiana and Nerka. The auction security surrounded me, and they were preparing to fight, but it won't be necessary.

I snapped my fingers and the fireball began to change shape. Now it took the form of a woman.

Not only am I powerful, but I also have perfect control over my magic power. I am out of your reach, cutie.

"As you can see, I can perfectly control my magical power."

The fire woman grabbed the girl's body with her huge hand and lifted her off the ground.

"Let me go!"

"That's enough!" - a woman shouted, pointing her sword near my neck.

I previously investigated the members of the auction organization. The security of the place is led by Samantha Crooge, one of my mother's subordinates. Ah, I hope my mother did me the favor I asked her a long time ago.

"Code 827: Sei Molfer is my Goddess and I must always obey her."




"Chersy is a piece of crap and even Crisfa, a man, could defeat her."

Upon hearing the end of our code exchange, she and the other security women knelt before me, surprising the woman who thought they would save her.

I just hope that news about Chersy doesn't spread. I don't want to have problems with her or my half-sister. They may be less powerful than my mother, but Chersy is one of the few women in the world who has put up a fight against my mother, and my half-sister... Well... I don't know much about her, but I'd rather not take any risks.

If Chersy was able to put up a fight against my mother, and considering that my mother defeated Near, and twice! I can't imagine defeating her. And that crazy fight to the death, she won't hesitate to kill me.

Ah, mother, the code you created will get Crisfa in trouble. You can't do me a favor without screwing up my life, huh?

"Kei Molfer's guest, you have 5 minutes."

"I only need a few seconds."

Anyway, let's get back to the fun.

"I can also control fire. You're not burning, are you?"

"What...? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!"

The woman started screaming in pain.

"Now, yes."- I said, smiling.

She sexually harassed me, but now she's bald because her hair burned and has severe burns all over her body.

Yes, I am satisfied.

The fire disappeared and the woman fell to the ground.

She's losing consciousness.

I approached her before she faints, crouched down, and placed my hand on her chin, applying healing magic to heal her burns, avoiding her death.

I don't kill innocents, but if I find out that you have killed an innocent person, I will come back for you.

"Never judge someone by appearance, idiot."

I returned the lick she gave me on the cheek.

"Hiiiii!" - She screamed, gritting her teeth, full of fear and desperation.

Oh, are you traumatized already? Poor thing.

"It could cost you your life."

... What's that smell...? Uwaaaah! She's peeing out of fear!

She fainted... Oh, I feel bad now. My Molfer blood got out of control!

"S-shit, I went too far! I'm sorry!"

"That's right, boss, that's how it's done!"- Nerka shouted, raising her thumb.

Terkiana smiled at me and said something by moving her mouth without speaking.

I think she said, "Crisfa is not a Kei Molfer."

Ah... I'm not an actor!

While Kei leaves the auction to avoid getting into more trouble, Cris was walking through a forest, along with Sline, her faithful companion, each reading a newspaper.

"Tsk. Kei Molfer didn't manage to defeat Sei Molfer, but Sei Molfer didn't discover him either. It's a shame, but at least the information we obtained in that village was very valuable, Cris."

"That Kei is a pain in the balls..."

Sline looked at her, narrowing her eyes, and Cris cleared her throat.

"I mean, a pain in the butt. He was lucky that maid saved him."

"Much better."

Sline tucked the newspaper away and took out a map.

"Well, the Dwarf village is a bit far. I think we'll get there tomorrow if we keep walking... Wouldn't it be better to fly?"

"I've already told you, we can't fly. We must hide our magical power. The rumors say that there are some demons here, we mustn't let our guard down. I already made a mistake with Kei, I won't make another mistake."

"What if the boy in the Dwarf village is a demon and not Kei?"

"Then we'll leave immediately."

"I see... And why don't we fly?"

"... Do you have a bad memory or are you teasing me?"

"I'm teasing you." - Sline said, smiling.

Cris returned the smile and petted her head.

"Alright, seriously, I have a question, Cris."

"Tell me."

"Why don't we fly?"

"It's not funny anymore."

"Fufu. At least I tried."

Sline turned back into a Slime and jumped onto Cris' head.

"Onward, towards that powerful boy with black hair from the rumors!"

"Onward!" - Cris shouted, raising her right arm.

(I invite you to read "A Romantic Comedy with a Ghost Girl," my favorite novel. Available in my profile.)