
I am an inferior being with the skill to seduce women. (Re-written.)

I was summoned as a hero along with 9 girls, in a world governed by women and men are treated as inferior. As I did not receive any divine power, they treated me as a loser and tried to take advantage of me. I escaped and now I must survive in a wild and dangerous world.... But thanks to a homeless man, I will be able to survive. I will study in a school of magic and become the best adventurer in the world. And I will use my power to get powerful companions. What does my power consist of? Basically, I can seduce women easily.

AngelPikas2 · Fantasy
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81 Chs

CHAPTER 45.5 - Cris' Past is... Boring? Part 2

CHAPTER 45.5 - Cris' Past is... Boring? Part 2

(Pov - Cris)

Kei is the love of my life.

When I met him, I fell in love with him. Love at first sight. We were still little kids, I didn't even know I was gay, but since I met him, I couldn't stop thinking about him, and over time I realized that what I felt was not just friendship or admiration, it was love.

He was kind, polite, intelligent, and cute. I wanted to be his friend, so I approached him.

I never imagined that we would become best friends. Inseparable friends.

I knew he wasn't gay... I was scared... I could never confess my feelings to him... What if he rejected me and stopped talking to me? I was afraid that would happen. He was... No... He is my best friend, and I preferred to continue being his best friend than to confess my feelings and ruin our beautiful friendship. But now I am a woman, if I see him again, I can tell him everything I feel for him.

When he died, I felt like a part of me died too... I didn't want to accept it... I definitely didn't want to accept it... But thanks to that God, I had the opportunity to reunite with him... And I became a woman... I could make him fall in love... I could confess my feelings... But until now, I haven't... I can't find him. I don't know where he is.

I spent 5 years in a forest, eating dead animals and absorbing their abilities. Five long and lonely years in a forest, just eating, but it was worth it because all those monsters allowed me to become powerful.

When I became strong, I started hunting animals and eating them.

I learned to take human form and left the forest.

I became an adventurer and my skills improved drastically.

I could easily get the location of powerful monsters in the guild. I defeated them and ate them to absorb their abilities.

Basically, what I did every day was eat, eat, and eat.

I had to be powerful. I wanted to be of help to the heroes. I wanted Kei to fall in love with me... But all that work was useless, at least until now.

When I left the forbidden continent and arrived in Desmol, I discovered that Kei had disappeared. The official information was that the hero named Kei didn't have what it takes to be a hero and ran away. I wanted to find him, but the world is huge. It would take too much work... That's why I decided to offer my help to the heroes. If I helped them, the chances of finding him increased. Unfortunately, I couldn't trust any of them. I felt a bad feeling when I was with them. Fravi was my enemy... I couldn't trust them. I could only trust Kei.

I hoped Kei Molfer was Kei... But unfortunately, he wasn't... He was an enemy... He worked for the demons... I won't forgive him... He doesn't deserve to be called Kei... He doesn't deserve to resemble him... I will kill him!

"Do you have any last words?"

I have my right foot on Kei's body.

I knew it, they're weak. They'll never be able to defeat me. I admit that Kei turned out to be a little more powerful than I imagined, but he's still weak to me. I defeated him.

I used my [Clone] ability to create 2 clones before starting to fight because I knew perfectly well that they could defeat me if I fought against all of them at the same time. I divided myself so that Kei Molfer couldn't rely on the help of his girlfriends.

My power is divided between them, but it was necessary. The cat girl was weak, but I should not be overconfident.

That demon was weak too.

Kei Molfer had good moves, but he was weak too.

I managed to defeat them... Honestly, it was a bit difficult, but not that much. They're weak. Quite weak.

Kei Molfer, you turned out to be a great disappointment. When I investigated, I couldn't help but think that he was my Kei because they were identical. Was it possible that Kei Molfer and Kei Edna not only shared a name but also appearance? I thought it was impossible, but yes, they turned out to be two completely different people.

When I came to this country, I was surprised that Kei Molfer was more popular than the heroes themselves, at least as far as the stories are concerned. In the rest of the world, the heroes are much more famous and completely overshadow Kei Molfer, so I barely discovered his existence. Kei Molfer has won the affection of this country for his donations to orphanages, villages, and for using his healing magic for free on people who really need it. I really thought he was Kei Edna because my Kei would do what Kei Molfer did, but Kei Molfer turned out to be garbage.

Kei Molfer has two girlfriends and is an ally of the demons. Kei Edna wouldn't have two girlfriends. Kei Edna wouldn't be on the side of the demons. Kei Molfer only pretends to be a good person so that they don't suspect his true identity. Kei Molfer is a demon.

He's not using transformation magic, so possibly the demons created a baby and modified it to grow up identical to the hero Kei, and then swapped that baby for Sei Molfer's baby, which is why Kei Molfer, a man, became powerful because he's not human, he's a demon.

Why would they give him Kei's appearance? I have several theories in mind, but the main one would be that they did it to confuse the heroes. Surely they gave him that appearance so that the heroes would believe he is the reincarnation of the hero Kei, but that plan would go to hell now that the real hero Kei has returned. Now that Kei Molfer proved that he's not the hero Kei, he could gain the trust of the heroes and get information. Kei Molfer became friends with the hero Luna, so that's quite possible.

Kei Molfer, honestly, I don't care anymore why you have Kei Edna's appearance because soon you'll be dead.

"You're making a big mistake, beautiful. Why don't we talk calmly over a cup of coffee, gorgeous?"

... Beautiful...? Son of a bitch! I wanted to hear Kei saying that to me, I didn't want to hear it from a cheap copy! Don't you dare try to flirt with me, you damn impostor!

"Shut up, idiot!"

I kicked him in the face. It hurts to kick him. He looks like Kei... But I have to endure it, he's not my Kei. Kei would never flirt shamelessly with a girl, because he always thought that saying such things to a girl he barely knows is disrespectful and could make her uncomfortable. Kei would never say something like that to a girl he barely knows, damn impostor!

The girls, his disgusting and pedophile girlfriends, were on the ground, seriously injured. My clones also had their feet on their bodies.

Tsk. Kei Molfer really is only 12 years old, you fucking pedophile fucks. They are definitely fucking demons.

"Let's finish this, I can't stand seeing you anymore..."

"Infernal fire."


Kei Molfer's body is surrounded by fire, and my foot melts... It melts?! Wait, this is impossible! Does he still have so much power?!


I moved away from him and Kei Molfer slowly got up from the ground.

Impossible. Being able to melt my foot... No... This is impossible... He's not supposed to be so powerful! How did he do it?!

"I'm sorry, I needed time to accumulate magical power. Let's finish this."

Eh? Is he smiling? Does he think he's won...? Eh?

With a quick movement of his hands, he destroyed my clones.

I didn't see him run... I didn't see him move... He destroyed my clones with his hands without any difficulty? But my clones even defeated his girlfriends! How was he able to defeat them with his hands in less than a second?


"Clones disappear when they receive a certain amount of damage. Fire magic is the weakness of Slimes... But you are special. Ordinary fire won't hurt you... That's why I'm using too much magical power to create a more powerful fire."

The fire disappeared.

"But it consumes too much magical power, I can't use it anymore... Drin, Eris, escape!"

"What are you saying?! We won't, darling!"

"Do it!"

Do they think they can escape? I feel sorry for them. Yes, I admit that I was surprised by his speed and magical power, but that was his last card, he has no way out.

"They won't escape..."

Kei Molfer hugged me and smiled at me... Eh? What is he trying to do?

He used his incredible speed to hug me and not attack me. Why? He no longer has enough magical power to use that fire. He himself said he can't use it anymore, and I didn't feel like he was lying. What does he really plan to do?

"Do you want to hurt me?" He said, smiling.

... This is weird. This guy is really weird.

"Yes, I want to see you dead. And don't touch me, you disgust me."

I punched him in the stomach and took his breath away... Seriously, what was he trying to do?

"D-did it not work?"

Did he really plan to attack me with a hug? Is this guy mentally ill? Yes, he's handsome, after all, he looks like my Kei, but that doesn't mean his beauty will make me lower my guard or fall in love with him. You have too much self-esteem, idiot.

"Well... We'll use plan B."

Plan B? Now what will he do?

"And what do you plan to do...?"

He didn't let me finish talking, he moved away from me and took his girlfriends by the arms... Is he trying to escape? Fucking coward.

"Escape like the coward I am!"

Well, well. He admitted it without shame.

He grew wings and flew away... Fairy wings? I can do it too, although my wings are more beautiful.

Two huge angel wings grow on me and I pursue him without any problem. Alright, Sline, hold on a little longer, don't separate from me yet.

"Cris, I'm hungry, finish him quickly," said Sline inside my mind, as we merged to fight.

"Yes, don't worry, this won't take long."

I looked at Kei Molfer's back, who was flying right below me.

"You have no escape."

I caught up with him and hit his back with my right leg.

He fell quickly to the ground and hit it hard... That had to hurt. His body was already very weak and without magical power, so I doubt he used magic to protect his body.

I landed next to them... Is he dead already? He endured quite a bit, but everything has its limit.

"Are you dead already? I'm hungry, I want to eat."

Mmm... No, he's not dead, he's looking at me and winked... Yes, he has mental retardation.

"Hey... Do you remember my plan B? I haven't finished yet," said Kei Molfer, smiling.


Drin, his girlfriend, jumped on me and hit me on the head with her right fist... Is that all?

It went through my head easily, but I'm a Slime, it doesn't affect me. Physical attacks don't affect me.

They're desperate. They're so pathetic.

"Is that all? You guys are desperate, huh? You make me so sad."

Drin smiled... That smile is strange. Does she really think she hurt me?

"I think you forgot about demons' specialty. Fire magic!"

My body began to burn... Literally! What?! How did she do it?!

M-my body is surrounded by fire. How did she do it?! They were supposed to have no magical power! My clones defeated them! Why does she still have so much magical power?!

"I did it..."

Drin almost fell to the ground, but Kei Molfer caught her.

W-what did she do to me? How did she do it?!

"Good job, Drin."

"Thank you... darling..."

Drin closed her eyes and passed out. Hahahahahaha! One less trash, two more to go!

"Cris, you're still on fire, don't get distracted!" Sline shouted at me.

Huh? Eh?! Am I still burning?! B-but Drin passed out! Why is her magic still active?! Is her fire magic that powerful?!

"Why won't it disappear?!"

"You were too confident. You thought we had run out of magical power. You were very wrong. We knew we couldn't easily defeat you, that's why I told them to save 50% of their magical power. Plan A was to fight with basic spells and our fists, to make you think we were weak. And plan B was to use the magical power we had reserved to turn it into fire magic and use it against you. If you were already sure of your victory, you would lower your guard and Eris!"

Eris...? Uwaaaah!

Eris jumped on me and pierced my stomach with her hands. Ahhhhhhhh! I forgot about his girlfriend for listening to his long explanation! I'm an idiot!

"Fire, nya!!"

The heat increased... It really is infernal fire! Shit! Shit, this is bad! I can't get rid of it! My magic is failing! Did they really trick me?! Fucking hell, I'm an idiot! Why did I lower my guard?!

"By the way, in case you're wondering, you can't get rid of the fire because you don't have enough magical power. When your clones disappeared, you lost 66% of your total power. That's a disadvantage of that ability," Kei said, smiling.

I already knew that, but it's the first time it's happened to me, so I didn't remember... That fire must have been very powerful... I'm an idiot. Ahhhhhhhh! I let my guard down!

"I used all my magic... But it was worth it."

H-he's telling the truth. He finally ran out of energy!

Kei fainted and I melted... Oh, I'm also about to lose all my energy. I need to escape! I need water! If I stay here, I'll definitely die!

"Why did this happen to me?!"

"That's why you need to have a strategy, idiot."

"I need water!"

I quickly moved away from her... There's a river nearby. I need to get there fast!

No... Did I lose?! Did I really lose against that cheap copy?!

"Cris, we didn't know their true power and they took advantage of that. We were completely deceived. We're also to blame for not thinking of that possibility."

"I know, Sline. Tsk. Kei Molfer, you'll regret this!"

I'll make your life a living hell! I'll reveal your identity! Everyone will know about your relationship with the demons! And I'll kill you, I promise!!

Eris saw Cris leave and sighed tiredly.

"I don't have the energy to follow her... I'm sorry, Kei. We must retreat."

She carried Kei in her arms and pulled Drin by the arm.

"She was really powerful... The strategy was good, Kei... Well thought out, nya."

She kissed Kei on the mouth and kept walking, leaving a trail of blood behind her.

Kei vs Cris. Result: Victory for Kei, as Cris escaped out of fear of dying.

Kei decided to take the risk and use the strategy of pretending to be weak to ensure his victory, as Cris was an intelligent Slime, a species unknown to Kei, but now that he knows more about Cris, and if this scenario were to repeat itself, there is no doubt that Kei would win, as Cris only had an advantage in this fight because Kei allowed it.